



14. The administration of most colleges and universities is quite separate from that of the school. But there are three State board that set policy for education at all levels in respective state, They are the State Boards of New York, Rhode Island ,and Michigan.大多数学院和大学的行政管理是与中小学分开的,但有3个州例外,它们是纽约,罗得岛,和密歇根州。

15. Except for some college sponsored by the Catholic Church, all college and universities in the U.S ,public or private, are governed by a board of trustees composed primarily of laymen.除了一些由天主教会赞助的大学外,美国所有的大学都是由一个主要的由外行人员组成的托管委员会管理。

16. The community college calls for education to serve the good of both the individual and society. It embodies Thomas Jefferson’s belief that an education should be practical as well as liberal.社区学院奉行教育既为个人又为社会服务的宗旨,它包含了托马斯。杰斐逊教育既是实用的又是自由这一信仰。

17. By the mid-1980s, a wave of education reform swept the country. These reform had two focuses:1>the raising of the standards of teaching and learning;2>the restructuring of the schools.到80年代中期席卷全国的教育改革的浪潮有两个重点1》提高教学标准2》学校的结构改革。

18. In 1983, a report entitled “A Nation At Risk” was issued which cited high rates of adult illiteracy, declining SAT scores, the decline of educational standards. The report put forward five proposals.1983《危险中的国家》发表,引用了成人文盲比例高,学生技能下降,教育水准下降等例子,该报告提出了五点建议。

19. On April 18,1991, President Bush issued his plan” American 2000:An Education strategy” which set six goals.

1. What are the three principle functions of the system of higher education in the U.S?

2. what is the guiding principle of community college?
It is higher education for everyone and the philosophy that equality must equal opportunity for self-realization and for the recognition of individual differences.

3.what is the difference between an academic high school and a technical high school?(2002,46已考)

4.who is the chief executive officer under the local board of education in America?
The superintendent of schools is the chief executive officer at the local level.

5.what are the three type of American high schools?
They are comprehensive , academic, vocational , and technical schools.

6.what are two focuses of the reforms in the 1980s when
a wave of education reform swept the country?(the answer is 17—答案是上述第17条)

7.Why does the number of graduate school enrollment in American ke

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