





我这里有完整的mapmaker3.0程序,包括mapm3pc1 and mapm3pc2.如有需要,请联系qq:154492025。


在win xp的系统下,下载mapmaker3.0的压缩包,解压缩后有两个程序:mapm3pc1 and mapm3pc2。将这两个程序放在C盘的根目录下,装在一个文件夹中,(win7的还没搞明白,反正这么解压缩后装了用不了。)分别点mapm3pc1 and mapm3pc2进行安装。安装完后,在那一堆图标里,会有一














1> prepare data sample.raw ,回车,会显示一些东西!自己操作吧!这个命令也可以用pd sample代替。命令的作用是:读取数据源。

2> photo tutorial.out ,回车,会显示一些东西!自己操作吧!命令的作用是:将在mapmaker中的操作都保存到tutorial.out的文件中。这种文件不会覆盖以前的,如果你下次仍然用tutorial.out保存操作的话,它会把你新的和旧的操作都保存在一起。



sequence locus1 locus2 locus3 ...,也可用s locus1 locus2 locus3 ..., 用数字表示的话,1 2 3 4 5....表示的是你的文本文件中依次从前到后的标记。这个命令确定了当前要进行分析的序列是哪些标记,所以在以后其他的分析中,要对s重新定义。 如对sampled data中的全部12个基因座进行两点检测,则输入:

3>sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12(有时候,你的标记数远不止这些,那么请输入:s all),回车。会显示一些东西!自己操作吧!


4> group,回车。显示:

Linkage Groups at min LOD 3.00, max Distance 50.0

group1= 1 2 3 5 7


group2= 4 6 8 9 10 11 12

将我们的数据分成了两个连锁群,group1 and group2。



命令:5> sequence {1 2 3 5 7}(大括号代表里边的标记不固定顺序,不加大括号则代表固定顺序,当然也可以用s {group1}命令),回车后出现:

sequence #2= {1 2 3 5 7}

命令:6> compare,回车后出现:

Best 20 orders:

1: 1 3 2 5 7 Like: 0.00

2: 3 1 2 5 7 Like: -6.00

3: 5 7 2 3 1 Like: -20.20

4: 5 7 2 1 3 Like: -26.26

5: 2 5 7 3 1 Like: -27.25

6: 2 5 7 1 3 Like: -28.39

7: 2 3 1 5 7 Like: -28.85

8: 5 2 3 1 7 Like: -32.33

9: 2 1 3 5 7 Like: -34.12

10: 5 7 1 3 2 Like: -35.55

11: 5 2 1 3 7 Like: -37.61

12: 1 3 5 2 7 Like: -37.76

13: 3 1 5 2 7 Like: -39.09

14: 5 7 3 1 2 Like: -40.38

15: 1 3 5 7 2 Like: -40.87

16: 3 1 5 7 2 Like: -41.55

17: 5 2 7 3 1 Like: -43.67

18: 5 2 7 1 3 Like: -44.78

19: 5 1 3 2 7 Like: -47.63

20: 2 5 3 1 7 Like: -52.28

order1 is set

(N个标记的话,会有N!/2 种可能的排列顺序,所以如果N大于6时,这个分析就比较费劲了)。

至此,我们知道:1 3 2 5 7 是最好的排列顺序。


这个里边用到的是map命令,它也会对每个排序的最大似然比进行计算,和compare命令中显示的一样,只不过compare中显示了最有可能的20个。然后,将最大可能性的排列显示出来,并带有图距。经过上边的操作后,我们知道1 3 2 5 7 是最好的排列顺序,所以只需将1 3 2 5 7 进行定义即可。

7> sequence 1 3 2 5 7

sequence #3= 1 3 2 5 7

8> map



Markers Distance

1 T175 4.2 cM

3 C35 15.0 cM

2 T93 11.9 cM

5 C66 12.2 cM

7 T50B ----------

43.2 cM 5 markers log-likelihood= -424.94


另外,这里需要说明的是:在compare命令后,log-likelihood的值是0.00,而在这里则是-424.94,前者是两点算法产生的结果;后者是多点算法产生的结果。以T50B为开始,C66与其相距12.2cM,T93与C66相距11.9cM,以此类推。把这些数据输入到刘仁虎的map draw中,可以得到如下所示的遗传图:



