between the two libraries is not only conducive to international protection and restoration of ancient manuscripts, but also contributes immensely to global research in this area.
From 2006 on, the British Library became a beneficiary of the "Window to China" project
sponsored by the National Library of China and has received 3,500 books by far. These books have
become an important resource for British readers to understand China and appreciate Chinese culture. 我祝愿中英两国图书馆在图书交换、学术研究、技术研发等领域的交流与合作能取得更多丰硕成果,为两国公众开启更多认识和了解彼此的窗口,为促进两国人民之间的友谊做出更大贡献。
While celebrating the "Window to China", I hope libraries of our two countries will work together to open up more windows for people to better understand each other and contribute more to