chap004 Analyzing Investing Activities(财务报表分析-台湾中兴大学)


Anlyaizng nveIstignA tcvitiise4

CAPTEHRcGraMw-Hil/lIwin r© 0024 hTeM GrcwaHill Co-mapnise Inc.,,Al lRi ghstRe erves.d

Curernt Asst IntreduoctioCnlssificaatoinCurent rsh(rotermt) AssestRseurocs oe crliamsto r eouscre thatsa er xpectee dt ob eosld co,lelcet, ordu esdw tiinho n yeae rr toe hoeprating cyce, whiclhver ies lnogr.eNnocurrnt (Leno-Tegmr )sAetssReosrucs or cleims ao tersuoces rhta ate erxepcet to yideld benfiestt hat xeend beytnodone ye ra r oht eoperatng cycil, whiehcver is eolgner.

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115,001.2 5 217.

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nvenItoiersIvenntro Cyost loFs

Bewinging InvnnteoryNetC ot os fPurhcaes

seMchandire Avaslabil fer Sola enEdni gIvnetonryCos tfo Good …… 此处隐藏:3819字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……

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