adopted children 英语专业新闻ppt



Adopted children discover China




Learning to write the Chinese characters for "love" and "happiness" in a Beijing classroom was the first activity for a group of American families on a cultural tour of China on Tuesday.

But this was not a typical tour group. Although the parents may have been born and raised in the United States, their children were born in China, before being adopted to be raised on the other side of the world.


living example :

Thomas Shuo Fahnle, 10, learned Chinese calligraphy书法 and paper cutting剪纸 with great interest at the culture class, accompanied陪伴 by his adoptive有收养关系的 father David Charles Fahnle. The boy, wearing a hearing aid助听器, dipped his brush into black ink and then painted on blank paper following the teacher's instructions.

For the first three years not hear at all, said his father.

of his life, he could 58-year-old adoptive

The boy had been at a child welfare institute in Beijing until he turned 3, when the single father adopted him in 2005. After seven surgeries, he can now hear from both ears


Words from the bottom of Fahnle's heart."I ha ve be e n a te a che r of de a f childre n for 36 ye a rs a nd I know this is the a re a I re a lly know som e thing a bout," F a hnle sa id. "W he n I chose him , I kne w his m e dica l history a nd kne w wha t I could do both e duca tiona lly a nd m e dica lly to he lp him to he a r a nd im prove his a ca de m ic skills, a nd a t the sa m e tim e give him a ca ring a nd loving hom e ."


O ve rse a s fa m ilie s ha ve a dopte d m ore tha n 100,000 C hine se childre n since the 1990s, a ccording to sta tistics from the M inistry of C ivil Affa irs.


The end Thank you ! Producer : JessicaLin

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