你是谁? 吉姆·莫里亚蒂Who are you? Jim Moriarty.
"咨询罪犯"Consulting criminal.
我一直非常享受我们间的小游戏I have loved this, this little game of ours.
有人为此死了 人都会死People have died. That's what people DO!'
我会制止你' will stop you.'
要是你继续多管闲事If you don't stop prying...
我让你生不如死..I'll burn you.
让你像掏心一般痛不欲生I will burn the heart out of you.
回头...再抓你Catch you later.
想得美No, you won't!
抱歉 男孩们Sorry, boys!
我老是那么变化无常I'm SO changeable!
这是我的缺点It is a weakness with me,
可老实说 是我的唯一缺点but to be fair to myself, it is my only weakness.
不能允许你们继续了You can't be allowed to continue.
不许继续了You just can't.
我会尽量说服你I would try to convince you,
可我想说的 你大概都已经想到了but everything I have to say has already crossed your mind.
也许我的答案你也心知肚明Probably my answer has crossed yours.
("Stayin' Alive" 比吉斯)"Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees
我接一下你没意见吧?Do you mind if I get that?
没事 请便Oh, no, please.
尽情使用你的余生吧You've got the rest of your life.
废话 当然是我 什么事?Yes, of course it is. What do you want?
(不好意思哈)sorry about that
再说一遍 警告你 要是你敢骗我Say that again, and know that if you're lying to me,
我会找到你 活剥你的皮I will find you, and I will skin you.
今天死不成了Wrong day to die.
你有更好的邀请了?Did you get a better offer?
会给你消息的 夏洛克You'll be hearing from me, Sherlock.
要是你真有你说的东西 我会让你发大财So if you have what you say you have, I will make you rich.
要是你没有If you don't,
我会把你做成鞋穿I'll make you into shoes.
这是怎么回事?What happened there?
有人让他改变了主意Someone changed his mind.
问题在于...The question is...
你不乖了是不是 殿下?Well, now, have you been wicked, Your Highness?
是 艾德勒小姐Yes, Miss Adler.
(华生医生博客 五月30日 生活在继续...)
你在敲什么?What are you typing?
博客 写什么? 写我们Blog. About? Us.
是写我吧 为什么?You mean me. Why?
看你敲了一大篇嘛Well, you're typing a lot.
这回又什么事?So, what have we got?
我妻子好像在办公室待得太长了My wife seems to be spending a very long time at the office.
对I think my husband might be having an affair.
她不是我姨妈 她被人偷换了She's not my real aunt, she's been replaced.
我知道她被换了I know she has.
开路I know human ash.
价码由您开 开多少我们都愿意出We are prepared to offer any sum of money you care to mention
无聊for the recovery of these files.
我们开了个网站 来解读漫画书的真意We have this website, it explains the true meaning of comic books,
因为读者总是不关注主题cos people miss a lot of the themes.
可是所有的漫画书突然就成真了But then all the comic books started coming true.
哦 有意思Oh...interesting.
"极客译员"(谐音"希腊译员" 原著篇目)Geek Interpreter
什么?what's that?
案件要标题做什么?That's the title.
What does it need a title for?
真有人读你的博客?Do people actually read your blog?
你觉得客户都是哪来的?Where do you think our clients come from?
我有个网站啊I have a website.
你在上面列举了240种不同的烟灰In which you enumerate 240 different types of tobacco ash.
谁会看你的网站啊Nobody's reading your website.
好吧 染出来的金发 死因不明显Right then, dyed blonde hair, no obvious cause of death,
除了这些斑点 不管它们是什么except for these speckles, whatever they are.
天呐 拜托Oh, for God's sakes!
"斑点金发女"?What?The Speckled Blonde?!
七月13日 斑点金发女案三十出头,染成的金发,浑身红斑...
爷爷死了之后 他们不让我们见他They wouldn't let us see Granddad when he was dead.
是因为他上天堂了吗?Is that cos he'd gone to heaven?
死人其实不会上天堂的People don't really go to heaven when they die,
他们被送到特殊的房间焚烧掉了they're taken to a special room and burned.
昨日杜塞尔多夫(德国城市)发生坠机There was a plane crash in Dusseldorf yesterday.
无人生还Everyone dead.
怀疑恐怖分子安炸弹?Suspected terrorist bomb.
我们也看新闻We do watch the news.
你说声"无聊"扭头不理了You said "boring" and turned over.
根据航班信息Well, according to the flight details,
这人办了登机手续this man was checked in on board.
大衣里还有登机牌票根Inside his coat he's got a stub from his boarding pass,
机上的餐巾纸napkins from the flight,
还有一块特供饼干even one of those special biscuits.
这是他的护照 在柏林机场盖章Here's his passport, stamped at Berlin Airport.
就是说 这人本该死于昨天德国的坠机So this man should have died in a pla
ne crash in Germany yesterday,
却跑到了萨瑟克(伦敦东南)一辆车后备箱里but instead he's in a car boot in Southwark.
算他走运Lucky escape.
有想法么?Any ideas?
ight so far.
好吧 四种想法OK, four ideas.
就算两种吧Maybe two ideas.
不行不行 没解决的别往上写No, no, no, don't mention the unsolved ones.
大家想看你人性的一面People want to know you're human.
因为他们感兴趣Because they're interested.
才不呢 他们凭什么感兴趣?No, they're not. Why are they?
嗯 你看这个Hmm, look at that.
1895 抱歉 什么?1,895. Sorry, what?
我昨晚重置了计数器I reset that counter last night.