要查看一个连锁群中标记的一些数据信息,请输入:list loci命令。要查看哪些标记离的比较近,请输入:lod table命令。

9> sequence 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 回车(命令行后都需要回车,以后就不再说了) sequence #4= 4 6 8 9 10 11 12

10> list loci


Num Name Genotypes Group

4 T24 273 codom group2

6 T209 275 codom group2

8 T125 306 codom group2

9 T83 327 codom group2

10 T17 297 codom group2

11 C15 324 codom group2

12 T71 319 codom group2

11> lod table

Bottom number is LOD score, top number is centimorgan distance:

4 6 8 9 10 11

6 63.1


8 16.8 56.0

39.06 4.33

9 56.3 17.8 54.8

6.77 36.70 7.68

10 106.3 27.7 - 43.3

0.89 22.51 15.08

11 14.9 74.0 6.3 65.4 -

43.78 2.20 80.87 5.76

12 28.2 43.1 18.4 24.1 89.1 30.1

22.24 9.13 39.84 32.39 2.22 23.90


4 6 8 9 10 11

6 63.1

8 16.8 56.0

9 56.3 17.8 54.8

10 106.3 27.7 - 43.3

11 14.9 74.0 6.3 65.4 -

12 28.2 43.1 18.4 24.1 89.1 30.1

上边我们说了两个原则:(1)尽可能少的缺失数据;10> list loci 结束后得到的数据,4是273个,6是275个,其他的都比较多,所以从这里说的话,就不选4和6了。(2)不要很多空间上挨得很近(一般不低于6.0就可以了)的标记;8,9,10,11,12之间最小的是6.3,也行了。所以就选8,9,10,11,12作为子集了,总共5项,也不多!

12> sequence {8 9 10 11 12}

sequence #5= {8 9 10 11 12}

13> compare

Best 20 orders:

1: 11 8 12 9 10 Like: 0.00

2: 10 11 8 12 9 Like: -14.57

3: 8 11 12 9 10 Like: -15.23

4: 10 9 11 8 12 Like: -27.20

5: 11 8 12 10 9 Like: -29.97

6: 10 8 11 12 9 Like: -30.14

7: 9 10 11 8 12 Like: -32.23

8: 8 11 10 9 12 Like: -39.80

9: 10 9 8 11 12 Like: -39.91

10: 9 11 8 12 10 Like: -40.05

11: 11 8 10 9 12 Like: -40.25

12: 11 8 9 12 10 Like: -44.73

13: 8 11 12 10 9 Like: -45.21

14: 10 11 8 9 12 Like: -46.57

15: 8 11 9 12 10 Like: -47.46

16: 9 10 8 11 12 Like: -47.94

17: 10 8 11 9 12 Like: -49.61

18: 8 11 10 12 9 Like: -52.71

19: 9 8 11 12 10 Like: -52.74

20: 11 8 10 12 9 Like: -53.07

order1 is set

14> sequence order1

sequence #6= order1

11 8 12 9 10是最佳的排列顺序。还有4和6,现在把4和6再插到这个排列顺序中。命令为:try。

15> try 4 6

4 6


| 0.00 -42.68 |

11 | |

|-35.57 -118.6 |

8 | |

|-19.65 -70.19 |

12 | |

|-46.80 -28.09 |

9 | |

|-51.35 0.00 |

10 | |

|-43.40 -21.09 |


INF |-44.66 -45.03 |


BEST -619.33 -612.03


最佳的排列顺序为:4 11 8 12 9 6 10。

16> sequence 4 11 8 12 9 6 10

sequence #7= 4 11 8 12 9 6 10

17> map



Markers Distance

4 T24 14.8 cM

11 C15 6.4 cM

8 T125 18.9 cM

12 T71 24.0 cM

9 T83 18.1 cM

6 T209 28.6 cM

10 T17 ----------

110.8 cM 7 markers log-likelihood= -688.99

========================================================================= 接着,进行作图即可。



remark ...Initialization file for large MAPMAKER/EXP sample data set... print names on

print maps on

triple error detection on

informativeness criteria 4.0 44 codominant

make chromosome chrom1 chrom2 chrom3 chrom4 chrom5 chrom6 chrom7 chrom8 make chromosome chrom9 chrom10 chrom11 chrom12 chrom13 chrom14 chrom15

