


to do.

3. I decided that between now and Christmas I must do nothing, absolutely nothing, to reveal the slightest hint of my terrible

knowledge. I must avoid the least word that night reveal my

possession of her secret. Nothing must deny her the happiness of seeing me completely amazed on Christmas day.

4. In the privacy of my bedroom I began composing and testing exclamations of delight: ―Wow!‖ ―A bike with balloon tires! I don't believe it!‖ ―I'm the luckiest boy alive!‖ And so on. They all owed a lot to movies in which boys like Mickey Rooney had seen their wildest dreams come true. I soon realized that, with my lack of acting talent, all of them were going to sound false at the critical moment when I wanted to cry out my love spontaneously from the heart. Maybe it would be better to say nothing but appear to be shocked into such deep pleasure that speech had escaped me/ I wasn't sure, though. I'd seen speechless gratitude in the movies too, and it never really worked until the actors managed to cry a few quiet tears. I doubted I could cry on cue, so I began thinking about other expressions of speechless

amazement. In front of a hand-held mirror in my bedroom I tried the whole range of expressions; mouth open and eyes wide; hands slapped firmly against both cheeks to keep the jaw from falling off; ear-to-ear grin with all teeth fully exposed while hugging myself with both arms. These and more I practiced for several days without acquiring

confidence in any of them. I decided to wait until Christmas morning and see if anything came naturally...

5. That Christmas morning she woke up early, ―to see what Santa Claus brought,‖ she said with just the right tone of voice to indicate we were all old enough to know who Santa Claus was. I came out of my bedroom with my present for her and Doris, and Doris came with hers. My mother's has been placed under the tree during the night. There were a few small brightly wrapped packages, a big doll for Doris, but no bicycle. I must have looked disappointed.

6. ―It looks like Santa Claus didn't do too well by you this year, Buddy,‖ she said, as I opened packages. A shirt. A necktie. I said


