rlord.2>The second conference was held in Yalta in February,1945,it decided on the setting-up of a world organization: the United Nation .3>The third conference was held at Potsdam, which confirmed the temporary division of Europe agreed to at Yalta.二战期间,英,美,苏三中领导人共会晤了三次,第一次是在1943年11月在德黑兰会议,该会义决定进行代号为“霸王行动”的军事行动,向法国南部大举进攻,第二次是1945年2月的雅尔塔会议,本次会议决定建立联合国组织,第三次是在1945年7。8月间在柏林城外举行的波茨坦会议,该会主要确认了雅尔雅尔塔会议关于欧洲格局的暂时分配。
1. The Muckrakers(黑幕揭发者)
The Muckrakers were a group of reform-minded journalists who made investigations and exposed the dark sides of the society.
2.the Progressive Movement(进步运动/进步主义)(Progressivism)
it was a movement at the turn of the 20th century which demanded government regulation of the economy and social conditions, spread quickly with the support of large number of people across the country. The Progressive Movement was not an organized campaign with clearly defined goals. Rather, it was a number of diverse efforts at political,social and economic reforms.
issez faire(放任主义)
it was an economic practice which stressed that the management of the economy should be left to the business people and the government should merely preserve order and protect property.
4.the Red scare(红色恐惧)
Between 1919 and 1920,the Red Scare happened in America where at that time a highly aggressive and intolerance nationalism existed. On November 7,1919 and January 2,1920,the Justice Department launched two waves of mass attests. Over 4000 suspected Communists and radicals were arrested and many were forced to leave the U.S.
5.the Ku Klux Klan(KKK)三K党
The KKK was first organized in 1866 and then reformed in 1867 after the Civil War in the South and by 1924 it claimed a membership of four to five million. It was a violent society which terrorized and attacked on not only blacks ,but also progressives, Communist and socialist party members, etc.
6.the New Deal(罗斯福新政)
it was put forward by American President Roosevelt who wanted to do something to deal with the Great Depression at that time. It passed a lot of New Deal laws and set up some efficient social security systems. The New Deal helped to “save American democracy” and to overcome the most serious economic crisis of the capitalist system up to that time.
it was the American foreign policy in the early 1930s.it tried to keep the U.S out of the fighting that was going on in Europe and Asia.
况美国部分精讲系列Chapter 17
Chapter 17 American History(III)in post-W.W.II Era(1945-1980S)必背细节
1. On Feb 22,1946,George Kennan, a high-ranking off