学生姓名:________________ 年级:____________学号: _____________ 班级代号:_______________ 考试地点: 授课教师:
Part I Listening (40%)
Section 1 Long Conversations (10%)
Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear five questions. Both the conversations and the the best answer from the four choices.
Conversation 1
1. A) It is exaggerated.
B) It is self-important.
C) It is a move toward the concepts she teaches.
D) It doesn’t give a clear idea of what the department does.
2. A) She didn’t agree with him.
B) It illustrates one of her basic ideas.
C) The man was an expert on people management.
D) It shows how some people do not understand people management.
3. A) Worrying can cause needless stress.
B) It is important to remember other things as well.
C) They can stop you thinking about more basic things.
D) We can’t solve them, so there’s no point in worrying.
4. A) Completely.
B) In no way at all.
C) With respect to relationships.
D) With respect to professional questions.
5. A) By giving them a written warning.
B) By sacking people who break the rules.
C) By following organizational procedures.
D) By understanding the employee’s personal circumstances.
Conversation 2
6. A) Sarcastic.
B) Humorous.
C) Indifferent.
D) Matter-of-fact.
7. A) She was talking about suicide literally.
B) She was talking about smoking literally.
C) She wanted to be left alone by saying so.
D) She was talking about both smoking and her life.
8. A) None of them helped her positively.
B) Her mother was too busy to be around her.
C) Her father was the role model she followed.
D) Her friends always cheered her up when she was feeling down.
9. A) She feels less hopeless.
B) She feels she has many dreams.
C) She feels she is not part of this world any more.
D) She feels that her life took the wrong way in the past, but now she wants to make a change for the better.
10. A) He is a psychiatrist.
B) He is a school teacher.
C) He is a policeman in disguise.
D) He is a stranger she just ran into by chance.
Section 2 Compound Dictation (10%)
Directions:following, but with eleven blanks in it. You are required to fill in the first eight
blanks with the exact words you have just heard. For the last three blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Remember, there will be a pause for the last three blanks.
The medical center at New York University is one of the clinical sites for the study. Thirty-nine-year-old Denise Harris is helping researchers gain a better
understanding of the brain. She suffers from epilepsy, and doctors are monitoring her seizures in the hope of performing an operation to minimize them. Her head is
1) ____________. Wires protruding from the side are attached to electrodes
implanted in her brain. Harris says doctors are monitoring her to see whether she is a good candidate for surgery.
"I've been on many medications throughout my life and after a while, they don't work," said Denise Harris. "I still get seizures. So now, when they remove the part that the seizure is 2) ____________ from, it's supposed to stop."
But while Harris is in the hospital, she is also helping scientists understand how the brain comprehends and uses language. For the study, researchers are monitoring the implanted 3) ____________ on a part of the frontal lobe called Broca's area, named after 19th century French physician Pierre Paul Broca. He was the first doctor to recognize the major role of that area in language.
Through the implant process, called Intra-cranial Electrophysiology, or ICE, the researchers have found that Broca's area processes three different language
functions in 4) ____________ ––within a quarter of a second. It is the first time the technique has been used to document how the brain processes grammar and produces words.
Eric Halgren of the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, is one of the 5) ____________ investigators of the study.
"What we were able to find was that within a centimeter, around less than an inch, certainly, and probably half an inch, there were different regions - perhaps they 6) ____________ some ––but they were doing, at different times, different processes, all within this small area."
The first function deals with recognizing a word, the second with understanding the word's context in a sentence, and the third lets us 7) ____________ the word by speaking.
HarvardUniversitybrain expert Steven Pinker is another of the study's authors. Ned Sahin, a 8) ____________ fellow at Harvard and the University of California, San
Diego, School of Medicine was the first author of the paper outlining the work, which was published in the journal Science.
According to Sahin, 9)___________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ _____________.
"Nearly every introductory textbook as well as people practicing in the field in speech pathology, for instance, teach and believe that 10)
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