

of our friendship.

2. 这项协议将为两国间的持久和平铺平道路。

This agreement will pave the way for a lasting peace between the two countries.

3. 他们通常要等你开始放松警惕,才提出他们的要求。

They usually don’t mention their requirements until you are beginning to let your defenses down.

4. 要有勇气面对自己的失误,不要出了问题就想把责任推到别人身上去。

You should have the courage for face your own mistakes. Don’t try to shift the blame onto others when things go wrong.

5. 如果你经常担惊受怕,你会发现这本书很有帮助。

If you are more often than not affected by fear and worry, you will find this book very useful.

6. 我既然接受了这个职位,就会尽自己的所能完成本职工作。

Now that I have accepted the position, I shall certainly do to the best of my ability all that is required of me.

7. 如果你每天要做的事情没有计划,你就很可能做不了多少事。

If you don’t have a plan of what you will do every day, chances are high that you won’t do much.

8. 真是英雄所见略同啊,你的想法跟他的完全一致呢。

Great minds think alike. Your ideas are completely in line with his.

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