make chromosome chrom16 chrom17 chrom18 chrom19

sequence L020 L031

anchor chrom1

sequence L018 L044

anchor chrom2

sequence L040 L037

anchor chrom3

sequence L067 M008

anchor chrom4

sequence A082 A011

anchor chrom5

sequence D011 T023

anchor chrom6

sequence T027 L025

anchor chrom7

sequence L011 D020

anchor chrom8

sequence L019 L032

anchor chrom9

sequence T031 D030

anchor chrom10

sequence L003 D002

anchor chrom11

sequence L041 L016

anchor chrom12

sequence D024 M038

anchor chrom13

sequence T010 L027

anchor chrom14

sequence L001 L029

anchor chrom15

sequence M127 L039

anchor chrom16

sequence L004 L028

anchor chrom17

sequence L024 L087

anchor chrom18

sequence M013 M109

anchor chrom19

sequence all

two point


18> prepare data mouse.raw

save loaded data first? yes

saving genotype data in file ''... ok

saving map data in file 'sample.maps'... ok

saving two-point data in file 'sample.2pt'... ok

saving traits data in file 'sample.traits'... ok

preparing data from file 'mouse.raw'... ok

F2 intercross data (46 individuals, 308 loci)... ok

running initialization commands from file 'mouse.prep'...

19> units cm

the 'units' are now set to (Haldane) centimorgans.

20> centimorgan func haldane

centimorgan function: Haldane

21> print names on

'print names' is on.

22> triple error detection on

'triple error detection' is on.

23> informativeness criteria 4.0 44 codominant

Informativeness Criteria: min Distance 4.0, min #Individuals 44

(codominant markers only)

24> make chromosome chrom1 chrom2 chrom3 chrom4 chrom5 chrom6

chromosomes defined: chrom1 chrom2 chrom3 chrom4 chrom5 chrom6

25> make chromosome chrom7 chrom8 chrom9 chrom10 chrom11

chromosomes defined: chrom1 chrom2 chrom3 chrom4 chrom5 chrom6 chrom7 chrom8 chrom9 chrom10 chrom11

26> make chromosome chrom12 chrom13 chrom14 chrom15 chrom16

chromosomes defined: chrom1 chrom2 chrom3 chrom4 chrom5 chrom6 chrom7 chrom8 chrom9 chrom10 chrom11 chrom12 chrom13 chrom14 chrom15 chrom16

27> make chromosome chrom17 chrom18 chrom19

chromosomes defined: chrom1 chrom2 chrom3 chrom4 chrom5 chrom6 chrom7 chrom8 chrom9 chrom10 chrom11 chrom12 chrom13 chrom14 chrom15 chrom16 chrom17 chrom18 chrom19 << More Output Follows


55> sequence all

sequence #21= all

56> assign

L016 - anchor locus on chrom12...cannot re-assign

L018 - anchor locus on chrom2...cannot re-assign

L019 - anchor locus on chrom9...cannot re-assign

L020 - anchor locus on chrom1...cannot re-assign


. << More Output Follows


L036 - assigned to chrom17 at LOD 10.4

L046 - assigned to chrom1 at LOD 3.6

L010 - assigned to chrom15 at LOD 18.1

D004 - assigned to chrom9 at LOD 13.1

L007 - assigned to chrom16 at LOD 21.1

D016 - assigned to chrom17 at LOD 9.9

D021 - assigned to chrom17 at LOD 21.1

D017 - assigned to chrom15 at LOD 3.1


. << More Output Follows


M251 - unassigned

A066 - unassigned

57> list chromosomes (染色体信息列表)

Chromosome: #Anchors #Total

chrom1 2 18

chrom2 2 30

chrom3 2 21

chrom4 2 19

chrom5 2 12

chrom6 2 19

chrom7 2 20

chrom8 2 14

chrom9 2 22

chrom10 2 15

chrom11 2 15

chrom12 2 12

chrom13 2 11

chrom14 2 9

chrom15 2 18

chrom16 2 7

chrom17 2 22

chrom18 2 16

chrom19 2 5

Total: 38 305

58> sequence unassigned

sequence #22= unassigned

59> list status (标记相关信息显示)

Num Name Assignment Chrom LOD

181 M228 conflict! - -

196 M251 unlinked - -

274 A066 unlinked - -

60> links (将unassigned marker 和assigned marker进行连接)

Linked Markers in Data Set at min LOD 3.00, max Distance 50.0

Marker-1 Marker-2 Theta LOD cM

M228 L038 0.18 3.58 23.00 (chrom3)