过去8小时这个博客有近2000点击量This blog has had nearly 2,000 hits in the last eight hours.
这才是你的生活 夏洛克This is your living, Sherlock,
不是240种不同的烟灰not 240 different types of tobacco ash.
这个案子叫什么?So what's this one?
"肚脐眼谋杀"?Belly Button Murders?
"脐部治疗案"The Navel Treatment?
外面挤满记者了 伙计们There's a lot of press outside, guys.
反正不是冲我们来的Well, they won't be interested in us.
嗯 那是你成为网络红人之前了Yeah, that was before you were an internet phenomenon.
还有两个专程来拍照的 你们俩合影A couple of them specifically wanted photographs of you two.
老天呐God's sake!
约翰 嗯?John. Hmm?
遮住脸 快点走Cover your face and walk fast.
毕竟有助于提升公众形象啊Still, it's good for the public image,
办这种大案big case like this.
我是个私家侦探I'm a private detective,
我最不需要的莫过于公众形象the last thing I need is a public image.
"帽子侠与罗宾 网络神探"(罗宾:蝙蝠侠助手)
"夏洛克与约翰 博客侦探"
"夏洛克·福尔摩斯 网络红人"
我觉得时候到了 你说呢?I think it's time, don't you?
(贝克街 西一区)
哎哟 天啊Oh, dear!
大门...The door was...
大门...The door was...
男孩们 又一个找你们的Boys! You've got another one!
从头开始说 别说无聊话Tell us from the start, DON'T be boring.
没事吧你?Are you OK?
劳驾Excuse me!
你还好吗?Are you all right?
长官 你的电话Sir, phone call for you.
听说过夏洛克·福尔摩斯没?'Have you heard of Sherlock Holmes?
谁? 你马上就能见到他了' Who? Well, you're about to meet him now.
你的案子你说了算 我只是...This is your case, it's entirely up to you, this is just...
...友情建议'..friendly advice,
给夏洛克五分钟看看现场but give Sherlock five minutes on your crime scene,
听他的一切意见'and listen to everything that he has to say.
并且尽量...And as far as possible...'
揍他..try not to punch him.
长官 这位先生想跟您说话Sir, this gentleman says he needs to speak to you...
对 我知道Yes, I know.
k Holmes.
我是约翰·华生 你们架了无线网吗?John Watson. Are you set up for wi-fi?
你知道这多少有点丢人吧?'You realise this is a tiny bit humiliating?'
没关系 我不介意It's OK, I'm fine.
带我到溪边看看..show me to the stream.
我不是说你丢人'I didn't really mean for you.'
你看 这案子只够六分Look, this is a six.
七分以下的There's no point in my leaving the flat
都不用我出房门 我们说好的for anything less than a seven, we agreed.
返回去Now go back,
给我看草地show me the grass.
什么时候说好的?When did we agree that?
昨天就说好了 停下We agreed it yesterday. Stop!
我昨天都没在家 我在都柏林(爱尔兰)I wasn't even at home yesterday. I was in Dublin.
你没好好听又不是我的错It's hardly my fault you weren't listening.
闭嘴Shut up!
我不在家时你一直在跟我说话?'Do you just carry on talking when I'm away?
不知道 你经常不在吗?' I don't know, how often are you away?
拍那辆逆火的车'..show me the car that backfired.
在那里It's there.
就是它发出的响声 对吗?'that's the one that made the noise, yes?'
如果你想说枪击 没有枪If you're thinking gunshot... '..there wasn't one.
他没被枪击'He wasn't shot,
他是从身后被钝物一击致命的'he was killed by a single blow to the back from a blunt instrument,
钝物也神秘失踪了 跟杀手一起'which then magically disappeared, along with the killer.'
至少能算八分吧It's got to be an eight, at least.
再给你两分钟You've got two more minutes,
他们想知道司机的信息they want to know more about the driver.
没他事 他是个傻瓜Oh, forget him, he's an idiot.
不然他怎么会觉得自己有嫌疑?Why else would he think himself a suspect?
我也觉得他有嫌疑I think he's a suspect.
把我递过去'Pass me over.'
行 不过这有个消音按钮 我可能会用的All right, but there's a mute button, and I will use it.
抬高点 我不要从底下说话Up a bit! I'm not talking from down here!
好好 你拿着 拿着OK. Just take it, take it.
要是他成功实施了犯罪 毫无目击者'Having successfully committed a crime without a single witness...'
何苦叫来警察 还找侦探咨询?..why would he call the police and consult a detective?
为公平竞争?Fair play?
他耍小聪明 自恃过高He's trying to be clever. It's overconfidence.
你见过他吗?Did you see him?
病态肥胖Morbidly obese,
独居单身汉毫不掩饰的口臭the undisguised halitosis of a single man living on his own.
右边袖子显示网络色情成瘾The right sleeve of an internet porn addict,
呼吸显示心脏病未经治疗the breathing pattern of an untreated heart condition.
自卑 智商低 预期寿命有限Low self-esteem, tiny IQ and a limited life expectancy,
当幕后黑手?and you think he's a criminal mastermind?!
别急 是他们犯傻Don't worry, this is just stupid.
你说什么 什么心脏病?What did you say? Heart what?
去溪那边Go to the stream.
溪里有什么?What's in the stream?
去看了就知道Go and see.
夏洛克 你怎么不应门铃Sherlock! You weren't answering your doorbell.
他的房间在后面 给他拿点衣服His room's through the back, get him some clothes.
