OFFICIAL BASKETBALL RULES 2008 Rule One – The game April 2008 Page 7 of 83
Throughout the Official Basketball Rules, all references made to a player, coach, official, etc. in the male gender also apply to the female gender. It must be understood that this is done for practical reasons only. RULE ONE – THE GAME
Art. 1
1.1 Definitions Basketball game
Basketball is played by two (2) teams of five (5) players each. The aim of each team
is to score in the opponents' basket and to prevent the other team from scoring.
The game is controlled by officials, table officials and a commissioner, if present.
1.2 Basket: opponents'/own
The basket that is attacked by a team is the opponents' basket and the basket which
is defended by a team is the team's own basket.
1.3 Winner of a game
The team that has scored the greater number of points at the end of playing time
shall be the winner.
Art. 2
2.1 Court Playing court
The playing court shall have a flat, hard surface free from obstructions (Diagram 1)
with dimensions of twenty-eight (28) m in length by fifteen (15) m in width measured
from the inside edge of the boundary line.
2.2.1 Lines All lines shall be drawn in white colour, five (5) cm in width and clearly visible. Boundary line
The playing court shall be limited by the boundary line, consisting of the endlines (on
the short sides) and the sidelines (on the long sides). These lines are not part of the
playing court.
Any obstruction including seated team bench personnel shall be at least two (2) m
from the playing court.