2011中高级口译口试十大话题之高铁时代-The era of high speed train
2011年中国经济进入高铁时代(ushers in a new era of high speed train). 高铁在促进城市发展,产业升级,具有显而易见的优势(High speed train plays a significant role in promoting urban expansion and industrial upgrade).
值得一提的是(it’s worth mentioning that) 目前,中国铁路在高速动车组、高速铁路基础设施建造技术等方面都达到了世界先进水平,已经形成集设计、施工、制造、运营管理于一体的成套先进技术,其在铁路研发、建设、管理过程中形成的一整套高铁技术,(China now boasts world-beating technologies in the design, construction, operation and management of high-speed train. 或者 China’s high-speed train technology is on par with that of development countries.)
以上海为核心的长三角区域为例(Take Yangtze River Delta as an example),沪宁高铁的开通,首先,推动长三角区域产业升级和转型。南京将逐渐成为上海的副中心城市(With the advent of high-speed train, Nanjing will become a what experts call “sub-city” of Shanghai),由于高铁使沪杭之间的距离“缩短”,(greatly shorten distance between major cities in the region增加沪宁之间的人员流动,(promote the free flow of people flow and ideas)将有大量人群转至南京工作,促使南京人流、物流和信息的集中,为南京带来商贸commerce、物流logistics、金融finance、传媒media、酒店restaurant、餐饮catering等行业发展。
此外,高铁沿线城市将迎接产业转移的机遇,沪宁高铁沿线地带交通便利,地价相对上海较低low property cost,而且劳动力更廉价low labor cost,大批企业为降低成本,把总部和研发中心留在核心城市——上海,而将生产部门转移至高铁沿线城市,(companies will move their investment inland, which will in turn promote the economic growth of these regions)这就带动了沿线城市的经济发展(invigorate economic growth in areas along the high speed train),促进上海及其他城市的产业专业升级转型。上海逐渐形成总部基地集群,而其他企业将形成服务业与制造业集群 (to build a cluster of world-class service industries)。
当然也有专家认为,国家如此巨额投入,会不会带来高风险、造成债务危机,进而会拖累经济发展。(Huge investment in high-speed train will bring huge financial burden to the government, which eventually will hamper China’s economic development)也有人认为中国已经有了动车组bullet train,高铁实际是重复建设duplicated construction,浪费纳税人的钱waste of tax-payer’s money。此外, 高铁建设将造成周边环境的污染。 但是我认为随着时间的推移,高铁的社会效益会逐渐体现出来,建高铁肯定是利大于弊的 (its demerits will be overshadowed by the benefits it brings to China’s modernization drive.)