你们是什么人? 抱歉 福尔摩斯先生Who the hell are you? Sorry, Mr Holmes...
夏洛克 怎么回事? 你跟我们走一趟'Sherlock.what's going on?' You're coming with us.
怎么了? 他断线了 我不知道是...'What's happening?' I've lost him. I don't know what...
华生医生?Dr Watson?
是我 找你的Yeah. It's for you.
哦 谢谢 不 是直升机找你OK, thanks. No, sir, the helicopter.
拜托 福尔摩斯先生Please, Mr Holmes,
去那里你会希望穿好衣服的where you're going you'll want to be dressed.
我清楚我要去哪里了I know exactly where I'm going.
你穿裤子了吗?You wearing any pants?
没 好吧No. OK.
白金汉宫啊 好吧At Buckingham Palace. Right.
我在拼命忍着Aah, aah, I am seriously fighting an impulse
好想偷个烟灰缸啊to steal an ashtray.
我们到底来干什么 夏洛克?What are we doing here, Sherlock, seriously, what?
我也不知道I don't know.
觐见女王吗?Here to see the Queen?
显然就是了Oh, apparently, yes.
你们两个 能不能偶尔有点大人样?Just once, can you two behave like grown-ups?
我们解决罪案 我写到博客上We solve crimes, I blog about it,
他连裤子都忘穿了and he forgets his pants.
大人什么的别指望了吧I wouldn't hold out too much hope.
我正办案呢 麦克罗夫特I was in the middle of a case, Mycroft.
什么 徒步旅行者和汽车逆火的事?What, the hiker and the backfire?
我看了眼警方报告I glanced at the police report,
不觉得有点太明显吗?a bit obvious, surely?
一目了然 那就赶紧办下一件吧Transparent. Time to move on then.
我们身处白金汉宫 大英帝国的中心We are in Buckingham Palace, the very heart of the British nation.
夏洛克·福尔摩斯 把裤子穿上Sherlock Holmes, put your trousers on!
为什么?What for?
为你的委托人Your client.
敢问我的委托人是...?And my client is...?
声名显赫 无人不知Illustrious, in the extreme.
并且我不得不说 绝对匿名And remaining, I have to inform you, entirely anonymous.
麦克罗夫特 哈瑞
Mycroft. Harry.
请容我为我幼弟的状况道歉May I just apologise for the state of my little brother.
因为工作全天无休吧A full-time occupation, I imagine.
就是约翰·华生医生And this must be Dr John Watson,
前诺桑伯兰第五军团成员?formerly of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers?
你好 正是我Hello, yes.
我的雇主是你博客的忠实读者My employer is a tremendous fan of your blog.
你的雇主?Your employer?
对铝制拐杖一篇尤为喜爱Particularly enjoyed the one about the aluminium crutch.
谢谢Thank you. Ahem...
年轻的福尔摩斯先生And Mr Holmes the Younger.
你在照片里显得高些You look taller in your photographs.
保险起见 我有一件好大衣和一位矮个朋友I take the precaution of a good coat and a short friend.
麦克罗夫特 我不接匿名委托人Mycroft, I don't do anonymous clients.
我习惯案件一端是谜题I'm used to mystery at one end of my cases,
两端都是谜题太麻烦了 早安both ends is too much work. Good morning.
这是国家大事 成熟点This is a matter of national importance. Grow up!
放开我的床单 不然呢?Get off my sheet! Or what?
不然我就这样走出去Or I'll just walk away.
我随你便I'll let you.
男孩们 拜托 别在这吵Boys, please... Not here.
我的委托人是谁?Who is my client?
看看你站的地方 演绎推理一下Take a look at where you're standing, and make a deduction.
你受雇于全国地位最高的人You are to be engaged by the highest in the land, now,
所以拜托for God's sake!
给我把衣服穿上Put your clothes on!
我来做妈妈吧 (意为"我来做东道")I'll be mother.
一句话概括了我们整个童年And there is a whole childhood in a nutshell.
我的雇主遇到个麻烦My employer has a problem.
出了一件极为敏感A matter has come to light of an extremely delicate
可能引发犯罪的事件and potentially criminal nature,
在这危急之秋 亲爱的弟弟 我们想起了你and in this hour of need, dear brother, your name has arisen.
我们有支算是警察的队伍We have a police force of sorts,
甚至还有勉强机密的特工局even a marginally secret service.
找我干什么?Why come to me?
不是有很多人找你帮忙吗 福尔摩斯先生?People come to you for help, don't they, Mr Holmes?
至今还没遇见自家有海军的Not to date anyone with a navy.
事关最高机密 必须找可信的人This is a matter of the highest security, and therefore of trust.
你连你自己的特工局都信不过?You don't trust your own secret service?
当然信不过Naturally not.
那些人拿钱就窥探别人They all spy on people for money.
我们有时间表要遵守的I do think we have a timetable.
对 当然 呃...Yes, of course. Erm...
关于这个女人 你知道什么?What do you know about this woman?
一无所知Nothing whatsoev
这就是你太不留心了Then you should be paying more attention.
去年一年她就卷进了两起政治丑闻She's been at the centre of two political scandals in the last year,
最近还终结了一位著名小说家的婚姻and recently ended the marriage of a prominent novelist
方法是与双方分别发生外遇by having an affair with both participants separately.
你知道我不关心这些花边You know I don't concern myself with trivia.
她是谁?Who is she?
艾琳·艾德勒Irene Adler.
专业称呼为"那位女人"Professionally known as "The Woman".
她的职业有许多种叫法There are many names for what she does.