M228 T010 0.16 5.55 19.13 (chrom14)

M228 M032 0.05 11.75 5.28 (chrom14)

M228 M214 0.08 9.70 8.28 (chrom14)

M228 A024 0.13 6.51 15.22 (chrom14)

M228 A034 0.20 3.37 24.73 (chrom3)

M228 A060 0.17 3.81 21.27 (chrom3)

M228 A103 0.17 5.13 21.20 (chrom14)

M228 A119 0.14 6.43 16.01 (chrom14)

M251 no linked markers

A066 no linked markers


61> sequence chrom10

sequence #23= chrom10: assigned

62> three point (计算该染色体上三点测交的似然比)

Linkage Groups at min LOD 3.00, max Distance 50.0

Triplet criteria: LOD 3.00, Max-Dist 50.0, #Linkages 2

'triple error detection' is on.

counting...143 linked triplets in 1 linkage group

log-likelihood differences

count markers a-b-c b-a-c a-c-b

1: L062 D030 M067 0.00 -8.93 -0.58

2: L062 D030 M003 -8.63 0.00 -0.74

3: L062 D030 M007 -5.00 0.00 -4.11

4: L062 D030 M172 -4.19 0.00 -4.75

5: L062 D030 M139 0.00 -4.32 -1.36

6: L062 D030 M153 0.00 -1.24 -3.25

7: L062 D030 A037 -5.91 0.00 -3.33

8: L062 D030 A114 0.00 -4.62 -0.55

9: L062 D030 T032 -3.00 0.00 -5.78

10: L062 T031 M139 -1.89 -4.33 0.00

11: L062 T031 A114 -2.59 -3.75 0.00

12: L062 M067 M003 -9.36 0.00 -0.70

13: L062 M067 M007 -5.45 0.00 -3.77

14: L062 M067 M172 -4.56 0.00 -4.33

15: L062 M067 M139 0.00 -7.01 -0.37

16: L062 M067 M153 0.00 -1.59 -2.43

17: L062 M067 A037 -6.44 0.00 -3.08

18: L062 M067 A114 -0.30 -7.97 0.00

19: L062 M067 T032 -3.18 0.00 -5.21

20: L062 M003 M007 0.00 -0.80 -6.08

21: L062 M003 M172 0.00 -0.77 -7.77

22: L062 M003 M139 -0.62 0.00 -10.45

23: L062 M003 A037 0.00 -0.83 -3.53

24: L062 M003 A114 -0.66 0.00 -9.68

25: L062 M003 A063 0.00 -0.56 -11.32

26: L062 M003 T032 0.00 -0.69 -10.00

27: L062 M007 M175 0.00 -2.63 -5.85

28: L062 M007 M172 0.00 -8.74 -0.75

29: L062 M007 M139 -2.49 0.00 -5.77

30: L062 M007 A037 -0.78 -6.98 0.00

31: L062 M007 A114 -2.77 0.00 -5.34

32: L062 M007 A063 0.00 -5.33 -4.36

33: L062 M007 T032 0.00 -6.86 -2.92

34: L062 M175 M172 -4.35 -3.65 0.00

35: L062 M175 T032 -2.53 -5.42 0.00

36: L062 M172 M139 -3.00 0.00 -4.83

37: L062 M172 A037 -2.42 -6.05 0.00

38: L062 M172 A114 -3.36 0.00 -4.48

39: L062 M172 A063 0.00 -7.05 -2.93

40: L062 M172 T032 0.00 -9.23 -1.46


. << More Output Follows

63> order (染色体上标记点的排序)

Linkage Groups at min LOD 3.00, max Distance 50.0

Starting Orders: Size 5, Log-Likelihood 3.00, Searching up to 50 subsets

Informativeness: min #Individuals 44 (codominant only), min Distance 4.0

Placement Threshold-1 3.00, Threshold-2 2.00, Npt-Window 7


Linkage group 1, 15 Markers:

56 L062 63 D030 81 T031 109 M067 122 M003

123 M007 159 M175 164 M172 197 M024 212 M139

222 M153 263 A037 277 A114 278 A063 301 T032

Most informative subset: 278 222 109 122 212 159 164

Searching for a unique starting order containing 5 of 7 informative loci... Got one at log-likelihood 13.19

Placing at log-likelihood threshold 3.00...

