


Little lamb and the wolf

This is a little lamb. /This is a cat. /This is a dog. /This is a horse. This is an elephant.

They are good friends.

They are playing together.

Little lamb: "Oh, I’m thirsty. Good-bye."

Little lamb comes to a river.

She is drinking water.

A wolf comes.

Wolf:"Who is drinking from my river? Oh, it's you, little lamb. I'm going to eat you tonight."

Little lamb is very scared.

She is crying.

Little lamb: What shall I do?

Friends:"why are you crying?"

Little lamb: The wolf is going to eat me tonight.

Cat: Don’t be scared.

Dog: I’ll help you.

Horse: Me, too.

Elephant: Me, too.

It's night.

It's very dark.

Cat: I'll hide by the stove.

Dog: I’ll hide behind the door.


Horse: I’ll hide behind the house.

Elephant: I’ll hide by the tree.

The wolf comes.

Wolf: It’s so dark. I can't see anything. I’ll light a candle. The wolf walks to the stove.

Cat: Meow

The cat rushes out. He scratches the wolf’s face. Wolf: Ouch!

He runs out.

Dog: Wow Wow.

The dog rushes out.

The dog bites the wolf on his leg.

Wolf: Ouch!

The horse rushes out.

The horse kicks the wolf.

Wolf: Ouch!

The elephant rush out.

The elephant throws the wolf into the river.

Wolf: Whoops.

He can't swim.

The wolf is dead!

Friends: Yeah!

They play again.

They have a good time.

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