

模拟联合国立场文件 常用词汇 集锦系列1


pertaining to...和 ...相关

Supervising the application of international conventions and agreements dealing with...

对 ...问题的国际决议和管理实行监管

it is empowered to consider all matters pertaining to ...被授权考查和...有关的全部事宜

monitors the implementation of ...监管... 的执行

enlarged the membership of the Commission 扩大委员会的席位

invites unrealistic expectations and projects that are primed to fail. 做出了不切实际的预期和计划,而这些都注定是要失败的

drugs fan/fuel armed conflicts 毒品引起了(煽动了)武装冲突

fixing a period of A years for B as deadlines 为B事业设定了一个长达A年的截止日期

the marriage of A and B Development was maintained throughout C 在C项事业的过程中,A和B达到了完美的结合

welcomes a global approach to A拥护全球同步地做A项事业或措施

commits member states to working closely with C 要求成员国与C组织或行动紧密合作

develop strategies with a view to doing C 着眼于解决C事业而提出战略或者措施

resort to 诉诸于

to promote options of C 加强C项行动或者措施

A Development alone is not enough 单独的一个A项发展计划是远远不够的

contain the spread of A 遏制A 的扩散

baneful result 令人头疼的结局


模拟联合国立场文件 常用词汇 集锦系列1

more so in Asia 这种情况在亚洲尤甚

has a substantial influence on government policy and legislation. 对政府决策和立法有实质性(重大)的影响

Key to this is 取得成功的关键在于

evolve in parallel with C 与C同步发展(并驾齐驱)

initiated dramatic changes 引发了(开创了)引人瞩目的变革

willingly comply with 欣然/自觉遵守

it turned out that the situation is far more complex.事实证明,事态远没有那么简单(事态异常的复杂)

The implementation of A has faced with many different challenges and obstacles A项事业或行动的执行遭遇到了挑战和障碍/挫折/困难

The popularity of A stems partly from C

A的流行/盛行/风靡 是因为 C (可以是A 的特质)

A demonstrates a great tolerance to B A 显示出了对C的极大的容忍 尤其指植物对于自然环境的适应 行为对于社会环境的依附

pose a severe constraint on 严重约束/限制了

Another factor that contributes to the A is 另外一个导致A结果的原因是

given (the fact) that B 在现实的B情况下

lessons from past projects have made haste a taboo 从以前的方案得到的教训就是 不能操之过急

constrict the extent of outreach 限制延伸的程度

To date,至今为止

notwithstanding A 尽管有A 这样的状况 A多为名词如国际社会的努力 undermine sustainable development 破坏了可持续发展

look at C from a broader perspective 从更宽广的视角来看C问题 大外模联材料

模拟联合国立场文件 常用词汇 集锦系列1

And it is widely observed that业界广泛认为

A has been documented in B countries of the world A现象已经在全球B之多的国家出现/发生

A is responsible for an increasing number of C A 是C 持续增长的罪魁祸首

A makes up a sizeable proportion of C A占了C 相当大的比重

A poses threat to C A对C造成威胁


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