第34卷 第1期 2010年1月 电 网 技 术 Power System Technology Vol. 34 No. 1
Jan. 2010
文章编号:1000-3673(2010)01-0031-05 中图分类号:TM 744 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470 4054
(清华大学 电机工程与应用电子技术系,北京市 海淀区 100084)
A Modified Soft Phase Lock Loop Algorithm Improving the Performance in
Dynamic Phase Tracking and Detection of Unbalanced Voltage
YUAN Zhi-chang, SONG Qiang, LIU Wen-hua
(Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing 100084, China)
ABSTRACT: Phase detection of power grid voltage is the base of control. soft phase lock loop (SPLL) detection is convenient for digital realization and suitable to the occasions where voltage distortion exists. In this paper, some problems that have to be faced with in the application of SPLL to static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) are analyzed, and two improvements of SPLL are proposed. The first one is removing the filtering function of lead-leg element into the prepositive delayed signal cancellation (DSC) element to remedy the difficulty in deciding its parameters; the second one is directly taking the post-PI regulation output of q-axis voltage as error signal of phase to call off the forward integrating element. The modified SPLL possesses better performance in dynamic phase tracking and detection of unbalanced voltage. Such a conclusion is verified by digital simulation.
KEY WORDS: phase detection; soft phase lock loop (SPLL); static synchronous compensator (STATCOM); delayed signal cancellation (DSC); forward integration; dynamic phase tracking; detection of unbalanced voltage
摘要:相位检测是控制系统的基础,软锁相环检测适用于电压畸变场合,便于数字化实现。分析了软锁相环应用于静止同步补偿器时面临的若干问题,并提出了2方面的改进方案:一是针对超前/滞后环节参数选取困难的问题,将其滤波功能转移到前置延时信号消除环节中;二是q轴电压经PI调节的输出直接作为相位的误差信号,减少了前向积分环节。通过仿真实验证明改进后的软锁相环在动态相位跟踪及不平衡电压检测等方面的性能有显著改善。 基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973项目) (2004CB217907)。
The National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program) (2004CB217907).
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电网电压相位是静止同步补偿器(static synchronous compensation,STATCOM)控制的基本依据,对装置性能有重要的影响,它根据电网电压和逆变器输出电压之间相移角的变化来控制注入电网无功的变化,满发无功时相移角为1°~2°,快速准确地检测电网电压的相位是保证STATCOM正常运行的关键条件之一。另外在电网发生扰动时,电压会出现畸变,快速实现正负序电压的提取及各自相位的检测往往是确保保护装置自身安全并尽可能发挥无功补偿作用的前提。由此可见,STATCOM装置对相位检测环节的性能要求很高。
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