Far from the epicentre of power in Bangkok, grass-roots governance is beginning to flourish. 在远离曼谷权力中心的地方,平民治理方式正开始盛行。
震后的“余震”叫做aftershock, 既易懂又好记,是不是? 地震的强度(magnitude )一般按照里氏震级(Richter Scale) 划分,它是将震级范围从1到10的一种对数标度,用以表现地震放出的能量总数,是根据美国地震学家Charles Francis Richter 命名的。下面请看两个例子:
The Seismology Research Centre says the earthquake measured 3.8 on the Richter Scale with an epicentre about 80 kilometres south-west of Sydney. 地震研究中心称这次地震的震级为里氏3.8级,震中位于悉尼西南80公里处。
The tremor was placed at 5.6 on the Ricther scale. 地震的震级被测定为里氏5.6级。
那么,发生了地震,该如何说呢?地震多属于突发事件,来势猛烈,去的也快,因此,英语中描述地震的动词也多具有这样的特点。本文中第一段用了hit 和roll across两个词。roll,表示“波动起伏地前进”。在接下的文字中,还用了strike, 原文是这样说的: The quake struck at 8:07 p.m. 此外,还可以用 shake, jolt, rock, rip through(迅速或猛烈地移动)等等。请看下面:
It took only minutes on Saturday June 23rd for a powerful 8.1 earthquake to rip through southern Peru, 在六月二十三日星期六,一次强烈的8.1级地震只用了几分钟时间就波及秘鲁南部(全境) (秘鲁的国土以狭长著称)
地震之所以可怕,除了其来势迅猛,猝不及防外,还因为它往往破坏力惊人。英语中,描述其破坏力的词,按由轻到重的次序大致有damage, destroy, shatter, devastate, level, flatten等等。我们来看一个破坏严重的例子:
The quake leveled entire towns, flattening the simple adobe, brick structures and leaving nothing but rubble. 地震夷平了整个城镇,摧毁了简易土坯房和砖结构建筑,在受灾区只留下一片废墟。
Earthquake Toll in Mexico Now 29; Leader Declares Emergency
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 22 President Vicente Fox declared a state of emergency today in Colima, a coastal state hit overnight by a powerful earthquake that rolled across central Mexico from the Pacific Ocean, killing at least 29 people and rattling millions of Mexico City residents.