Material Composition Declaration
for Electronic Products JIG-101
APRIL 2005
This EIA standard contains material that has been prepared, reviewed, and approved through the JEDEC Board of Directors level and subsequently reviewed and approved by the legal
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Foreword ii
Introduction ii
1 Scope
2 Use of Guide
3 Materials and Substances
4 Data Format
5 Terms and Definitions
6 Disclaimer
Annex A: Level A Materials and Substances
Annex B: Level B Materials and Substances
Annex C: Set of Data Fields
Annex D: Examples of Material Declaration Forms
Annex E: Regulatory Information and Examples of Use
Annex F: Detailed Chemical Lists with CAS-numbers
1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 13
Joint Industry Guide No. JIG-101
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This document has been worked on for more than three years by member companies of EICTA (Europe), JGPSSI (Japan), EIA (USA) and JEDEC (USA).
The document represents an alternative to an existing automotive specific document on the subject, which is not well aligned with the practices of non automotive market segments.
The Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) industry tracks and discloses specific information about the material composition of its products due to legal and market
requirements. The industry needs to gather information about the composition of products and subparts that are purchased from suppliers for incorporation into final products. This affects the entire supply chain worldwide.
Material composition information can help manufacturers:
satisfy legal and regulatory requirements; drive improvements in product design; and
respond to inquiries from customers, product recyclers and other stakeholders.
To obtain material composition data, many manufacturers have developed material declaration questionnaires (also known as green procurement surveys or supply chain
questionnaires) that require suppliers to disclose certain information about the products and subparts they sell. These questionnaires usually take the form of a list of banned or restricted materials and substances that the supplier must certify are not present in the
product or subpart. In addition, they often include a separate list of materials and substances that need to be identified when present. Due to the diversity of information requests and formats, it is difficult for suppliers to manage material declaration requests.
Recognizing the challenges that the entire global EEE industry faces from diverse material composition requests, a workgroup composed of representatives from EICTA, EIA and JGPSSI developed this material composition declaration guide.
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(Formulated under the cognizance of the Joint Industry Materials Declaration Guide Committee)
1 Scope
This guide applies to products and subparts that are supplied to EEE manufacturers for incorporation into their products. It does not apply to packaging materials (e.g. cardboard, plastic tray). It covers materials and substances that may be present in the supplied product or subpart. It does not apply to process chemicals, unless those process chemicals constitute part of the finished product or subpart.
It applies to business-to-business transactions. It is not intended to be used by the general public when making purchasing decisions.
The purpose of this guide establishes the materials and substances to be disclosed by suppliers when those materials and substances are present in products and subparts that are incorporated into EEE. It benefits suppliers and their commercial customers by providing consistency and efficiency to the material declaration process. It promotes the development of consistent data exchange formats and tools that will facilitate and improve data transfer along the entire global supply chain.
This guide contains:
the lists of materials and substances for disclosure;
the composition amount that requires disclosure (i.e., Threshold Level); the regulatory requirements that establish threshold levels, where appropriate; a set of data fields for information exchange.
This guide does not preclude companies from inquiring about the presence of additional materials and substances when necessary for their business needs. However, such requests are outside the scope of this guide. 2
Use of Guide
The purpose of this section is to provide reporting guidance to suppliers. By following this guide, suppliers will be prepared to meet the majority of their customers’ material composition reporting requirements.
Suppliers should be prepared to report materials and substances to their customers based on Annexes A and B. Customers have the flexibility to use these lists in their entirety or as a to respond to customer inquiries that are based on this guide, suppliers are expected to use this guide with their own suppliers to obtain the necessary information. The recommended set of data fields for reporting purposes is found in Annex C.
Joint Industry Guide No. JIG-101 Page 2 2 Use of Guide (cont’d)
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Annexes A and B identify categories of materials and substances for reporting. Each category represents groups of materials and substances for which expanded listings are available in Annex F. For categories that represent inorganic substances in Annexes A and B, quantitation and reporting in those categories should be based on the total mass of the inorganic element for the category that is present whether in the form of the pure element or as a compound or alloy of that element in the declared part. For categories that represent organic substances, quantitation and reporting should be based on the total mass of all relevant compounds in the category that are present in the part being declared.
