Unit 11
Section 1 Listening and Translation
1. The National Assessment of Adult Literacy is the most important test of how well
adult Americans can read.
2. Those who took part were tested on how well they could read and understand
information used in everyday life.
3. The study found that 11 million adults, or five percent, cannot read English.
4. Researchers say part of the problem is that many young Americans do not read as
much for pleasure anymore.
5. The best readers were found to earn up to 28,000 dollars a year more than those
who lacked simple reading skills.
1. “国家成人读写能力评估”是检测美国成年人阅读能力的一项主要测试。
2. 该测试检测的是参加者阅读和理解日常生活信息的能力。
3. 这项调查发现有1,100万,即百分之五的成年人看不懂英语。
4. 研究人员说,问题的部分原因在于很多美国年轻人作为消遣所进行的阅读已经不太多了。
5. 人们发现阅读水平高的人比那些不具备基本阅读能力的人的年收入多28,000美元。
Section 2
Part 1 Dialogue
Great leaders in history
1. … military chiefs
1) … national heroes dreaded tyrants
2) …2. … spiritual leaders
Characteristics all great leaders have in common
1. … what they want to achieve
2. … work towards them
what obstacles they may come up against
3. …4. … the will of the people improve their lot
5. … be successful
Part 2 Passage
Ex. C: 1-4 T T T F 5-8 T F T F