她喜欢用"施虐女王"She prefers "dominatrix".
(下载图片)Downloading image
"施虐女王" 不必惊慌Dominatrix. Don't be alarmed.
是指性关系里的It's to do with sex.
性才不会使我惊慌Sex doesn't alarm me.
你怎么知道?How would you know?
她提供所谓的...娱乐性责罚She provides, shall we say, recreational scolding
给那些有这种癖好for those who enjoy that sort of thing
并愿意支付报酬的人and are prepared to pay for it.
这都是她网站的截图These are all from her website.
那么我估计 这位艾德勒女士有些不雅照片And I assume this Adler woman has some compromising photographs.
你反应真快 福尔摩斯先生You're very quick, Mr Holmes.
这丝毫不难演绎 谁的照片?Hardly a difficult deduction. Photographs of whom?
一个对我雇主至关重要的人A person of significance to my employer.
眼下我们宁愿少说为妙We'd prefer not to say any more at this time.
你什么也不能告诉我们?You can't tell us anything?
我能告诉你们这位人士非常年轻I can tell you it's a young person.
一位年轻女士A young female person.
多少照片?How many photographs?
显然为数不少A considerable number, apparently.
艾德勒小姐和这位年轻女士Do Miss Adler and this young female person
一同在照片上吗? 对appear in these photographs together? Yes.They do.
想必是在一系列不雅场景之中?I assume in a number of compromising scenarios?
我们相信 尺度匪夷所思An imaginative range, we are assured.
约翰 你还是把茶杯放到托盘上吧John, you might want to put that cup back in your saucer now.
你能帮我们吗 福尔摩斯先生?Can you help us, Mr Holmes?
怎么帮? 你接这起案子吗?How? Will you take the case?
哪有案子?What case?
马上给她钱 要多少给多少Pay her, now and in full.
艾德勒小姐网页上说了 服输认罚吧As Miss Adler remarks in her masthead, know when you are beaten.
她什么也不想要She doesn't want anything.
她联系了我们She got in touch.
她告诉我们这些照片的存在She informed us that the photographs existed.
她说她无意用它们来She indicated that
she had no intention to use them
敲诈金钱或好处to extort either money or favour.
哦 掌控权角力Oh, a power play.
与全英国最有权势家族的掌控权角力A power play with the
most powerful family in Britain.
不愧是施虐女王啊Now that is a dominatrix.
这么一来就有趣多了 不是吗Ooh, this is getting rather fun, isn't it.
夏洛克... 嗯 她在哪?Sherlock... Hmm. Where is she?
伦敦 眼下她住在...In London, currently. She's staying...
细节短信我 晚上我再联系你Text me the details, I'll be in touch by the end of the day.
你觉得那时你能得到消息吗?Do you really think you'll have news by then?
不 我觉得我能拿到照片No, I think I'll have the photographs.
只能指望你有自己想的那么厉害了One can only hope you're as good as you seem to think.
(骑马 公立学校 早起 左侧起床)
(父亲 不吸烟 半威尔士人)
(爱读书 饮茶)
当然 我需要些设备I'll need some equipment, of course.
要什么尽管说 我会送到...Anything you require, I'll have it sent...
能给我盒火柴吗?Can I have a box of matches?
抱歉 什么? 点烟的I'm sorry? Or your cigarette lighter,
打火机也行either will do.
我不吸烟I don't smoke.
我知道你不吸 可你的雇主吸烟No, I know you don't, but your employer does.
我们成功地让许多人对这件小事We have kept a lot of people successfully in the dark
一无所知 福尔摩斯先生about this little fact, Mr Holmes.
我又不是整个英联邦I'm not the Commonwealth.
这是他最谦虚的话了And that's as modest as he gets.
很高兴见到你们Pleasure to meet you.
好吧 吸烟的事 你怎么知道?OK, the smoking, how did you know?
证据就在你鼻子底下 约翰The evidence was right under your nose, John,
你又是只看不观察as ever you see, but do not observe.
观察什么? 烟灰缸Observe what? The ashtray.
有人来拜访我们了We're going to have a visitor.
我需要点时间做准备I'll need a bit of time to get ready.
很长时间吗?A long time?
你在干什么?What are you doing?
我要上战场了 约翰I'm going to into battle, John.
我需要挑好甲胄I need the right armour.
我看效果不错Works for me.
对你 全都效果不错Everything works on you.
好吧 什么计划?So, what's the plan?
我们知道她的地址We know her address.
直接按门铃?We just ring her doorbell?
正是 就停这里 谢谢Exactly. Just here, please.
你根本没换衣服You didn't even change your clothes.
所以是时候挂点彩了Then it's time to add a splash of colour.
到了吗?Are we here?
还有两条街 不过这里就行Two streets away, but this will do.
行什么? 揍我的脸For what? Punch me in the face.
揍你?Punch you?
揍我 照脸揍 没听见吗?Yes, punch me, in the face. Didn't you hear me?
你说话老有"揍我"这层意思I always hear "punch me" when you speak
说呀but it's usually sub-text.
拜托 上帝啊Oh, for God's sakes!
多谢 这就...Thank you, that was...
好了 这样就够了 约翰OK, I think we're done now, John!
你给我记住 夏洛克 我是军人 会杀人的You want to remember, Sherlock, I was a soldier. I killed people.
你是个医生 我也有不爽的时候You were a doctor! I had bad days!
打算穿什么?What are you going to wear?
我的战袍 哦 算这小子走运My battle dress. Oh, lucky boy.