When determining whether it is necessary to report a material or substance, the following should be considered:
When a law exists that sets a threshold for a material or substance, the units of
concentration set forth in the law will be the basis for quantification and reporting of that substance.
Where a law does not exist, concentration levels (ppm) should be determined based on
the total weight of the inorganic element as explained above or the organic substances in a category which are contained in the product or subpart divided by the total weight of the product or subpart for which the declaration is being developed.
If a material or substance is not present or is present below its applicable reporting
threshold, it does not need to be reported. A supplier may voluntarily report this information.
Materials and Substances
This guide establishes two categories of materials and substances to be declared. These lists are based on criteria that the industry has determined justify disclosure when these material/substances are present in products or subparts.
Criteria for Level A Disclosure:
The Level A List is composed of materials and substances when used in products and subparts that are subject to currently enacted legislation that:
a) Prohibits their use; b) Restricts their use; or
c) Requires reporting or results in other regulatory effects.
Based upon these criteria, Level A materials and substances are listed in Annex A.
Criteria for Level B Disclosure:
The Level B List is composed of materials and substances that the industry has determined relevant for disclosure because they meet one or more of the following criteria:
a) Materials/substances that are of significant environmental, health, or safety interest b) Materials/substances that would trigger hazardous waste management requirements c) Materials/substances that could have a negative impact on end-of-life management.
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Based upon these criteria, Level B materials and substances are listed in Annex B. 4
Data Format
This guide establishes the data disclosure framework. The framework contains required data fields as well as optional data fields. Optional fields, which may be needed for business-to-business purposes, may be added at the discretion of the customer. Annex C contains the required and optional data fields. As the guide is updated and changed, the data format will be modified to reflect these changes.
There are a variety of data format tools that companies can use to implement this guide. These tools could range from a paper form, a computerized spreadsheet, to an xml based e-business solution. This guide does not dictate the use of specific tools. Rather, it establishes the minimum as well as possible optional fields that can be used and allows companies the flexibility to select the tool that best meet their business needs. As a result, companies that choose to use data format tools that contain the required fields but also additional fields not covered by this guide are consistent with the guide.
Annex D contains two examples of a simple material declaration request. The first contains only the required fields. The second example contains the required fields and the optional ″negative declaration″ field. Annex D also references additional material declaration tools. 5
Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this guide the following definitions apply:
product: The item that the respondent is supplying (e.g., assembly, subassembly,
component, raw material). A product may include product families if the products within those families perform the same function and have consistent material declarations.
subpart: A sub-unit of a product.
material: A material is made up of one or more substances (e.g., an alloy is a material, which in turn is made up of a number of substances).
substances: Substances are chemical elements and their compounds (e.g., lead (chemical element), lead oxide (compound), polyvinyl chloride (compound). Registry numbers (RN) of the Chemical Abstracts System of the American Chemical Society (“CAS“ numbers) are
attributed to all chemical elements and most of their compounds and should be used for their identification. CAS numbers are provided (in Annex F) for these substances where known.
intentionally added: Deliberate use in the formulation of a product or subpart where its continued presence is desired to provide a specific characteristic, appearance or quality. If listed materials or substances are contained in products or subparts purchased by supplier and are incorporated, such materials/substances must be disclosed if the supplier has knowledge (or with reasonable inquiry should have knowledge) of the presence of such materials or substances.
threshold level: Concentration level which defines the limit (equal to or) above which the presence of a substance or material in a product or subpart must be declared based on the requirements of this guide.
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6 Disclaimer
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Although this guide and its annexes contain references to legal citations and regulatory limits for certain listed materials, these citations and regulatory limits should not be relied upon for compliance purposes. The annexes also provide examples of expected use and regulatory restrictions and prohibitions relating to the materials and substances. The examples are for reference only and do not constitute a comprehensive reference to all uses, regulations and prohibitions and should not be used for compliance purposes. Please contact legal counsel for specific compliance requirements. Any use of this guide, other than uses that are
consistent with its stated purpose, are neither sanctioned nor endorsed by EIA, EICTA or JGPSSI. Furthermore, where materials and substances are listed in this guide, their listing does not infer or constitute an industry judgment as to their environmental or health impacts.
