第五章 设计船舶的风险与船东批准图纸


第五章 设计船舶的风险与船东批准图纸


这里简单介绍造船合约的要旨,例如在NEWBUILDCON就说明船厂所要做的就是: “the Builder shall design, construct, test and survey, launch, equip, complete, sell and deliver the Vessel to the Buyer all in accordance with good international shipbuilding and marine engineering practice;”(船厂必须设计、建造、测试与检查、下水、装置设备、完成、出售与交付船舶给买方并依照国际上良好的造船与海事工程做法)


“the Buyer shall purchase, take delivery and pay for the Vessel.”(买方必须购买、接收交付并对船舶进行支付)


上述NEWBUILDCON的文字清楚说明了船厂有设计的责任,这是在另外一种标准造船格式SAJ中没有提到的。SAJ的相关序言只提到了建造、下水、装置设备、完成、出售与交付船舶给买方(In consideration of the mutual convenants herein contained, the BUILDER agrees to build, launch, equip and complete at its … and sell and deliver to the BUYER …)。但会有情况是在双方订约时,船东会要求去在SAJ的标准条文中加上“设计”一词。如果没有去加上,设计的风险谁属就要看英国法律(如果造船合约适用英国法)的默示地位,这在稍后会介绍。

2. 设计不妥的定义

设计主要是表现在图纸(drawings)所包含与传达的技术性的想法,正如在Malcolm Clarke所著的《Shipbuilding Contracts》一书第77页对其的定义如下:

“The design is an intellectual achievement giving a technical definition of a physical product and may also include instructions on the method to be applied in the execution of the work. The design is thus a technical idea—or complex of technical ideas—which may be communicated to others as the design is expressed in drawings, technical specifications, etc. The design, however, is not the drawings as such, but the technical ideas contained therein.”

设计不妥可以发生在许多方面,包括船舶或者她的主机、辅助机器、舵机、舱盖等等。例如在设计上它的强度或者稳定性不足,反正按照该设计建造出来都会有同样的毛病。它与工艺不善(bad workmanship)或材料不善(faulty materials)在造船是有一个传统明显的分别。设计不妥是针对准备船舶的规范说明与图纸(preparations of specifications and drawings/plans),而工艺与材料不善涉及了去执行该些船舶规范说明与图纸的时候出错。Barker v. Lull Engineering Company Inc, Supreme Court of California, 1978案例有针对这两者分别的论述,如下:

“A manufacturing or production defect is readily identifiable because a defective product is one that differs from the manufacturer s intended result or from other ostensibly identical units of the same product line … A design defect, by contrast, cannot be identified simply by comparing the injury-producing product with the manufacturer s plans or with other units of the same product line, since by definition the plans and all such units will reflect the same design.”

针对设计不妥,Kennedy大法官在Jackson v. Munford (1902) 8 Com Cas 61先例中说是指涉及了设计人自己的错误判断,而照此设计生产出了的主机本身是完全没有问题,有关的工艺也是完全没有问题,可以说整个建造是完全照足设计人的期望:

“… the erroneous judgment of the designer as to the effect of the strain which his machinery will have to resist, the machinery itself being faultless, the workmanship faultless, and the construction precisely that which the designer intended it to be.”

设计不妥除了会出大事情之外,也经常会出现。在一些针对岸上的建筑所作的统计,发觉因为设计不妥而导致的索赔在索赔总数中占很大的比例,例如是54%在一个香港的调查:Kumaraswamy, Mohan M, “Common categories and causes of construction claims” (1997) 13 Const LJ 21。这调查虽然不是针对造船,但估计有一定的参考价值。


设计的问题要去针对应该是十分重要,它涉及了几个方面,例如是针对设计的知识产权。但更重要的就是设计不妥所带来的合约或侵权问题,而这种问题会是十分严重。设计不妥的问题可能会在建造中途就会出现,例如听说大连一个船厂曾经为一家欧洲船东建造两艘化学品船舶,结果因为设计问题,主机无法装进船壳而造成了严重的延误与需要重新设计。但很多时候设计不妥的问题根本在建造与交船的时候看不出来,在将来的营运中才会出现大问题。例如在著名的油污事件The “Amoco Cadiz” (1984) 2 Lloyd s Rep. 304,该轮在1978年3月份装了121,157吨燃油在快将通过英伦海峡的时候舵机突然失灵,在法国海岸搁浅,导致了船舶全损与十分严重的油污。法国政府在美国提出起诉,索赔巨额赔偿,而被告是船东、美国船级社、西班牙船厂,等。美国法院最后的认定是

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