"Cloak any venality" is the key phrase, which roughly translated means hide any wrongdoing. Therefore, if the company knew, or had an inkling, it was being investigated for fraud, it would have been careful, or been more diligent, to cover up any wrongdoing.
13The recent spate of quality television dramas—while clearly indebted to the cinematic idiom of the 1970’s—represents a(n) ______________ achievement: never before has any video medium been called on to sustain a narrative for 100 plus hours.
groundbreaking incalculableunambiguousunprecedentedspotty
Text Explanation
Answers: (D), (F)
The clue here is "never before...", which best points at (D) and (F).
(C) and (A) could work, independently, but they do not create synonymous sentences.
14Attempting to quell the unrest, the mayor, addressing the gathering mob, highlighted the very grievances that had initially inflamed people’s temper, thereby ________ provoking the collective wrath.
noticeably directlydecisivelyinadvertentlysubtly
Text Explanation
(A) unwittingly and (D) inadvertently are the correct answers. The clues are “Attempting to quell... provoke wrath”.
The mayor attempted to ease the unrest but instead he accidentally or
unintentionally made things worse. Therefore answers have to be similar to unintentionally so (A) unwittingly and (D) inadvertently are the answers.
15.The chairman of the board, sensing that any effort was futile, became _____ the company’s plight, and only shrugged his shoulders when the shareholders notified him that the corporation was insolvent.