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Annex A (Normative) Level A Materials and Substances
For Level A materials and substances, the threshold levels are set by the law that bans or restricts their use. Therefore, assessment as to whether the threshold level has been met must be based on the relevant legal requirements. If a law establishes a new threshold for ban or restriction purposes, this threshold will be revised accordingly (e.g., the thresholds for lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, and the PBBs and PBDEs will be revised once the legal determinations for the European Community Restriction on certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive are established). For laws that allow the presence of certain materials or substances in amount lower than a certain part per million (ppm) threshold, companies should use the ppm methodology that is established by that law in order to determine whether disclosure is necessary. Reporting below the threshold is allowed, but not required.
Intentionally Added means the deliberate use in the formulation of a product or subpart where its continued presence is desired in the final product or subpart to provide a specific characteristic, appearance, or quality. Metal plating is an example of intentional addition.
Certain Azocolourants and Azodyes is applicable to leather and textile products and
subparts that may come into direct and prolonged contact with human skin. Please note that the European Community’s ban only applies to certain Azocolourants and Azodyes that by reductive cleavage of azo groups may release one of 22 aromatic amines. Please see Appendix F for more information.
If a material/substance is intentionally added, then it needs to be reported regardless of its content level. If a material/substance is otherwise present, then its threshold level applies.
NOTE In some cases only a subset of the materials/substances are regulated, please refer to Annexes E and F for details.
Material/Substance Category
Threshold level
Intentionally added (see Directive
Certain Azocolourants and Azodyes
76/769/EEC for applicability)
Cadmium /Cadmium Compounds 75 ppm or Intentionally added Hexavalent Chromium/Hexavalent Chromium
1000 ppm or Intentionally added
1000 ppm or Intentionally added
Lead/Lead Compounds
300 ppm (PVC cables only)
Mercury/Mercury Compounds 1000 ppm or Intentionally added Ozone Depleting Substances (CFCs, HCFCs, HBFCs, Class I: Intentionally added carbon tetrachloride, etc.) Class II . HCFCs: 1000 ppm Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) 1000 ppm or Intentionally added Polybrominated Diphenylethers (PBDEs) 1000 ppm or Intentionally added Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Intentionally added Polychlorinated Naphthalenes (more than 3 chlorine
Intentionally added
Radioactive Substances Intentionally added Certain Shortchain Chlorinated Paraffins (See Annex F)Intentionally added Tributyl Tin (TBT) and Triphenyl Tin (TPT) Intentionally added Tributyl Tin Oxide (TBTO) Intentionally added
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Annex B (Normative) Level B Materials and Substances
For Level B materials and substances, the default threshold concentration level is 1000 ppm based upon the weight of the inorganic element (totaled from all forms present) or the organic substances in a category contained in the product or subpart divided by the total weight of the product or subpart for which the declaration is being developed.
Note: Nickel must be reported when used in applications where nickel compounds are likely to result in prolonged skin exposure (e.g., an outer enclosure for a portable electronic
product designed to be carried). Use of nickel or nickel compounds in components and parts designed to be located inside the outer enclosure of a product need not be reported.
NOTE Materials/substances are listed by group. Please refer to Annexes E and F for details.
Material/Substance Category Threshold level Antimony/Antimony Compounds Arsenic/Arsenic Compounds Beryllium/Beryllium Compounds Bismuth/ Bismuth Compounds
1000 ppm 1000 ppm 1000 ppm 1000 ppm
Brominated Flame Retardants (other than PBBs or 1000 ppm PBDEs)
Nickel (external applications only) Certain Phthalates (see Annex F) Selenium/Selenium Compounds Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
(Disclosure is limited to ″is present“/“is not present“ in amounts that exceed threshold)
1000 ppm 1000 ppm 1000 ppm 1000 ppm
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Annex C (Normative) Set of Data Fields
# Category Data field
Date (timestamp date
e.g., DD-MON-YYYY) Declaration note Company Name
Required Optional Required Optional
The declaration contains a date and time identifier. Additional information about the declaration may be added
The company name.
