美国文学 the sleepy hollow


The Romantic Period

The Romantic Periodliterature depicting emotional matter in an imaginative form --Victor Hugo

The Romanticism in American Literature

The Renaissance in or the flowering of American literature. Writers tried self-consciously to be new and original.

Works by American WritersAuthor Ralph Waldo Emerson Title Nature

Nathaniel HawthorneHerman Melville James Fenimore Cooper Henry David Thoreau Washington Irving

The Scarlet LetterMoby-Dick The leather stockings Walden the sketch book

Washington Irving(1783-1859) His contribution to A. L.

1.The first writer of A. imaginative literature 2.The beginning of short story as a genre 3.The Sketch Book----the beginning of American RomanticismRip Van Winkle The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow

The features of Irving’s writings 1.Avoiding moralizing 2.Developing the story in an atmosphere 3.His humor 4.Musical language

Washington Irving(1783-1859)

Rip Van Winkle The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

The power of imagination

is very prominent in “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and throughout Crayon’s collection as a whole. In “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” Ichabod is a rather comedic and foolish protagonist. This comes, largely, from the strength of his imagination, and this leads to his downfall.

Give us examples to prove his strong imagination!!

what are two main things that Katrina van tassel is known for?

why is Icobod crane important in the female circle?

What is your choice?

a handsome, muscular but irresponsible young man,a very poor and homeless school teacher with good education and ghost stories.

Ichabod wants to marry Katrina, but something is getting in his way. What are they?

contrast ichabod crane and brom bones physical appearance

Why do you think such work is romantic?

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