Start: 109 122 164 278 159

Npt: 109 122 (263) 164 278 159

Npt: 109 (56) 122 263 164 278 159

Npt: 109 56 122 263 (123) 164 278 159

Npt: 109 56 122 263 123 164 (301) 278 159

No unique placements for 6 remaining markers


Markers Distance

109 M067 18.5 cM

56 L062 2.4 cM

122 M003 6.0 cM

263 A037 2.3 cM

123 M007 2.3 cM

164 M172 3.5 cM

301 T032 4.7 cM

278 A063 8.9 cM

159 M175 ----------

48.4 cM 9 markers log-likelihood= -75.40

Markers placed relative to above map:

109 56 122 263 123 164 301 278 159


277 2 **.:..*.:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:...

212 2 **.:..*.:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:...

63 2 .*.:.**.:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:...

222 2 **.:..*.:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:...

81 2 **.:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:.*.

197 3 **.:..*.:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:.*.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Placing at log-likelihood threshold 2.00...

Start: 109 56 122 263 123 164 301 278 159

Npt-End: (222) 109 56 122 263 123 164 301 278 159

Npt: 222 (212) 109 56 122 263 123 164 301 278 159

Npt: 222 212 109 (63) 56 122 263 123 164 301 278 159

Npt: 222 (197) 212 109 63 56 122 263 123 164 301 278 159

Npt: 222 197 212 (277) 109 63 56 122 263 123 164 301 278 159

No unique placements for 1 remaining marker

Map: << Order Output Continues

Markers Distance

222 M153 7.6 cM

197 M024 3.7 cM

212 M139 1.1 cM

277 A114 6.0 cM

109 M067 3.4 cM

63 D030 16.6 cM

56 L062 2.4 cM

122 M003 6.0 cM

263 A037 2.3 cM

123 M007 2.3 cM

164 M172 3.5 cM

301 T032 4.7 cM

278 A063 8.9 cM

159 M175 ----------

68.2 cM 14 markers log-likelihood= -102.55

Markers placed relative to above map:

222 197 212 277 109 63 56 122 263 123 164 301 278 159


81 2 **.:..*.:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:....:.. order1= M153 M024 M139 A114 M067 D030 L062 M003 A037 M007 M172 T032 A063 M175 other1= T031

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best placement of T031:

Markers Distance

(81) T031 1.2 cM

222 M153 7.6 cM

197 M024 3.7 cM

212 M139 1.1 cM

277 A114 6.0 cM

109 M067 3.4 cM

63 D030 16.6 cM

56 L062 2.4 cM

122 M003 6.0 cM

263 A037 2.3 cM

123 M007 2.3 cM

164 M172 3.5 cM

301 T032 4.7 cM

278 A063 8.9 cM

159 M175 ----------

69.4 cM 15 markers log-likelihood= -104.62


64> let best=order1 (对best进行命名)

best= M153 M024 M139 A114 M067 D030 L062 M003 A037 M007 M172 T032 A063 M175 确认图谱排序

65> sequence best

sequence #24= chrom10: M153 M024 M139 A114 M067 D030 L062 M003 A037 M007 M172 T032 A063 M175

66> ripple (排序检测)

===============================================================================<> Map To Test:

Markers Distance

222 M153 7.6 cM

197 M024 3.7 cM

212 M139 1.1 cM

277 A114 6.0 cM

109 M067 3.4 cM

63 D030 16.6 cM

56 L062 2.4 cM

122 M003 6.0 cM

263 A037 2.3 cM

123 M007 2.3 cM

164 M172 3.5 cM

301 T032 4.7 cM

278 A063 8.9 cM

159 M175 ----------

68.2 cM 14 markers log-likelihood= -102.55

===============================================================================<> Window-size: 5 Log-likelihood Threshold: 2.00

Comparing maps with ALL flanking markers...

compare {M153 M024 M139 A114 M067}... ok

compare ...{M024 M139 A114 M067 D030}... ok

compare ...{M139 A114 M067 D030 L062}... ok

compare ...{A114 M067 D030 L062 M003}... ok

compare ...{M067 D030 L062 M003 A037}... ok

compare ...{D030 L062 M003 A037 M007}... ok

compare ...{L062 M003 A037 M007 M172}... ok

compare ...{M003 A037 M007 M172 T032}... ok

compare ...{A037 M007 M172 T032 A063}... ok

compare ...{M007 M172 T032 A063 M175} ok

===============================================================================<> 分析另一条染色体

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