AbstractOn the basis of summarizing the experience of reconstruction experience in sisal industry after encountering serious diseases and insect pests in recent years,aiming at the main problems in sisal industry development,opinions were put forward on how to deepen the sisal industry reform and optimize the industrial structure,innovate management mechanism,implement the close management concept,strive for and increase industrial support,carry out scientific and technological research and technical popularization,support integrated technology applications,establish and improve the service system of sisal industry in reclamation area,bigger and stronger leading enterprises,improve industrial competitiveness and efficiency. The purpose is to promote the restoration and efficient and sustainable development of sisal industry in the reclamation area.
Key wordsZhanjiang reclamation area;Sisal hemp;Reconstruction effect;Development problem;Countermeasure 劍麻是我国热区特色优势产业,农垦徐海麻区地处我国雷州半岛南部,气候适宜;土地较平坦,土层深厚,非常适宜机械化大规模耕作[1-3];土壤为砖红壤,保肥保水性能好,有利于实现“沃土工程”,促进剑麻产业持续发展。
自1956年始至2021年,经过50年的发展,湛江垦区建成了亚洲最大的剑麻种植、加工、出口基地,种植面积达6 667 hm2,年均产剑麻纤维2万多t,占国内市场40%~50%的份额。加工产品有15个系列,几百个花式品种,出口畅销欧洲、美洲、澳洲市场,销售总量占全国60%~65%的份额,被誉为“亚洲剑麻王国”。但因外来生物——新菠萝灰粉蚧(简称剑麻粉蚧或粉蚧,下同)害虫的入侵,由该粉