综合英语教程第五册 课后答案 课件Unit-8 Love and Resentment
新世纪高等院校英语专业本科系列教材(修订版) 综合教程第五册(第2版)电子教案
Unit 8
Love and Resentment
上海外语教育出版社 南京信息工程大学 刘杰海
ContentsLearning Objectives Pre-reading Activities Global Reading Detailed Reading Consolidation Activities Further Enhancement
Learning ObjectivesRhetorical skill: features of vivid narration Key language & grammar points
Writing strategies: flashback and metaphor in narrationTheme: love and family bond
Picture Activation | Pre-questions
What is LOVE, and what is HATE in your understanding?
Picture Activation | Pre-questions1. Human beings suffer from a variety of illnesses, both physical and mental. In a way, those with mental problems deserve even more sympathy and care. However, they don’t often get adequate treatment. Have you ever had any experience to deal with a lunatic or mentally abnormal person? Open to discussion.
Picture Activation | Pre-questions2. A lunatic person is subjected to almost endless mental abnormality on the one hand, and is a threat to the safety of others and to the stability of society on the other. How do you think lunatic patients should be taken care of in our society? Open to discussion.
Text Introduction | Culture Notes | Author | Structure This narrative text consists of dynamic and vivid accounts of the chief character's mental illness and her behavior, and of the writer's love and resentment of her daughter. Different moods and behavior of the chief character are represented. When seized with mental illness, or irritated by her mother, she pours out frenzied mutterings or infuriated utterances and complaints. When she becomes quiet and impassive, she acts normally and even gently or mildly. There are many examples in the text that clearly show that the writer both loves and resents her daughter.
Text Introduction | Culture Notes | Author | Structure This seems quite natural if we consider the chief character's illness and behavior as well as the writer's actual situation. After reading the story, we come to see that the mentally ill are pathetic creatures, who deserve our love, care and compassion.
Text Introduction | Culture Notes | Author | Structure Crohn's disease (Paragraph 14) sometimes called regional enteritis, a chronic inflammation of the intestines resulting from an extreme reaction of the immune system. The disease is found mainly in Europe, North America, and Australia. And it was named after B.B. Crohn, an American doctor. 克罗恩氏病,节段性回肠炎,局 限性肠(结肠)炎
Text Introduction | Culture Notes | Author | Structure Barbara Bick (1941-) is a peace activist
, feminist, and writer as well as an advocate for the mentally ill in Washington, D.C. Currently, she is writing a book titled The Riddle of the Demon Mother. Her essay Love and Resentment first appeared in The New York Times.
Text Introduction | Culture Notes | Author | Structure Part 1 (1-8) beginning part, describes and recounts two typical events concerning the chief character’s unusual behavior and the writer’s response to it. Part 2 (9-23) body part, shows the writer’s love and resentment for her daughter. Part 3 (24) ending, makes it quite clear that the writer must live her own life instead of satisfying her daughter’s greatest wish.
Detailed ReadingLOVE AND RESENTMENT Barbara Bick 1. I straightened up from my weeding as the frenzied mutterings of anger reached me from the house. My muscles tightened. The screams were so muffled I could barely hear them. "Get away from me, you filthy slut. Leave me alone."
Detailed Reading2. I moved cautiously through the overgrown bushes, up against the bathroom window, straining to catch the exact words. I want to understand my daughter. "Shut up! Shut up! You always do everything wrong. Incompetent bitch?" The flushing toilet drowned out the rest. I moved away quickly, shaken once again by her wild outbursts. Sometimes she frightens me when she is clearly out of control. But this time I was reassured; she didn't want me to hear. I bent to my weeding as she opened the screen door. She sat down. Her face was calm and impassive.
Detailed Reading3. "Can I help you, mother?" she asked as she lighted her umpteenth cigarette of the morning and was shaken by her usual barking cough. 4. "Sure. Why don't you pull up some of the weeds between the bricks on the path." 5. "Oh, that's too hard," she said and she settled deeper into the deck chair. 6. "Damn it, Kathy, why is everything too hard for you? Go ahead, get the stool and do what you can." I snapped at her.
Detailed Reading7. Damn it yourself, I said to myself. Why did I bring her up here? Why, why, why? Yesterday had been rough. She had hurled accusation after accusation at me. "Why do you always say I'm crazy?" she had yelled. "Don't you EVER tell me I'm a paranoid schizophrenic again. That's all you ever do — call me crazy and I'm not."
8. "Kathy," my voice quieter and quieter as hers rose in crescendo, "I have never called you crazy. Please, Kathy, keep your voice down. Kathy, stop it. Stop it right now!"
Detailed Reading9. I shook away that memory and rose laboriously …… 此处隐藏:3910字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……