真不好意思打扰 呃 我被人袭击了Oh, very sorry to disturb you, um, I've just been attacked, um,
呃 他们好像... 拿了我的钱包um, and I think they, they took my wallet
还有... 手机也拿走了and, um, and my phone.
呃 能请你帮个忙吗?Um, please could you help me?
帮你打电话报警可以吗?I can phone the police, if you want?
多谢了 可以吗?Thank you. Could you, please?
不介意我在这里等他们来吧?Would you mind if I just waited here, just until they come?
谢谢 真是多亏你了Thank you, thank you so much.
谢谢 哦Thank you. Oh.
我目击了全过程I saw it all happen.
没事 我是医生 你有急救包吗?It's OK, I'm a doctor. Have you got a first aid kit?
在厨房里 请进In the kitchen. Please.
谢谢 谢谢Thank you. Thank you.
你好 听说你受伤了 好遗憾Hello, sorry to hear you've been hurt.
凯特似乎没问你名字?I don't think Kate caught your name?
抱歉 我叫...I'm so sorry, I'm...
假名字总是一受惊就忘光了It's always hard to remember an alias when you've had a fright.
不是吗?Isn't it?
没关系的Well, there now.
我们都剥去伪装了...We're both defrocked...
夏洛克·福尔摩斯先生..Mr Sherlock Holmes.
艾德勒小姐 对吧 看看这颧骨Miss Adler, I presume. Look at those cheekbones.
扇上去都会划破我的手呢I could cut myself slapping that face.
要我试试看吗?Would you like me to try?
嗯 这些应该够了Right, this should do it.
我错过什么了吧?I've missed something, haven't I?
请落座吧 想用点茶的话 我可以叫女仆Please, sit down. Or if you'd like some tea, I can call the maid.
我在王宫用过茶了I had some at the Palace.
我知道 显然I know. Clearly.
我也在王宫用过茶了 如果有人想知道的话I had a tea too, at the Palace. If anyone's interested.
你知道化装术的最大弱点在哪吗Do you know the big problem with a disguise,
福尔摩斯先生?Mr Holmes?
不管多么努力 都只能描绘出一幅自画像However hard you try, i
t's always a self-portrait.
你觉得我是个脸上流血的牧师?You think I'm a vicar with a bleeding face?
不 我觉得你深受创伤 妄自尊大No, I think you're damaged, delusional
崇尚某种强力 对你来说 那就是你自己and believe in a higher power. In your case, it's yourself.
还有个人爱着你Hmm, and somebody loves you.
要是让我揍你的脸If I had to punch that face,
我也会避开鼻子和牙齿的I'd avoid your nose and teeth, too.
哈哈 能请你穿点东西吗?Ha-ha! Could you put something on, please?
呃 什么都行 餐巾?Er, anything at all. A napkin?
怎么 你觉得暴露了吗?Why? Are you feeling exposed?
我觉得约翰眼睛没地方看了I don't think John knows where to look.
不 我想他完全知道该往哪看No, I think he knows exactly where.
你呢 我就不好说了I'm not sure about you.
如果我想看裸女If I was to look at naked women,
我会借约翰的笔记本电脑的I'd borrow John's laptop.
你本来就爱借我的电脑You do borrow my laptop.
我那是充公I confiscate it.
算了 换个好点的话题Never mind, we've got better things to talk about.
现在告诉我 我需要知道...Now, tell me, I need to know -
是怎么做到的?how was it done?
脑浆迸裂的旅行者 他怎么死的?The hiker with the bashed-in head - how was he killed?
这不是我来的原因That's not why I'm here.
不不 你是来拿照片的You're here for the photographs,
可那办不到 所以不如聊聊天...but that's never going to happen and as we're chatting...
消息还没披露 你怎么会知道?That story's not out. How do you know about it?
我认识一个警察I know one of the policemen.
我知道他喜欢什么 哦Well, I know what he likes. Oh.
你...喜欢警察?And you...like policemen?
我喜欢侦探故事 还有侦探I like detective stories. And detectives.
智慧是性感的新潮流Brainy is the new sexy.
车和旅行者的相对位置The position of the car relative to the hiker,
加上打击位置是在脑后that and the fact that the death blow was to the back of the head,
知道这些就够了that's all you need to know.
那告诉我 他怎么被谋杀的?OK, tell me, how was he murdered?
他没被谋杀He wasn't.
你觉得不是谋杀?You don't think it was murder?
我知道不是I know it wasn't.
怎么? 就像我知道How? The same way
受害人是个运动员I know the victim was a sportsman,
刚从国外旅行回来recently returned from foreign travel
我要找的照片就在这房间and that the photographs I'm looking for are in this room.
好吧 怎么知道的?OK, but how?
这么说真在这房间 谢谢So they are in this room. Thank you.
约翰 守住门 别放人进来John, man the door, let no-one in.
两个人单独在乡间 相隔几码 只有一辆车Two men alone in the countryside, several yards apart and one car.
哦 我以为
你在搜寻照片呢Oh, I,... I thought you were looking for the photos now.
不 不No, no.
搜寻多花时间 我会直接发现的Looking takes ages, I'm just going to find them,
可你这么聪明 我们又有空but you're clever and we've got a moment,
不如来打发时间吧so let's pass the time.
两个人 一辆车 没有别人Two men, a car, nobody else.
司机想要修引擎Driver's trying to fix his engine.
徒劳无功Getting nowhere.
旅行者休息了一会 抬头看天And the hiker is taking a moment, looking at the sky.
看鸟?Watching the birds?
