Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration PowerPoint
Cellular Respiration Chapter 9
Ms. McCaughan La Serna High School 2007-2008
Energy Review
Energy Storing Molecules
ATP supplies most of the energy that drives metabolism in living things ATP releases energy when converted into ADP
Cellular Respiration OverviewChapter 9-1
Living things get most of the energy they need from glucose.
Autrotrophs make glucose using photosynthesis Heterotrophs get glucose from food they eat The process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen.
Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration Overview
Cellular Respiration Overall Equation 6O2 + C6H12O6 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy Three Stages1. 2. 3.
Glycolysis Kreb’s Cycle Electron Transport Chain
The Main form of Energy produced = ATP
Figure 9–2
Cellular Respiration: An OverviewMitochondrion Electrons carried in NADH Pyruvic acid Electrons carried in NADH and FADH2
Krebs Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
Mitochondrion Cytoplasm
Glyco = Glucose lysis = Breakdown Occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell Molecules of GLUCOSE are broken down into 2 molecules of Pyruvic Acid. Cell must use (invest) 2 ATP Produces Energy Carrier Molecules
Pyruvate = Pyruvic Acid
Glucose Pyruvic AcidTo the Electron Transport Chain
Pyruvic Acid
The “Mighty” Mitochondria
The mitochondria is the organelle where the final stages of cellular respiration occurs.
Kreb’s Cycle Electron Transport Chain
Cells that use a lot of energy have high numbers of mitochondria.
Example: Muscle cells in the heart!!
Kreb’s CycleChapter 9-2
Aerobic Process = Only if oxygen is present!! Occurs in the MATRIX of the mitochondria Pyruvic Acid from Glycolysis enters to form 1 ATP 3 NADH 1 FADH2 CO2 (which is released when we exhale!!) AKA….Citric Acid Cycle
Kreb’s Cycle
Electron Transport ChainChapter 9-2
Energy carrier molecules produced during Glycolysis and the Kreb’s Cycle enter the ETC
Occurs in the folds of the Inner Membrane of the Mitochondria (Cristae) The electrons are passed down a chain of proteins until they reach the final electron acceptor…..oxygen!
So this step is aerobic (requires oxygen)
The ETC produces 32 ATP and H2O
Electron Transport Chain
The chain then repeats in the same way with FADH2
Section 9-2
Cellular Respiration FlowchartCarbon Dioxide (CO2) + Water (H2O)
Glucose (C6H1206) + Oxygen (02)
Krebs Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
What happens if NO OXYGEN is available??The Kreb’s Cycle and Electron Transport Chain can’t function!! These are anaerobic conditions!!
FermentationChapter 9-1
The cell can use Fermentation instead!! Occurs in the Cytoplasm Just like
glycolysis!! Fermentation A series of reactions that convert NADH (from glycolysis) back into NAD allowing glycolysis to keep producing a small amount of ATP
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