2012雅思口语话题范文 Weather-智课教育出国考试
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2012雅思口语话题范文 Weather-智课教育出国考试雅思口语考试中关于天气Weather题经常出现,考官一般会问你家乡的天气情况,你最喜欢的季节等等。下面为大家整理了雅思口语考官关于这类话题的具体问题及参考答案,考生可以提前看一下,再根据自己的实际情况来组织新的回答内容和思路。
What's the weather usually like in your hometown?
The weather is quite extreme here, actually. I mean it's humidand scorching in summer and freezing cold in winter. Althoughspring and autumn are rather mild and delightful, they arenormally too short even to notice.
What season do you like best? What do you do in that
My favorite season is winter. I usually enjoy snowflakes andplay snowballs. I like to take a hot spring bath or make amassage in winter. Well, that would be fantastic!
What season do you think is most suitable for work andstudy?
It must be the autumn. That is a joyful season with beautifulsceneries. Autumn weather is unpredictable and beautiful. It isthe transition from hot to cold weather. Trees bare their leaves,birds migrate south and the nights are cool.
Has the weather in your country changed much in the pastfew years?
Yes, the weather in summer becomes hotter and muggierand the winter in Wuhan becomes chillier.
Describe the four seasons in your hometown.
In winter, it has snow and everything is covered in white. Inspring, it's beautiful and all the flowers are in bloom, plus
everything is green over again. In fall, all the leaves turn orange,red, and yellow, so it looks gorgeous. But summer sucks herebecause of the stupid hot weather you can't play sports without
sweating buckets, you get hot and easily irritable and you can'tdo anything about it.
Is there any season you dislike?
I don't really like winter, especially the one in my hometown.Coz winter here is very windy and humid. The temperature is notas low as many northern cities but it feel a bit unbearable. Myhands and feet are always freezing cold during the season and Ifeel miserable to struggle through the harsh and friendlesswinter.
Would you prefer to have the same climate all year, or aplace that has different seasons?
I'd prefer a place with different season coz only in this waycan the landscape in the city be different. If it's all the same allyear round, it would be too dull I'm afraid. Also when it hasdifferent seasons, I guess it's better for people's adaption andhealth as well.
How is the weather here different to the weather in yourhome country?
I live in a place where it has the same climate all year andusually it is extremely hot in summer, but the weather here isdifferent in four seasons.
Are there any bad points about the weather in your city?The other three seasons are beautiful here, but summersucks here because of the stupid hot weather you can't playsports without sweating buckets, you get hot and easily irritableand you can't do anything about it.
What is the typical weather in China like?
In winter, it has snow and everything is covered in white. Inspring, it's beautiful and all the flowers are in bloom, plus
everything is green over again. In fall, all the leaves turn orange,red, and yellow, so it looks gorgeous. In summer, it is hot andrains a lot.
How does the weather affect people?
Weather affects people's lives to a large extent. Apparently,outdoor activities in winter are limited. It seems winter only goodfor watching the 1st snow fall but you have to shovel snow afterthen. However, there is so much more to do during the summerlike playing games outside, going to the beach and the pool,getting tan or eating ice cream on a warm summer night.
Do you always pay attention to the weather forecast?
I used to use Yahoo widgets, which sits on my desktop andtell me weather information. It looks great but it is always wrong.Right now we have brilliant sunshine, but according to Yahooweather, it's raining. This happens every day! Where the hell dothey get their data form? I give up the weather forecast nowbecause it's totally unreliable!
Can you give any examples of unusual weather?
For once, the weather in Beijing had been decidedly odd. Ithas remained in the 35 degree by day, and it went down to 15degree at night. Moreover, in mid-afternoon, mid-august, there'sa cold rain falling outside. It's the kind of weather no expects inearly October.
In China, are there ever any problems caused by the
If there is a snow storm plane cannot land in the airport.Also, poor weather brings allergens such as pollen and weedswhich make people feel ill.
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