旅行者会死The hiker is going to die.
不 那是结果 到底会发生什么?No, that's the result. What's going to happen?
我不明白 哦 努力想想吧I don't understand. Oh, well try to.
因为你会迎合那些可怜虫的兴致Because you cater to the whims of the pathetic
脱掉衣服来打动他们and take your clothes off to make an impression.
别让我无聊了 思考 这是性感的新潮流Stop boring me and think. It's the new sexy.
车会回火The car's going to backfire.
会发出一声巨响 所以呢?There's going to be a loud noise. So what?
声响很重要 能揭示一切 比如...Noises are important. They can tell you everything. For instance...
谢谢Thank you.
听见火警铃 一位母亲会首先看她的孩子On hearing a smoke alarm, a mother would look towards her child.
火警多神奇 瞬间暴露我们最珍贵的东西Amazing how fire exposes our priorities.
真心希望你没在里面藏个孩子I really hope you don't have a baby in here.
好了 约翰 可以把警报器关了All right, John, you can turn it off now.
我叫你快把警报器关了I said you can turn it off now!
稍等一下Give me a minute!
谢谢Thank you.
用这种东西一定要戴手套 下回记住了哟、You should always use gloves with these things, you know.
第一个按的键上总有最重的油脂残留Heaviest oil deposit is always on the first key used,
是3键 但之后that's a 3, but after that,
顺序就很难分辨了 看来是六位密码the sequence is impossible to read. I see it's a six digit code.
不可能是生日 无意冒犯It can't be your birthday, no disrespect,
你明显生于80年代 但8键几乎没被碰过 所以...but clearly you were born in the '80s and 8's barely used, so...
我可以现在告诉你密码I'd tell you the code right now,
但是呢 密码早已透露给你了but you know what? I already have.
手放头后 跪下 不许动Hands behind your head, on the floor, keep it still!
抱歉 夏洛克 艾德勒小姐 乖乖跪下Sorry, Sherlock Miss Adler, on the floor!
难道我不需要跪下吗?Don't you want me on the floor, too?
不 先生 我要你把密码箱打开No, sir, I want you to open the safe.
美国人 有趣 关你们什么事呢?Ameri
can. Interesting. Why would you care?
先生 快开密码箱 谢谢Sir, the safe, now, please.
我不知道密码I don't know the code.
她说她已经把密码给你了 我们都听到了We've been lis
tening, she said she told you.
你们要是真用心听了就知道她没告诉我If you've been listening, you'll know she didn't.
我是可能听漏了 但依您的名声来说I assume I missed something. From your reputation,
您肯定都听进去了 福尔摩斯先生I assume you didn't, Mr Holmes.
老天 她才是设密码的人好吗 干嘛不问她For God sake, she's the one who knows the code, ask her!
话是没错 但她会告诉我们Yes, sir, she also knows the code
那个输入后会自动报警的密码that automatically calls the police and sets off the burglar alarm.
经验告诉我这女人不能信任I've learned not to trust her.
福尔摩斯先生并不... 闭嘴!Mr Holmes doesn't... Shut up!
再多说一个字One more word out of you,
我就让你脑浆涂墙just one and I will decorate that wall with the insides of your head.
对我来说可是毫无压力That, for me, will not be a hardship.
亚彻先生 我数到3 你就送华生医生上西天Mr Archer, at the count of three, shoot Dr Watson.
我不知道密码 一I don't know the code. One.
我不知道密码I don't know the code.
二 她没告诉我 我不知道Two. She didn't tell me, I don't know it!
我随时准备相信你哦I'm prepared to believe you, any second now.
三 不 住手Three! No, stop!
谢谢 福尔摩斯先生 打开吧Thank you, Mr Holmes. Open it, please.
梵蒂冈雕玉 (原著"巴斯克维尔猎犬"里提及的案件)Vatican cameos!
你不介意吧 当然不Do you mind? Not at all.
这人死了He's dead.
谢谢 你看得真准Thank you. You were very observant.
我深感荣幸 不用I'm flattered. Don't be.
还会有他们的人过来 会监控这栋楼There'll be more of them, they'll be keeping an eye on the building.
得赶快报警 好We should call the police. Yes.
马上就到 我的老天On their way. For God's sake!
哦 闭嘴吧 这是最快的法子了Oh, shut up, it's quick.
四下检查一下屋内 看他们是从哪儿闯进来的Check the rest of the house, see how they got in.
看哪 一个骑士头衔到手了Well, that's the knighthood in the bag.
是我的Oh, and that's mine.
我被[ ]锁住
我猜所有的照片都在这里吧?All the photographs are on here, I presume?
我当然都有备份存档I have copies, of course.
不 你没有No, you don't.
你肯定彻底断开了上传功能和网络连接You'll have permanently disabled any kind of uplink or connection.
这部手机里的内容独一无二Unless the contents of this phone are unique,
你才能卖个好价钱you couldn't sell them.
谁说我要卖了?Who said I'm selling?
好吧 那他们为何感兴趣呢?Well, why would they be interested?
这里面肯定不仅仅是照片Whatever's on the phone, it's clearly not just p
这部拍照手机是我的生命 福尔摩斯先生That camera-phone is my life, Mr Holmes.
你要是拿走 我就死定了 它是我唯一的保命符I'd die before I let you take it. It's my protection.
夏洛克 现在不是了Sherlock! It was.
他们一定是从这儿进来的Must have come in this way.
她没事 只是昏过去了而已It's all right, she's just out cold.
