被引用次数:程洪斌, 刘晓桥, 陈红漫, CHENG Hong-bin, LIU Xiao-qiao, CHEN Hong-man程洪斌,陈红漫,CHENG Hong-bin,CHEN Hong-man(沈阳农业大学生物科学技术学院,沈阳,110161), 刘晓桥,LIU Xiao-qiao(上海绿神生态园艺有限公司,上海,200083)上海农业学报ACTA AGRICULTURAE SHANGHAI2006,22(1)45次
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14.Ayten Yazgan;Gülay zcengiz;Erkan zcengiz Bacilysin biosynthesis by a partially-purified enzymefraction from Bacillus subtilis[外文期刊] 2001(67)
15.陈中义;张杰;黄大昉 植物病害生防芽孢杆菌抗菌机制与遗传改良研究[期刊论文]-植物病理学报 2003(02)
16.Manjula K;Kishore GK;Podile AR Whole cells of Bacillus subtilis AF 1 proved more effective thancell-free and chitinase-based formulations in biological control of citrus fruit rot and groundnutrust[外文期刊] 2004(09)
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