Dun &Bradstreet's Data Universal Numbering System. http://. The D&B D-U-N-S Number is the standard for keeping track of the world's businesses. Its unique nine-digit code helps identify and link more than 60 million companies worldwide.
The address of company.
The contact person at the company. Email-address for the contact person
The item that the respondent is supplying (e.g., assembly, subassembly, component, raw material). A sub-part refers to a sub-unit of a product. The supplier product number The customer product number
Grams of the Product/Subpart Total mass.
Disclosure must be in SI units as defined in ISO 31. Additional information about the product/subpart. This object is needed for ensuring e.g., RoHS-compliance by identifying sub-part or location Material/Substance. From Annex A or B
Provides declaration that material/substance category is not present above threshold level in product or subproduct which is declared. Allows for negative declartion, if desired.
A material is made up of one or more substances (e.g., copper alloy is a material, which in turn is made up of a number of defined substances, copper, nickel, silver, etc.). Substances are chemical elements and their compounds. See Annex F for Examples
Chemicals Abstract Service Numbering System. ISO International Standards number for identifying material/substance e.g. as in the case of brominated flame retardants.
Grams of Material/Substance mass if present above threshold levels. Disclosure must be in SI units as defined in ISO 31.
Parts per million, ppm, or weight percentage of
Material/Substance mass if present above threshold levels
Location/application information.
This object may be needed for ensuring e.g., RoHS-compliance.
* Mandatory when declaring Level A materials/substances
Contact person Email-address
Product/Subpart Name Product /Subpart Number
Information Receiver Product /Subpart Number
Product /Subpart Total Mass (g) Product /Subpart Information
Optional Optional Optional Required Required Optional Required (Optional for PVC) Optional
Material/Substance Required Category Name Material/Substance Optional Category present or not (Y/N) above threshold limit
Material/Substance Optional Name
Material/Substance CAS-number or ISO Number
Material/Substance Mass (g)
Material/Substance (ppm or %) Detailed
Material/Substance Information Detailed
Material/Substance Note
Required (Optional for PVC) Optional Required*/ Optional Optional
Additional information about the material/substance. If applicable, additional information about
radioactivity, e.g. radioactivity isotope name and code, max activity Level (MBq), typical activity level (MBq)
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Annex D (Normative) Examples of Material Declaration Forms
Below you will find two examples of a material declaration that is based on this guide. This represents the most basic form containing only mandatory data fields. The second example contains the mandatory fields plus the optional “negative declaration” field.
Company Name: Any Company Product Name: Integrated Circuit
Product Number: 001 Product Total Mass (g): 1.0 g
Material/Substance Category Detailed Material/Substance
Material/Substance Mass (g)
Name Information
Product Name: __Integrated Circuit_________________
If Yes, Detailed
intentionally added If Yes, Material
Material/Substance Category Name Material Substance
or present (Y/N) Substance Mass (g)
above threshold
Azo colorants N Cadmium/Cadmium compounds N Hexavalent Chromium/Hexavalent
Chromium Compounds Lead/Lead Compounds N Mercury/Mercury Compounds N Ozone Depleting Substances (CFCs, HCFCs, HBFCs, carbon tetrachloride, N etc
Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) N Polybrominated Diphenylethers
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) N Polychlorinated Naphthalenes (more
than 3 chlorine atoms) Radioactive Substances N
Chlorinated Paraffins
Tributyl Tin (TBT) and Triphenyl Tin
Tributyl Tin Oxide (TBTO) N
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Annex D (Normative) Examples of Material Declaration Forms (cont’d)
Level B Material and Substance Declaration:
Material/Substance Category Name Antimony/Antimony Compounds Arsenic/Arsenic Compounds Beryllium/Beryllium Compounds Bismuth/ Bismuth Compounds Brominated Flame Retardants (other than PBBs or PBDEs) Nickel
Selenium/Selenium Compounds Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Material/Substance Category present or not (Y/N) above threshold level
If Yes, Material Substance Mass
If Yes, Detailed Material Substance
For examples of other material declarations solutions, see:
http://home.jeita.or.jp/eps/ http://
Joint Industry Guide No. JIG-101 Page 10
Annex E (Normative) Regulatory Information and Examples of Use
The following chart outlines legal and regulatory citations for Level A Materials and
Substances and examples of use of both Level A and Level B Materials and Substances in the EEE industry.
