


4. The passage supports which of the following statements?

5. From the passage, we can infer that ____.

6. What is implied in the first paragraph?

7. The sentence "..." in Para ... suggests ____.

8. It may be inferred from the passage that the author ____.

9. It can be concluded from the passage that ____.

10. We can reasonably conclude from the passage that ____.

11. What conclusion can we draw from this selection?

12. From the information given in the first paragraph it may be concluded that ____.

13. One could conclude from the article that____.

14. The best conclusion of the passage is ____.


1. Where would this passage most probably appear?

2. In which of the following publications would this passage most likely by printed?

3. This selection may be taken from/found in ___.

4. The previous/ preceded/ following/ next paragraph most mentions ____.

5. What does the paragraph preceding / following this one probably discuss / talk about?

6. The passage is developed principally by means of ____.

7. The author presents his generalization by the use of ___.


1. The author's purpose of writing this passage is____.

2. What is the author's main propose in this passage?

3. In the passage the author intends to ____.

4. What is the author's attitude toward …?

5. In the selection the author's attitude toward ____.

6. In this article the author's attitude toward…is____.

7. What is the tone of the passage?

8. In t his passage the author looks on … with a tone/an attitude of ____.

9. The author appears to feel that ____.

10. The author probably feels that ____.

11. The author thought ____.


1. According to the passage, what may the author be?

2. We learn from passage that the author is ___.

3. What might be the author's job/ vocation/hobby?

D. 词语题

1. 提问方式

1.The word…in line…refers to ____.

2.The expression…in Paragraph…is closest in meaning to ____.

3.…as used in the passage,can best be defined as ____.

4.By saying… (Line…), the author means ____.

5.The word… (Line…) could best be replaced by____.

6.In Line…the author used the phrase…to indicate____.

7.The word…in Line…means most nearly____.

8.The expression…in the context of the passage refers to ___.

9.In Line..., Para..., what does the word…refer to?

10.What is the meaning of…in Line…?

11.The word…in Para…probably means ____.

12.The expression…, can be interpreted as____.

13.Which of the following is closest in meaning to…in Line…?

14.The term/ name/ phrase … indicates ____.

15.What does the writer mean by… (Line..., Para...)?

16.The short form…refers to ____.

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