


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People who go outside are more successful and happier than people who stay in villages. (Success) 事实类 同意解法 1(分析原因) : 1 出来混的人有更多的经历,他们会有一种成就感。 2 出来混的人有更高的收入,使得他们觉得开心。 3 出来混的人有更多的成功机会,给他们带来成就和幸福。 1. People who go outside can experience much more than those who stay in villages, thus they usually feel a great sense of achievement. 2. People who go outside are comparatively higher paid than those who stay inside. 3. There are always more opportunities in a big city than inside a small village. Consequently, people who choose to go outside would have more chances to achieve success and happiness. 同意解法 2(拆分法:学习工作生活)

不同意解法 1 1、呆村里的人享有更多的闲暇时光,他们更幸福。 2、呆村里的人没有那么大的工作压力,觉得更幸福。 3、呆村里的人同样有可能在农业上获得成功,为社会做贡献,获得


成就感。 1. People who stay inside a village would have more leisure time. 2. The pressure of living in a village is fairly less than living outside. 3. Despite of getting a high salary and promotion opportunities in a company, people in the village are very likely to acquire success in the agricultural world and make great contribution to the society as well. 不同意解法 2(拆分法,学习工作生活)

2010.1.30 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The government should support scientific research that does not have any practical use. (Government) 利弊类,万金由解 同意: 1、在进行科学研究之前,我们有时候无法预知该项科研是否有实用 价值。 2、看似没有实际用途的研究可能是进行进一步科学研究的准备。 3、它可能解释了有趣的现象,满足了人们的好奇心,让更多的人对 科学感兴趣,促进科学的发展。 1. It is impossible for us to predict whether a scientific project has


practical use or not before we actually

do the research. 2. There are some projects seemingly practical useless, in fact, these researches are of great fundamental importance for the next step of further scientific study. 3. The practical use is not only limited to “making money”, therefore we cannot label “useless” to some research. The reason is that some research may well interpret some unusual phenomenon, fulfill people’s curiosity, and attract more people to pay attention to the development of science.

不同意: 1、浪费资源和金钱。 2、没有实用价值的科研成果难以得到社会的认可和回报,科学家难 以获得成就感,使得他们进行科学研究的热情减退。 3、加重纳税人的负担,而纳税人却得不到实际回报,会让人质疑政 府的权威。 1. Supporting scientific research that does not have any practical use for our government is a waste of time and money. 2. The scientific research without high practical use would not be well recognized by our society. Having not received the social approval, scientists may lose their passion for doing the deeper research. 3. The money which our government invests into the scientific projects


is mainly from taxes. Supporting practical useless research would cost an extra considerable sum of money, which in turn greatly burdens taxpayers.

2010.2.13 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team. (Success) 事实类 同意解法 1(分析原因) 1、持有不同意见会导致他们沟通困难,无法合作。 2、持有不同意见会使得人们浪费很多时间在说服对方上。 3、持有不同意见所产生的不和会导致团队,导致办事效率低下。 1. Holding different views adds extra difficulty to communication and corporation for a team. 2. A team should finally come out one decision, and because of this, team members will spend a lot of time and efforts in trying to persuade others. 3. Holding differing views can significantly influence the spirit and morale of a team, and then reduce the efficiency of team work. 同意解法 2(按行业拆分)


不同意解法 1 1、持有不同意见的人之间也可以为了共同的目标而良性合作,走向 成功。 2、持有不同意见的人之间可能会有良性竞争,提高了他们的积极性 和工作效率。 3、成功的路径不只一条。持有不同意见的人可能殊途同归,通过努 力都获得了成功。 1. Chasing the same goal could lead people, even those who hold different views, to maintain a good relationship during the team work. 2. Having a healthy competition can increase the team members’ enthusiasm and efficiency. 3. As an old saying goes, “every road leads to Rome”. As long as we make great efforts, even though we hold different views with each other, we can still make it. 同意解法 2(按行业拆分)

2010.2.27 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

All high-school students should take basic economic courses. (Education)

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