


3. accelerate* 4. access* 5. accumulate 6. acknowledge* 7. adapt to* 8. addictive 9. adjust* 10. admit 11. adversity 12. aggression 13. agreeable 14. aid 15. allergic 16. alter* 17. alternative 18. altitude 19. analyse* 20. ancient* 21. application 22. apply to* 23. appreciate* 24. approach* 25. approve 26. array 27. artificial* 28. assess* 29. assign 30. association 31. attempt 32. attitude 33. authority 34. avoid* 35. bacteria 36. based on*

37. be consistent with 38. be liable to 39. be subject to 40. bear

41. beneficial* 42. blight 43. boundary 44. budget 45. burden 46. calamity 47. calculate 53. chronic* 54. civic 55. cognitive 56. coin 57. comment 58. communal 59. commute 60. compare 61. compensate 62. complicate 63. comply with 64. concentrate 65. component 66. comprehend 67. conceal 68. concur 69. confer

70. confidential 71. confuse 72. conscious* 73. conservative 74. considerable 75. constrain 76. consult

77. controversial 78. convention* 79. contemporary 80. co-operation 81. correlation 82. courtship 83. criteria* 84. crash 85. crisis

86. contingent 87. co-ordinate 88. credibility 89. criticism 90. cue 91. damp

92. curriculum* 93. deficiency 94. delay

95. democratic 96. depression 97. dazzle


103. detain 104. detect* 105. determine* 106. delivery* 107. dental 108. designate 109. devastate 110. differ 111. diminish 112. disaster 113. disclose 114. disparate 115. display 116. disrupt 117. diversity * 118. donate 119. dynamics 120. eliminate 121. distinguish* 122. distract 123. distribute 124. diversity* 125. documentation 126. domain 127. domestic* 128. donate 129. dramatic 130. drought 131. due to* 132. durable 133. dynamics 134. ecosystem 135. eliminate 136. elderly 137. elusive 138. drought 139. elaborate 140. emphasize* 141. encyclopaedia 142. equal 143. endanger 144. equator 145. enormous*

146. entrepreneurship 147. erode* 153. eventually 154. exceptional 155. experiment 156. evidence 157. evolve 158. extend 159. exclusive* 160. exaggerate* 161. exhausted 162. explicit 163. exploit 164. extreme 165. exchange* 166. expert* 167. extinct* 168. extract 169. expertise 170. extinct* 171. explicit 172. extract 173. feature 174. fitness 175. fragile* 176. faculty 177. fertilise* 178. focus on* 179. format 180. fragile 181. fragment 182. freeze 183. famine 184. feasible 185. financial* 186. finite 187. foe 188. fulfill 189. fund*

190. fundamental* 191. gene 192. grant 193. habitat 194. halt 195. harsh 196. graphic 197. harbor


201. hardship 202. gifted 203. habitat 204. harmonise 205. hinder 206. hypothesis 207. ignore* 208. impact 209. imperative 210. imitate* 211. immediate 212. identify* 213. immunity* 214. impaired 215. inactive 216. indulge 217. impressive

218. in accordance with 219. inaccurate 220. inappropriate 221. incentive 222. induce* 223. inevitable* 224. infest 225. inherit* 226. initial* 227. initiate 228. innate 229. installment 230. integrate 231. intelligence 232. intense 233. interaction 234. interference 235. interior 236. interrupt 237. involve 238. isolate* 239. keen 240. label 241. lack

242. landscape 243. legitimate* 244. linguistic 245. lopsided 246. malfunction 247. manufacture 251. legal 252. limb 253. link

254. limitation* 255. log 256. look-in 257. loss*

258. magnetic* 259. mainly

260. malfunction 261. manufacture 262. mammal 263. manage to do 264. manifest 265. marine 266. massive* 267. mate 268. measure* 269. mechanism 270. mental 271. mercury

272. meteorological 273. modify* 274. mortal 275. migrate 276. moisture 277. military* 278. mimic 279. monitor 280. minimise* 281. moral 282. motif 283. mould 284. native 285. nocturnal 286. norm 287. notoriety 288. nourishment 289. nutrient 290. obey 291. objective 292. obligation 293. odd 294. obtain 295. odour 296. offensive 297. official


301. ordinary 302. organ 303. original* 304. other than

305. out of the question 306. overcome 307. overtake 308. paralyse 309. paramount 310. participate 311. pattern 312. permit 313. physical 314. peak 315. optimum 316. original* 317. overtake 318. particular 319. perceive* 320. pessimistic 321. obligation 322. offensive 323. option* 324. other than 325. paralyse 326. patient 327. peripheral 328. persuade 329. plagiarise 330. portable 331. phase 332. plague 333. plenty of 334. plot 335. poverty 336. pose 337. potential 338. poverty 339. praise 340. predict 341. preferential 342. principle* 343. prohibit 344. property* 345. purify 346. pressing 347. primary 351. prolong 352. proportion* 353. qualify 354. rapid* 355. react 356. predict 357. primary* 358. private 359. promote 360. prosper 361. quantity* 362. plenty of 363. potential* 364. prefer to* 365. principal 366. profit* 367. prompt 368. property* 369. prosper 370. provision* 371. purify 372. radical 373. range 374. rapid* 375. rare 376. rate

377. rather than* 378. react 379. realise* 380. recognize 381. recreation 382. reduction 383. refer to 384. regulate 385. rehearsal 386. reject 387. relevant 388. reliance 389. religious 390. reproduce 391. reluctant 392. rely on* 393. recognize 394. regulate 395. reliance 396. remain* 397. resemble*


401. result from* 402. retain* 403. revision 404. revive 405. ruin 406. scenic 407. secrete* 408. rudimentary 409. separate* 410. setting 411. settle* 412. shade 413. shift* 414. signal 415. similar* 416. skepticism 417. specific* 418. stem from 419. substitute* 420. supersede 421. surrounding* 422. sustenance 423. soar 424. setting 425. signal 426. solicit

427. sophisticate* 428. stable 429. standard 430. steer

431. stem from 432. stride 433. subdivide 434. substance 435. substitute* 436. subtle

437. sufficiency 438. superior 439. supersede 440. supplement 441. surveillance 442. suppress 4 …… 此处隐藏:4293字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……

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