OFFICIAL BASKETBALL RULES 2008 Rule Four - Playing regulations April 2008 Page 21 of 83
game shall then be resumed by awarding the ball to the opponents of the violating
team for a throw-in at the place of the original throw-in.
12.4.8 A foul by either team:
Before the beginning of a period other than the first period, or
During the alternating possession throw-in,
does not cause the throw-in team to lose that alternating possession throw-in.
Should such a foul occur during the initial throw-in to start a period, after the ball
has been placed at the disposal of the player taking the throw-in but before it has
touched a player on the playing court, then it is considered to have happened during
playing time and is penalised accordingly.
Art. 13
13.1.1 How the ball is played Definition During the game, the ball is played with the hand(s) only and may be passed,
thrown, tapped, rolled or dribbled in any direction, subject to the restrictions of
these rules.
A player shall not run with the ball, deliberately kick or block it with any part of the
leg or strike it with the fist.
However, to accidentally come into contact with or touch the ball with any part of
the leg is not a violation.
An infraction of Art. 13.2 is a violation.
Art. 14 Control of the ball 13.2
14.1 Team control starts when a player of that team is in control of a live ball because he
is holding or dribbling it or has a live ball at his disposal.
14.2 Team control continues when:
A player of that team is in control of a live ball.
The ball is being passed between team-mates.
14.3 Team control ends when:
An opponent gains control.
The ball becomes dead.
The ball has left the player's hand(s) on a shot for a field goal or for a free
Art. 15
15.1 Player in the act of shooting A shot for a field goal or a free throw is when the ball is held in a player’s hand(s)
and is then thrown into the air towards the opponents' basket.
A tap is when the ball is directed with the hand(s) towards the opponents' basket.
A dunk is when the ball is forced downwards into the opponents' basket with one or
both hands.
A tap and a dunk are also considered as shots for a field goal.
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