

中 文 摘 要


关键字:网络 中小型企业 组网 路由 交换 局域网 广域网


Since the 20th century, computer networks, not since the birth of 60 years, only a few years time, that is extraordinarily rapid pace up, were more widely used in political, economic, military, manufacturing and various fields of science and technology . In today's society and the future, who is faster access to information resources, who will be able to more effectively use information resources, who will be able to dominate all competition, with the development of computer networks and the popularity of broadband access, various the emerging network applications, computer applications in all areas of society and the impact has already penetrated into the people in all aspects of work and life. Current economic and social development in China has been crucial to the strategic position occupied small and medium enterprises, because of the lack of understanding of network technology, vendors are usually the most expensive of the generally used, the device is best, highly redundant technology to to do the project design, the overall profit will be for the purpose of the program, often a large number of programs designed equipment idle, and the corporate demand and cost control for a variety of factors into account, hope the plan to satisfy the demand while controlling costs, redundant as far as possible while providing investment protection and facilitate the expansion of the follow-up demand, vendors and business needs of this program had a conflict, how to design a cost-effective, more suitable for small and medium enterprises is inevitable network solution is the subject line, this program is designed to provide small and medium enterprises of all current and future network construction has got to the guidance and reference value, is also the graduate design program's main purpose and value. In this paper the specific case of a company in Dongguan to illustrate the financial capacity of small and medium enterprises and the needs of the enterprise network analysis, design for small and medium enterprise networking solutions. Essential to the formation of a campus-wide enterprise, wide area network access, remote access, data, server farms and other Internet-wide, enterprise of all kinds of computers, servers, terminal equipment and, through a certain interface to connect to WAN.

Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprises group of network LAN WAN network from the exch






面对着激烈的市场竞争,公司对信息的收集、传输、加工、存储、查询、预测、决策及即时的交流、沟通等工作量越来越大,原来的电脑出于网络技术或是安全性等因素考虑,一直只是停留在单机工作的模式,各部门及科室间的数据不能实现共享,致使工作效率大大下降,纯粹手 …… 此处隐藏:10214字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……

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