成功理工职场英语答案Unit 1



Unit 1 Research and Development


Team Project


Additional Resources



Unit 1 Research and DevelopmentLesson 1. Congress and the National Science Foundation Lesson 2. Measuring and comparing R&D activity Lesson 3. Coordinating the members of the team Lesson 4. Working out a logical sequence Lesson 5. Gradually increasing expenditure

Lesson 6. Developing a new productEXIT


Unit 1 Research and Development

Additional Activities Reading Resources Additional Resources Writing Resources Unit Test Grammar Resources



Lesson 1 Congress and the National Science Foundation

a In pairs or small groups, discuss the questions.1. In your country, which government department has responsibility for scientific research? 2. Which universities in your country have a strong reputation for scientific research?


b Read and complete the text using the words below.universities governments industries



Funding for Scientific Research


cientific research requires substantial funding, especially when it involves the use of expensive equipment. This funding often comes governments In the U.S. for example, it is the directly from (1) _______________. federal government that sponsors most national defense and space exploration projects. Funding for science can also come from science (2) _______________. foundations In 1950, the U.S. Congress passed an act that established the National Science Foundation. This independent federal agency develops a national science policy and supports scientific research and education. Two other well-known foundations that are involved in disease research are the







American Cancer Society and the National Heart Association. Research is also conducted and supported by private-sector (3) _________ industries that employ scientists—especially from the applied sciences—who work in the development of industrial or commercial processes and products. universities through Scientific research is also supported by (4) ____________ professorships. Most professors do not just give classes but also conduct scientific research. Indeed, what many professors are looking for is the opportunity to work at a university where they can continue their own research. These are the professors whose students have the chance to observe real research at first hand. Most universities specialize in certain fields and they are frequently judged on the achievements of their research professors. Scientists whose research findings are published and talked about in scientific circles bring prestige to the institution where they work.


c Read the text again and find the words that mean the sameas the following phrases.Key

1. very large (paragraph 1)substantial ___________ 2. a law passed by a parliament, congress, etc. (paragraph 2) an act ___________ 3. use the services of someone or something (paragraph 3) employ ___________ 4. respect and admiration fo

r someone or something of high quality (paragraph 4) prestige ___________


d In pairs, discuss and write definitions for the followingterms from the text. Use a dictionary to help you.

1. the federal government 3. the private sector 2. at first hand 4. research findings

5. the applied sciences 6. in scientific circles


e Read the last two paragraphs of the text again and completethese sentences.Key

1. In paragraph 3, line 2, the pronoun that refers to 2. In paragraph 3, line 4, the pronoun who refers to 3. In paragraph 4, line 4, the pronoun what refers to 4. In paragraph 4, line 6, the pronoun where refers to 5. In paragraph 4, line 8, the pronoun whose refers to

_______________ industries _______________ scientists the opportunity _______________

a university _______________the professors _______________


f Read and complete the sentences with appropriate relativepronouns. The first one has been done for you.Key

1. It is the Ministry of Science and Education ____ that decides where to allocate funds. 2. This is Prof. Wilkinson ______ whose book was published last month. 3. The American Cancer Society, ______ which is involved in disease research, is a well-known foundation. 4. You need to talk to Prof. Dawes _____ who handles the admissions. 5. The difficult thing is ____ that the department has no more money for research. 6. The application procedure ______ which we have to follow is very complex.


g Complete these sentences with information that reflectsyour personal views.

1. In this country it is __________ that provides most of the money for scientific research. 2. In my opinion, what science students are looking for is _____________. 3. In my opinion, ____________ is the scientist whose work has had the greatest impact. 4. The institutions where many scientists want to work are ____________.


h In small groups, compare and discuss your answersto Exercise g.


Lesson 2

Measuring and comparing R&D activity

a Discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups.1. How can the level of R&D activity of a company be measured? 2. Which measure do you consider to be the best indicator of R&D activity?


b Listen and complete the notes. Check and compare youranswers.Script Key

Indicators of R&D activity budgets 1. ________________________ number of new patents filed 2. ________________________ number and frequency of publications 3. ________________________ percentage of revenue spent on R&D 4. ________________________


c Read the sentences and circle True or False.



d Look at the chart and estimate what percentage of theirrevenue companies spend on R&D.Key

7 14 15 25 43(Source: UK R&D Scoreboard, 2004)


e Listen and check your answers.Interviewer: So how much do companies spend on R&D? That is, what sort of R&D intensity rates do we see, for example, in a typical U.S. manufacturing company? Expert: Typical R&D expenditure might be around 3.5% of revenue—more or less. Interviewer: As little as that

? Expert: Yes. High-tech companies, like computer manufacturers, for example, tend to spend more on R&D. Maybe around 7% of their revenue. Interviewer: In which sectors do we find the bigger R&D spenders? Expert: Well, these tend to be either high-tech companies or, especially, pharmaceutical companies. To give you an example, the American pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co. spends about 14% of revenue on R&D while the Swiss firm Novartis invests about 15% each year. Some telecommunications companies spend heavily on R&D. For example, the Swedish company Ericsson spends 25% of revenue on R&D. Interviewer: And who is top of the list? Expert: The biggest spender is the American pharmaceutical company Allergan. They spend an enormous amount on R&D—43% of revenue.


f Read and complete the text with the words from the box.The first one has been done for you.Key

costs profit

customer profitable

failure R&D-intensive

invest spenders

precision unprofitable

spenders in R&D tend to produce certain types of The big (1) ___________ product—things like (2) ______________ R&D-intensive scientific instruments, medicines, high-tech weapons systems, navigation and safety devices for aircraft, etc. Whereas, typically, a manufacturing company might make a profit of 40% on its sales, the profits of these (3) __________ companies can range from 60% to as high as 90%. In customer other words, manufacturing (4) __________ failure represent only 10%



costs profit

customer profitable

failure R&D-intensive

invest spenders

precision unprofitable

profitable pays for the product—the of the price that the (5) _________ remaining 90% being (6) _________. precision One might ask how these companies can justify figures like these. The explanation lies in the fact that, for them, R&D carries a high risk of (7) __________. A costs profit large part of the time and money that they (8) __________ in R&D does not create any (9) __________ invest products at all. So the high profits of a handful of successful products serve to offset the cost of unprofitable numerous (10) ___________ projects.


g Read the completed text and answer the questions.


1. For a typical manufacturing company, what percentage of sales represents profit? _________________ 40%. 2. In what manufacturing fields do R&D-intensive companies tend to operate? Precision scientific instruments, medicines, high-tech ____________________________________________________ weapons systems, navigation and safety devices for aircraft. ____________________________________________________ 3. What percentage of sales is profit for an R&D-intensive company? From 60% to 90%. _________________ 4. Why is R&D a high-risk activity for some companies? A large part of R&D investment does not create any ____________________________________________________ profitable products. ____________________________________________________


h In pairs, role-play a conversation in which a scientist from

an R&D-intensive c

ompany explains the economics of R&D investment to a layperson.

i In pairs or small groups, look for information on one or moreof the topics in the box below and prepare an oral report. 1. Spending on R&D as a percentage of revenue in the place where you work 2. Spending on R&D as a percentage of revenue in a well-known company in your country 3. Reviews, journals, periodicals, etc., where scientists can get their research work published 4. The largest recipients of funding for research in your country 5. The process by which inventions and innovations are patented in your country


