《计算机网络》实验三 交换机基本配置 实验报告




班级:07东方信息 姓名: 学号:

实验时间:4-26 机房:9#205 组号:7 机号: 一、实验题目

实验三 交换机基本配置 二、实验设备



学习基本的CISCO交换机配置 四、原理


五、实际步骤 建立超级连接



建立CONSOLE连接 进入特权命令状态





进入接口设置状态,设置接口参数 (1) 进入接口设置状态 (2) 设置交换机的duplex方式











FastEthernet0/22 unassigned YES unset down down

FastEthernet0/23 unassigned YES unset down down

FastEthernet0/24 unassigned YES unset up up


GigabitEthernet0/1 unassigned YES unset down down

GigabitEthernet0/2 unassigned YES unset down down

Configuring global parameters:

Enter host name [Switch]:

The enable secret is a password used to protect access to

privileged EXEC and configuration modes. This password, after entered, becomes encrypted in the configuration. Enter enable secret: % No defaulting allowed Enter enable secret: % No defaulting allowed Enter enable secret: % No defaulting allowed

Enter enable secret: switch>

The enable password is used when you do not specify an

enable secret password, with some older software versions, and some boot images.

Enter enable password: cisco

The virtual terminal password is used to protect access to the router over a network interface. Enter virtual terminal password: cisco

Configure SNMP Network Management? [no]: n

Configuring interface parameters:

Do you want to configure Vlan1 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/1 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/2 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/3 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/4 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/5 interface? [yes]: n


Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/6 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/7 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/8 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/9 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/10 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/11 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/12 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/13 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/14 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/15 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/16 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/17 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/18 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/19 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/20 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/21 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/22 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/23 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure FastEthernet0/24 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure GigabitEthernet0/1 interface? [yes]: n

Do you want to configure GigabitEthernet0/2 interface? [yes]: n Would you like to enable as a cluster command switch? [yes/no]: n

The following configuration command script was created:


hostname Switch

enable secret 5 $1$Aj2X$oQ4NIEhr7TX023s32vivd1 enable password cisco line vty 0 15 password cisco no snmp-server ! !

interface Vlan1 shutdown no ip address !

interface FastEthernet0/1 !

interface FastEthernet0/2 !

interface FastEthernet0/3 !

interface FastEthernet0/4 !

interface FastEthernet0/5 !

interface FastEthernet0/6 !

interface FastEthernet0/7 !

interface FastEthernet0/8 !

interface FastEthernet0/9 !

interface FastEthernet0/10 !

interface FastEthernet0/11 !

interface FastEthernet0/12 !

interface FastEthernet0/13 !

interface FastEthernet0/14 !

interface FastEthernet0/15 !

interface FastEthernet0/16


interface FastEthernet0/17 !

interface FastEthernet0/18 !

interface FastEthernet0/19 !

interface FastEthernet0/20 !

interface FastEthernet0/21 !

interface FastEthernet0/22 !

interface FastEthernet0/23 !

interface FastEthernet0/24 !

interface GigabitEthernet0/1 !

interface GigabitEthernet0/2 ! end

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