

Lesson 90What's for supper? 晚餐吃什么?

New words chip n. 油煎土豆片 giant adj. 巨大的 diver n. 潜小员 wit n. (复数)理智,头脑 shark n. 鲨鱼 variety n. 品种 skate n. 鳐 crew n. 全体工作人员 overfish v. 过度捕捞 terrify v. 吓,使恐怖 oil rig 石油钻塔 cage n. 笼 whale n. 鲸 cod n. 鳕 factor n. 因素

Words study★ chip (1)n. 油煎土豆片(英:potato chip / crisp) (細長的)油炸馬鈴薯條 (美:French fry) (2) 碎片、木碎片 have a chip on one’s shoulder(口) 心情不好、性好 爭吵 a chip off the old block (口)酷似父親的兒子、 一個 模子印出來的, 酷似 ★ overfish v. 过度捕捞 overcrop v. 因過度的耕種而使土地貧瘠 overdo v. 做得過分, 過度, 誇張 overdraw vt. 透支, 拉過度, 誇大 overdress v. (使)過度打扮, 穿著太考究 overeat 食べ過ぎる、vi. 吃過量

★ giant (1) adj. 巨大的 a giant corporation 一個大公司 giant panda n. 大貓熊, 大熊貓 (2)n. (故事或傳說等) 巨人、大漢(相反:dwarf 矮子 ) eg:Jack saw the giant climbing down the beanst alk . 傑克看到巨人爬下豆莖。 (3) n. 偉人、大人物 giants in the field of electronics 電子行業之牛耳.

★ terrify v. 吓,使恐怖、使受驚嚇 be terrified of 害怕 ..., 恐懼 ... eg:The children were terrified of being scolded . 孩子 們害怕被罵。 terrify sb 驚嚇某人、威脅(某人) eg:His sudden appearance terrified them . 他的突然出 現,嚇壞了他們。 be terrified by / be terrified at 被……嚇一跳 eg:They were terrified by his sudden appearance . = They were terrified at his sudden appearance . 他的突然出現使他們都嚇壞了。 terrifying adj. 可怕的 terrified ['terifaid] adj. 恐懼的, 受驚嚇的

★ diver n. 潜小员、跳水選手 dive [daiv] n./ vi.跳水,潛水;俯沖,撲 dive from the bridge into the river 從橋上跳入河中 diver for (為尋找或取……) 潛水 eg:They dived down for oysters . 他們潛水去撈牡 蠣 dive into (突然)投入, 跳入、潛心研究 eg:He dived into the history of China . 他潛心研究 中國的歷史。

★ oil rig 石油钻塔 oil (1) n. 油 cooking oil 食用油 hair oil 髮油 ; heavy oil 重油 ; light oil 輕油 (2) n. 油畫顏料 paint in oils 油畫油 ; burn the midnight oil 開夜車 pour oil on the flame vi. 火上加油 (3) v. 在…….注 (塗)油 oil a clock 給鐘加油 oil one’s hand = oil one’s palm 行賄 oil the wheels (用會賂手段等) 使事情進展順利 rig (1) n.(船) 配備、設備 (2) v. 給(船)上配備、打扮、裝束

★ wit (1) n. (复数

)理智,头脑(wits) eg:He has quick wits . 他反應敏銳 eg:He lacked the wits to see what to do in the emerg ency . 他當時缺少臨機應變的能力。 (2) 機智、聰明(u) eg:His essays sparkled with wit . 他的散文才氣洋溢。 eg:His speech was full of wit and humor . 他的演講充 滿了機智和幽默。 at one’s wits’ end 智窮計盡 have one’s wits about = keep one’s wits about 頭腦冷靜;保持警覺;精明;足智多謀 live by one’s wits 靠小聰明過日子 out of one’s wits 失去理智

★ shark (1) n. 鲨鱼 (2)n.(口語) 騙子、貪得無厭的人、放高利貸者 ★ whale n. 鲸 eg:The whale is the largest of all animals . 所有動物鯨是最大的。 a whale of (口) 極好的、巨大的 have a whale of a time 過美好的時光

variety [v rai ti] n. 多樣化 ←→monotony [m n t ni] n.單調 a life full of variety 豐富多彩的生活 for variety’s sake 為不單調起見,為了有所變化 a variety of 種種,多種多樣的 eg:There are a wide variety of people on the earth . 地球上有各種不同的人。 variety show (英)綜藝節目 variety store (美) 雜貨店(以低價出售日常品及其他雜貨的店鋪) various adj.(1) 形形色色的、種種的 representatives from various countries 來自各國的代表 various experiences 種種經驗 (2) 許多的、好幾個的(無比較級的變化) for various reasons 因種種理由 variation [ ve ri ei n] n.變化,變動;變體,變種;變奏(曲) variations of temperature 溫度的變化

★ cod n. 鳕魚 C.O.D. n. (= cash on delivery) 貨到付款 ★ skate (1) n. 鳐魚 (2) v. 溜冰、滑冰 eg:I want to go skating tomorrow . 我想明天去溜冰 (3) n. 溜冰鞋 ice skate ; roller skate 旱冰鞋 ★ factor (1) n.(造成某結果的) 因素、要素 the main factor that caused dispute 造成糾紛,的主要因素, eg:Honesty is one factor for his success . 誠信是他成功的因素之一。 (2) n. 因數、因子

★ crew n.(船、飛機、火車等的) 全体工作人员(集體名詞) eg:The crew is large . 工作人員很多。 eg:The crew of the jet are 30 in all . 全體機組人員總共是30個。 eg:The plane had seventy passengers and a crew of ten . 這架飛機有七十名乘客,10名機組人員。 crew cut 小平頭 ; crew neck 圓領毛衣

【Text】 What kind of fish are they? Fish and chips has always been a favorite dish in Britain, but as the oceans have been overfished, fish has become more and mo re expensive. So it comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish a re terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs. Oil rigs have to be r ep

aired frequently and divers, who often have to work in darkn ess a hundred feet under water, have been frightened out of th eir wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work. Now they have had special cages made to protect them from these monst ers. The fish are not sharks or killer whales, but favourite eating varieties like cod and skate which grow to unnatural sizes, some times as …… 此处隐藏:3797字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……

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