


2010.3.27 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In order to make ourselves happy, we should learn how to make others happy first.(与 3 月 27 日大陆重题, 这是 2008 年 1 月以来的第 7 次同 周末重题) (Leisure) 因果题,利弊类 同意(架桥法解释原因) 1、我们容易被别人的情绪所影响,特别是我们身边的人。 2、让别人高兴我们通常会有一种幸福感和成就感,我们也会为此高 兴;比如热恋中的男女都希望自己能让对方高兴,这是一种幸福和成 就的源泉;又比如子女让父母高兴,子女们也会觉得幸福并有成功, 并为此高兴。 3、让别人高

兴后有时人们会得到回报。比如喜剧演员,让别人高兴 后会得到物质和精神上的双重奖励,会使得他们非常高兴。 1. People are easy to be influenced by others around us, especially the mood. 2. Making others happy can provide us a sense of achievement and delightfulness. 3. In some cases, making others happy first is necessary and awardable. For example, the comedians would get a good pay back both


physically and spiritually after they amuse the audiences.

不同意: (解释原因) 1、想方设法的让别人开心有时是个很困难的事情,甚至有时会让自 己很烦闷,特别是当我们经常试图做这样的事情而又失败的时候;比 如热恋的男人总是想方设法让他的女朋友高兴,然后如果经常不成 功,他就会有挫败感,高兴便无从谈起。 2、对于一些职业的人们来说,使得别人悲伤他们才会高兴。比如悲 剧演员, 当观众哗哗泪流时, 他们就获得了名声、 鲜花、 掌声和收入, 这就会使得他们很高兴。 3、在一些特殊情况下,让别人高兴后可能我们会难过和内疚;比如 犯罪分子要求你满足他的要求,与之同谋,如果满足他让他高兴,我 们反而会内疚和难过。 1. Making others happy is sometimes a tough task. If we fail to do so, we would be frustrated. 2. To some professions, making others sad first can also give people a sense of achievement. For example, the actors who perform tragic roles make great effort to spread the tearful air to the audiences. 3. In some cases, we would feel deeply regretful after we fulfill others’ needs. For instance, we should never make the bad people happy. Fulfilling those bad people’s needs means cause damage to other people.


2010.4.10 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from their own work. (Leisure) 利弊类,万金由 同意 1、释放工作当中的压力,身心愉悦。 (快乐) 2、锻炼身体,保持健康。 (健康) 3、学习到不同领域的知识与技巧。 (学习) 1. Doing physical activities provides people an entrance to relieve our stress. 2. To participate in some activities according to our hobbies gives us a healthier life style. 3. Having hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from our own work can broaden our horizon and make us experience more. 不同意: 1、浪费太多时间,影响事业上的成功。 (成功) 2、花费大量金钱,没有必要。 (经济)


3、工作本来就累了,应该休息,再去进行体育锻炼或者投入自己的 爱好会导致身体疲惫,对健康不利。 (健康) 1. Doing activities that are very different from our own work may cost excessive time, which would have a negative effect on our career. 2. To pursue our hobbies which have no relation with our work needs a large sum of m

oney. 3. Nowadays we usually work very hard to achieve our career goals so that we often feel exhausted after work. If we put our rest time into doing physical activities, we may have not sufficient time to relax ourselves. And the lacking of rest can undermine people’s health.

2010.4.24 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The way a person is dressed in is a good indication (体现)of his/her character or personality. (Work, Education & Leisure) 事实类 同意 (拆分, 思路: 什么样的人穿什么样的衣服体现了什么样的个性) 1、年轻女性穿着鲜艳时尚的衣服展示她们对美的追求。 2、 不同行业中很多人都穿制服来体现他们对职业的热爱以及责任感。


3、孩子们穿着宽松的有卡通图案的衣服来展示他们的可爱。 1. Young girls are paying a lot of attention to the fashion, thus their ways of dressing up indeed indicate their chasing for beauty. 2. Many people choose to wear uniforms, which can show their responsibility and enthusiasm to their occupation. 3. Kids prefer to wear T-shirts with cartoon pictures on them. Their certain dressing ways reflect their lively and lovely feature.

不同意(拆分举反例,很多情况下不是这样的) 1、穿制服的年轻女性很多都是被迫的,他们或许喜欢新潮时尚的衣 服,并不一定热爱他们的职业。 2、演员上台的演出服需要根据他所饰演的角色来决定,虽然这并不 能很好的体现他本人的个性。 3、人们经常会刻意穿着与自己性格不符的衣服,来达到隐瞒自己性 格的效果,达到一些目的;比如一些高傲的政治家可能会可以穿着朴 素的衣服,到社区去参加慈善活动,以此来展现他亲民的一面,而实 际上不是; 又比如一些刚工作的年轻职员会通过穿整齐大方的制服来 展示他们的成熟与自信,而实际上不是; 1. Many young ladies wear uniforms at working places not because they want to, but they are required to do so. Their dressing way cannot indicate their personality. 2. Actors dress …… 此处隐藏:2084字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……

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