ITU-T G.657 接入网用抗弯损失单模光纤光缆的特性(18)
ITU-T G.657 接入网用抗弯损失单模光纤光缆的特性
参 考 资 料
[b-ITU-T ANT] [b-ITU-T G.671] [b-ITU-T G-Sup.39] [b-ITU-T L.13] [b-ITU-T L.42] [b-ITU-T L.65] [b-ITU-T L.66] [b-IEC 60793-2-50] [b-IEC/TR 62048] [b-OFT]
Access Network Transport Standards Overview, Issue 14, June 2007,
ITU-T Recommendation G.671 (2005), Transmission characteristics of optical components and subsystems.
ITU-T G-series Recommendations – Supplement 39 (2006), Optical system design and engineering considerations.
ITU-T Recommendation L.13 (2003), Performance requirements for passive optical nodes: Sealed closures for outdoor environments.
ITU-T Recommendation L.42 (2003), Extending optical fibre solutions into the access network.
ITU-T Recommendation L.65 (2006), Optical fibre distribution of access networks. ITU-T Recommendation L.66 (2007), Optical fibre cable maintenance criteria for in-service fibre testing in access networks.
IEC 60793-2-50 (2004), Optical fibres – Part 2-50: Product specifications – Sectional specification for class B single-mode fibres.
IEC 62048 (2002), Optical fibres – Reliability – Power law theory.
Matching Optical Fibre Lifetime and Bend-loss Limits for Optimized Local Loop Fibre Storage, Optical Fibre Technology, Vol. 11, pp. 92-99, 2005.
12 ITU-T G.657 建议书(12/2006)
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