


IMPROMPTU SPEAKING: Speaking Without Preparation


Warm-up Program:“Pick It Up from Here” SpeechTime Limit: 1 Minute per speaker Number of Speakers: 3 per topic 1st Speaker: a. Determines the topic or subject b. Begins the speech and speaks for the first minute

2nd Speaker: a. Continues from where the first speaker left off b. Speaks for the second minute 3rd Speaker a. Continues from where the second speaker left off b. Speakers for the third minute and concludes the speech


―It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.‖ —Mark Twain


What is an impromptu speech? An impromptu speech is delivered with little or no immediate preparation.


Why learn to speak impromptu? Few people choose to speak impromptu, but sometimes it cannot be avoided. Many of the speeches you give in life will be impromptu. You might be called on suddenly to ―say a few words‖ or, in the course of a class discussion, business meeting, or committee report, want to respond to a previous speaker. If you participate in speech competitions and want to finish near the top, you have to receive high scores for the Impromptu round.


Key to Success Precise thought Clear organization A fund of knowledge


Preparation If time allows, sketch a quick outline of your remarks on a piece of paper before you rise to speak. Use the same method of jotting down key words and phrases followed in a more formal speaking outline (see PPT Note ―A working Outline‖). Maximum advantage


A Working Outline My Speech Topic: State the Specific Purpose of Your Speech Identify the Central Idea: Label the Introduction, Body, and Conclusion INTRODUCTION BODYPoint 1: Support 1: Support 2: Support 3: Short Summary of point 1: Point 2: Support 1: Support 2: Support 3: Short Summary of point 2: Point 3: Support 1: Support 2: Support 3: Short Summary of point 3:

CONCLUSION Summarize why your answer is the best:


Maximum advantage Settle down on two or three major points; Discuss each point clearly and precisely; Support your points as necessary with examples, statistics, or testimony.


PresentationDon’ts (×) Don’t ramble or repeat yourself. Don’t stumble around searching for words. Don’t panic if you misspeak or lose your train of thought during the speech. Never, never apologize or make excuses.


PresentationDos (√) Once you have made a point, move on to the next one. Maintain strong eye contact with the audience and avoid vocalized pauses. If you make a small mistake, chances are that no one will notice; just continue as if nothing happened. If you make a bigger mistake, say something like ―I meant/intended to say/What I meant/intended to say is….‖ and then move on. If you are prone to talking rapidly when you are nervous, concentrate on speaking at a slower, clearer and more deliberate pace and maintain your composure throughout the s



PresentationDos (√) Help the audience keep track of your ideas with signposts such as ―My first point is . . . ; second, we can see that . . . ; in conclusion, I would like to say . . . .‖ If you have had time to prepare notes, stick to what you have written. By stating your points clearly and concisely, you will come across as organized and confident.


Format: Class Work Time for delivery: 2 minutes Procedure: 1. Each student writes a topic on a piece of paper. 2. The teacher collects the topics, and places them in a paper bag. 3. The teacher begins the round by having 1 student pick a topic from the bag. Allow him or her 2 minutes to prepare before speaking. When the first student finishes preparing, the teacher has the next student draw a topic, and allows him/her 2 minutes to prepare. 4. One student speaks while one student prepares. Continue in this fashion until the teacher decides to stop.

It’s Your Turn Now!




Techniques to Delivering a Better Impromptu Speech Give yourself time to prepare Take deep breaths Rise slowly from your chair and walk slowly to the lectern (or stand behind and away from your chair) Use this time to collect your thoughts and decide on the purpose and plan of your speech Think about the opening sentence Remember: You don’t have to start the speech immediately


Techniques to Delivering a Better Impromptu Speech Confidence Look around at audience and smile. Stand tall. Don't slump, don't fidget, don't grasp the lectern, don't put hands in your pockets Speak and act in a confident manner Slow delivery Gives you time to think ahead The audience has time to absorb and react to what you are saying Helps you reduce umms and ahhs

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