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Material/ Substance
Legal and Regulatory Information Examples of Use
76/769/EEC, Marketing and Use of Dangerous Substances and amendments: (83/478/EEC;
Brake lining pad, insulator, filler,
85/610/EEC; 87/217/EEC; 91/659/EEC;
Asbestos abrasive, insulator, filler, pigment, paint,
99/77/EEC). United States: Toxic Substances
talc, adiabatic material
Control Act (restricts new uses); Occupational Safety and Health Act (29 CFR 1910.1001-1051).76/769/EEC, Marketing and Use of Dangerous
Azocolourants and
Substances and amendments: (2002/61/EC; Pigment, dyes, colorants
Statutory Order 1199 of December 23, 1992 on
the Prohibition of Sale, Importation, and
Pigment, anti-corrosion surface Manufacture of Cadmium-containing Products
treatment, electric and electronic (Danish Law), 76/769/EEC, Marketing and Use of
Cadmium/ materials, optical material, stabilizer, Dangerous Substances and amendments:
plating, pigment for resin, fluorescent, Cadmium
(91/338/EEC, 91/157/EEC, 93/86/EEC);
electrode, solder, electric contact, Compounds
2000/53/EEC (EU/ELV Directive); 2002/95/EC contact point, zinc plating, stabilizer for (EU/RoHS Directive); 94/62/EEC (EU Packaging PVC Directive); US regulations on heavy metals in
packaging (17 US states).
Hexavalent 2000/53/EC (EU/ELV Directive), 2002/95/EC (EU pigment, paint, ink, catalyst, plating, anti-Chromium/ RoHS Directive), 94/62/EEC (EU Packaging corrosion surface treatment, dye, paint
Directive), US regulations on heavy metals in dryer, surface treatment, chromate Hexavalent
packaging (17 States). treatment, paints adhesion Chromium
enhancement, anti-corrosion Compounds
rubber hardener, pigment, paint,
76/769/EEC, Marketing and Use of Dangerous lubricant, plastic stabilizer, materials for Substances and amendments: (86/677/EEC, 91/157/EEC, 93/86/EEC); 2000/53/EC (EU/ELV steels, optical materials, X-ray shielding
Directive), 2002/95/EC (EU/RoHS Directive), in CRT glass, electrical solder material,
94/62/EEC (EU Packaging Directive), US mechanical solder materials, curing regulations on heavy metals in packaging (17 agent, vulcanizing agent, ferroelectrics,
States), California Proposition 65. resin stabilizer, plating, metal alloy, resin
76/769/EEC, Marketing and Use of Dangerous Substances and amendments: (86/677/EEC,
91/157/EEC, 98/101/EEC); 2000/53/EC (EU/ELV fluorescent bulb, contact point material,
Directive); 2002/95/EC (EU/RoHS Directive); pigment, anti-corrosion, switches, high-Mercury
94/62/EEC (EU Packaging Directive); US efficiency phosphor, antibacterial
regulations on heavy metals in packaging (17 treatment States), also New England Mercury-Containing
Product Legislation (VT, NH, MD, ME). Law Concerning the Protection of the Ozone Layer through the Control of Specified
Substances and others (Japanese law), Montreal
Ozone Depleting Protocol, 1990 revision of Article 611 of the Clean
Substances solvent cleaner
Air Act (US law), 76/769/EEC, marketing and Use of Dangerous Substances and amendments:
(94/60/EEC; 97/64/EEC)
Polybrominated 2002/95/EEC (EU/RoHS Directive), German law
flame retardant
Biphenyls (PBBs) on dioxin