她经常这样的 这屋有个后门Oh, God knows she's used to that. There's a back door.
华生医生你去看看吧Better check it, Dr Watson.
你很镇定嘛You're very calm.
你的机关刚才可是杀了人Well, your booby trap did just kill a man.
不然死的就是我了He would have killed me.
那是什么? 怎么?What is that?! What?
给我Give it to me.
快给我Now. Give it to me.
快给我 不给Give it to me. No.
看在老天的份上Oh, for goodness sake!
快放下Drop it.
我叫你快放下I...said...drop it!
谢了 亲爱的Thank you, dear.
告诉那个贵族美妞 照片在我这儿很安全ow, tell that sweet little posh thing the pictures are safe with me.
我无意勒索 仅为保命They're not for blackmail, just for insurance.
另外 我很乐意有机会再跟她见见Besides, I might want to see her again.
哦不不 别挣扎了Oh, no no no no no.
很高兴见到你It's been a pleasure.
别破坏情绪Don't spoil it.
深深烙印在你脑海中我的形象This is how I want you to remember me,
将是"打败你的女人"the woman who beat you.
睡吧 夏洛克·福尔摩斯先生Goodnight, Mr Sherlock Holmes.
天哪 你干什么了Jesus! What are you doing?
他会昏睡几个小时He'll sleep for a few hours.
别让他被自己的呕吐物呛死Make sure he doesn't choke on his own vomit,
那样尸体就不帅了it makes for a very unattractive corpse.
你给他下了什么药? 夏洛克?What's this? What have you given him? Sherlock?
他会没事的He'll be fine.
我在很多朋友身上都试过了I've used it on loads of my friends.
夏洛克 听得见我说话吗?Sherlock, can you hear me?
我小看他了 他很懂观察细节You know, I was wrong about him. He did know where to look.
观察什么? 你在说什么?For what? What are you talking about?
我的保险箱密码 是什么The key-code to my safe. What was it?
我要告诉他吗?Shall I tell him?
我的三围My measurements.
想到了Got it!
嘘 不用起来 我来告诉你Oh, ssh ssh no, don't get up, I'll do the talking.
车的发动机马上会逆火So, the car's about to backfire and the hiker,
旅行者在仰望天空he's staring at the sky.
你说他可能在看鸟 但并不是You said he could be watching
birds, but he wasn't, was he?
他在看的是另外一种会飞的东西He was watching another kind of flying thing.
车逆火一声响 搭车人回头看了一眼The car backfires and the hiker t
urns to look...
他犯了个大错误..which was his big mistake.
司机再抬头看时 搭车人已经死了By the time the driver looks up, the hiker is already dead.
他没看见凶器He doesn't see what killed him
因为已经随水而下了because it's already being washed downstream.
一位熟练的运动员An accomplished sportsman
最近刚从国外旅行回来 带回了recently returned from foreign travel with...
回旋镖a boomerang.
你只看了一眼就都想通了?You got that from one look?
果然引领性感潮流呢Definitely the new sexy.
嘘 安静Hush, now.
没事了It's OK.
我就是来归还你的大衣的I'm only returning your coat.
你没事吧? 我怎么在这儿?You OK? How did I get here?
你大概不记得了 那时你处于半昏迷状态I don't suppose you remember much, you weren't making a lot of sense.
提醒你一声 雷斯垂德用手机全拍下来了Oh, I should warn you, I think Lestrade filmed you on his phone.
她在哪儿? 谁?Where is she? Where's who?
那位女人 哪位女人?The Woman! That Woman. what woman?
那位女人 那位The Woman, woman!
哦 你说艾琳·艾德勒?Oh, Irene Adler?
她逃走了 没人看见 她不在这儿 夏洛克She got away, no-one saw her. She wasn't here, Sherlock.
你在干吗? 你...?What are you? What?
不不不 乖乖回床上躺着No, no, no. No. Back to bed.
睡到明天早上就会好了 睡吧You'll be fine in the morning. Just sleep.
当然了 我一直都很好呀 好得不得了Of course I'll be fine, I am fine. I'm absolutely fine.
是啊 棒极了 需要我就叫声 我在隔壁Yes, you're great. Now, I'll be next door if you need me.
我需要你做什么?Why would I need you?
什么也不做No reason at all.
下次再见 福尔摩斯先生Till next time. Mr. Holmes.
照片很安全The photographs are perfectly safe.
在一位逃亡的性工作者手中?In the hands of a fugitive sex worker?
她没有兴趣勒索She's not interested in blackmail.
她只是想要...保障 出于某些原因She wants...protection, for some reason.
是你拦下了对她住宅里I take it you've stood down
那起枪击案的调查吧the police investigation into the shooting at her house?
她仍持有照片 我们怎么调查?How can we do anything while she has the photographs?
我们手被捆住了Our hands are tied.
她肯定喜欢你的用词She'd applaud your choice of words.
你还不懂么You see how this works?
那拍照手机是她免受牢狱之灾的保障The camera-phone is her get out of jail free card.
让她去吧 把她跟皇室同等看待 麦克罗夫特You have to leave her alone. Treat her like royal
ty, Mycroft.
别像她对待皇室那样就好了Though not the way she treats royalty.
刚才是什么?What was that?
短信 那是什么声音?Text. But what was that noise?
你知道还有别人在追杀她吗 麦克罗夫特?Did you know there were other people after her too, Mycraft
在你让我和约翰去找她之前?before you sent John and I in there?
我认为是美国中情局职业杀手CIA trained killers, I think.
多谢提醒啊 麦克Thanks for that.
