Blank (iii)
Text Explanation
Answers: (C), (F), (I)
A good way to approach this text completion is working with the second blank first. A theory can always be… . Thus no theory is (F) unassailable. Can always be subject… also informs the third blank. Therefore, every theory is (I)
provisional, meaning existing in the present but able to be changed at some point in the future. Finally, this helps with the first blank. The absence of (C) irrefutable proof, or a perfect proof, is not a problem, as a theory can always be tested further.
3 For charities operating in the developing world, when noble impulses (i) ______________ into mere (ii) ______________, vapid slogans rear their heads and we witness a further deterioration in the very situation such high-mindedness had initially sought to (iii) ______________.
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
Blank (iii)
Text Explanation
Answers: (A), (D), (I)
"Noble impulses" lead to "vapid slogans" so we have a deterioration, or (A), in the situation. (B) only means to change in a neutral fashion. So (A) is the better word.
"Vapid slogans" match best with (D), which means wildly impractical. (E) is too negative. That is, slogans without real meaning aren't an example of fraud. For the final blank, such high-mindedness/noble impulses had hoped to do good before the deterioration. Therefore, (I) works best.