羞不羞啊 让亲弟弟去冒这种险It's a disgrace, sending your little brother into danger like that.
人生一世 家人是唯一的依靠Family is all we have in the end,
麦克罗夫特·福尔摩斯!Mycroft Holmes!
闭嘴吧 赫德森太太Oh, shut up, Mrs Hudson!
我道歉 谢谢Apologies. Thank you.
但还是请闭嘴Though do in fact shut up.
这铃声 真是不太雅观呢Oh, it's a bit rude, that noise, isn't it?
你什么也不能做 她什么也不会做There's nothing you can do and nothing she will do,
我觉得是这样as far as I can see.
我可以下令全面监视她I can put maximum surveillance on her.
干嘛那么麻烦? 在微博上粉她就好了Why bother? You can follow her on Twitter.
我记得她账户名是"鞭临天下"I believe her user name is The Whip Hand.
很有趣 抱歉失陪 喂?Most amusing. Excuse me. Hello?
你的手机为什么会发出那种声音?Why does your phone make that noise?
什么声音? 刚才那声What noise? That noise, the one it just made.
短信铃声 表示我有新短信It's a text alert, means I've got a text.
嗯 但你短信一般不是这声啊Hmm. Your texts don't usually make that noise.
显然是有人拿了我的手机 玩笑性地Well, somebody got hold of the phone and apparently as a joke,
把她的个人短信铃声改成了这个personalised their text alert noise.
哦 就是说每次那个人短信你...Hmm, so every time they text you...
看来是的It would seem so.
你能把铃音开小声点吗Could you turn that phone down a bit?
在我那个年代可是...At my time of life it's...
我很好奇谁会拿到你的手机See I'm wondering who could have got hold of your phone.
它不是一直在你大衣口袋里吗?It would've been in your coat.
你自己演绎推理吧I'll leave you to your deductions.
我可不是傻子I'm not stupid, you know.
你怎么会有这样的想法呢?Where do you get that idea?
邦德直升机(救生直升机)按原计划出发Bond Air is go, that's decided.
再跟考文垂组协商一下Check with the Coventry lot.
再见Talk later.
她还藏着什么?What else does she have?
艾琳·艾德勒 美国人不会因为几张不雅图片Irene Adler. The Americans wouldn't be interested in her
就对她那么感兴趣的for a couple of compromising photographs.
有很多 比那多太多了There's more. Much
有大事要发生了 是不是Something big's coming, isn't it?
艾琳·艾德勒的事跟你不再相干了Irene Adler is no longer any concern of yours.
从现在起 你不许再管这事From no
w on, you will stay out of this.
是么? 是的 夏洛克Oh, will I? Yes, Sherlock.
你必须服从You will.
抱歉我必须离开了Now if you'll excuse me,
要去给个老朋友道个诚挚的歉I have a long and arduous apology to make to a very old friend.
代我向她问好Do give her my love.
("祝你圣诞快乐")we wish you a merry christmas
真好听 夏洛克 拉得太好听了Lovely, Sherlock. That was lovely.
嗯 很赞 是啊 确实好听Hmm, marvellous. Yes, very good.
你要肯戴那对鹿角就好了I wish you could have worn the antlers.
有些事还是想象一下就好了 赫德森太太Some things are best left to the imagination, Mrs Hudson.
赫太太?Mrs H?
谢了 不用 莎拉No thank you, Sarah.
不不 他总是记不住名字Er, no, no, he's not good with names.
不 我一定能回忆起来No, I can get this.
莎拉是医生 然后是那个脸上有斑的Sarah was the doctor, then there was the one with the spots,
然后是个大鼻子 然后...then the one with the nose and then,
无聊的老师后面是谁来着?who was after the boring teacher?
珍妮特 逐个排除错误答案的结果Jeanette! Ah, process of elimination.
哦 天哪救命Oh, dear Lord.
大家好 抱歉 门上写着直接进所以我就...Hello, everyone. It said on the door to come up.
你好啊 茉莉!Hello, Molly!
大家都在打招呼寒暄 多美好啊Everybody saying hello to each other, how wonderful!
我来拿...我滴神! 哇哦!Let me, er... Holy Mary! Wow!
看来都在圣诞小酌嘛So we're having Christmas drinkies?
他们盼好久了No stopping them, apparently.
一年中就这么一天 这俩娃能温柔些待我It's the one day of the year where the boys have to be nice to me,
还是很值得的so it's almost worth it.
约翰? 嗯?John? Hmm?
你博客的点击量还是1895The counter on your blog still says 1895.
不是吧 圣诞节都没劲了Oh, no, Christmas is cancelled(!)
你还把我带那个帽子的照片发上去了And you've got a photograph of me wearing that hat!
网友们可喜欢了People like it.
不可能 什么网友?No, they don't. What people?
髋骨好些了吗?How's the hip?
折磨死人了 谢谢关心Oh, it's atrocious, but thanks for asking.
我见过更严重的 也许因为我在停尸房工作I've seen much worse, but then I do post-mortems.
天哪 真对不起Oh, God, sorry.
别讲笑话了 茉莉Don't make jokes, Molly.
好 对不起 给你No, sorry. Here you are.
谢谢 没想到你也来了Thank you. I wasn't expecting to see you.
你不是去多赛特过节了吗?I thought you were in Dor
set for Christmas?
明天一早就去 跟老婆团圆 一切问题解决First thing in the morning, me and the wife, back together, sorted.
别想了 她跟个体育老师睡觉呢No, she's sleeping w