商务英语 Module 2(修改)


Learning ObjectivesFollowing are the goals for this module. Read them and consider your personal goals. 1. To learn basic principles of effective business letter-writing. 2. To learn the formats and structure of business letters, envelopes and E-mails. 3. To know the designing of an elegant and standardized letter or E-mail. 4. To master the correct arrangement of various parts of a business letter. 5. To practice writing business letters, E-mails and envelopes.

Writing SkillsWhen you write your first letter, you should tell your reader how you obtained his or her business and explain what you intend to buy or sell, and your letter should be brief and polite. Please do remember the first impression of your letter counts heavily. Make sure that your letter follows the standard format and that is typed without any error. In writing a letter to establish business relations, you can inform your recipient of: 1. The source of information. 2. Your purpose in writing - to build up business relations with the firm in question. 3. Your business scope, branches and liaison offices, if any. 4. The references as to your firms financial position and integrity. 5. Your expectation of cooperation and an early reply. If you have received such a letter, you can write the following points in reply: 1. To express thanks for the letter received. 2. To express thanks to your reader for his intention to establish relations with you. 3. To provide information requested. 4. To state clearly whether you would like to accept his proposal. 5. To express good wishes for cooperation.

Notes1. supply n. 供应,供应的商品。表示抽象的概念以及用于一些习语时, 常用单数。表示具体的概念时,用单、复数皆可。 Supply now exceeds demand on our market. As supply and demand vary from time to time, we are unable to give you a detailed market report. The goods are in short (scarce, light, free, abundant, ample) supply. We are replenishing supply (or: supplies). Present supply/supplies is/are quite sufficient. supply v. 供应,供货 We believe we shall be able to supply your requirements. We shall be pleased to supply you with any information you may require concerning these products. We can supply all kinds of leather shoes to you. We are glad to have been able to supply your needs to the full. We cannot supply at present but will probably be able to do so shortly. supplier n. 供应商

2. merchandise n. 商 品 , 货 物 ( 总 称 , 无 复 数 形 式 ) 。 例 如 general merchandise 杂货。 The merchandise is shipped through two ports. The merchandise is being strictly examined. 比较:goods, commodity, cargo article/item line, product. goods (pl.) 商品,货物。既用于统称,又可以特指。还用于表示货 物 的 名 称 。 一 般 用 复 数 形 式 。 例 如 : consumer goods 消 费 品 ; captioned goods 标题商品;electric goods 电器。 Twenty pieces of goods were stolen at the port of dis

charge. commodity 商品,日用品,一般用来指类别。 Labor is bought and sold like any other commodity. Wine is one of the many commodities that France sells abroad. the Chinese Export Commodities Fair 中国出口商品交易会 cargo 货物(常指运输中的货物);一批船货 The steamer sailed with full cargo. It’s a cargo steamer. A cargo (several cargoes) of sugar is (are) arriving on this steamer. article, item 表示编号的商品、列表中的商品。例如Article / Item No. 5

This list comprises the main articles / items the exporter deals in. line (一系列同类)货色,商品的一种 This is a new line of ready-made suits. We don’t have any beachwear in stock at the moment – we’re still waiting for our summer line to come in. product (工厂生产的)产品。例如:primary product 初级产品; end/final/finished product 最终产品;semi-finished product 半成品。 Nowadays there is such a range of skin-care products to choose from. I am trying to cut down on dairy products. 3. enclose v. 封入 We enclose a copy of our price list. Please refer to the price list enclosed with /in our letter of August 5. Enclosed are two copies of our price list. Enclosed please find a copy of our price list. /Please find enclosed a copy of our price list. We believe you will find the enclosed interesting. enclosure n. 附件 (信内有附件时,常用缩写Encl. 或Enc. 注明于信末左 下角) We thank you for your letter of April 15 with enclosures.

4. price list 价目单,常见的宣传商品的材料还有: illustrated catalogue 带有插图或照片的商品目录 brochure 商品小册子 pamphlet 商品小册子 leaflet 单页的商品说明书 sample book 样品本 5. await vt. 等候 (与wait意思相同,但用法不同。wait一般为不及物动 词,后面应跟介词“for”) 比较: We await your early reply.

We wait for your early reply.We await hearing from you.

We are waiting to hear from you.

6. inform v. 通知,常可与advise换用,常用于下列结构: We shall inform you of the date of shipment. We are pleased to inform you that your offer has been accepted by our customer. Please inform us which model you are interested in. Please be informed that the samples you requested have been sent by airmail. Please be informed that the L/C has been opened. 在下列句子结构中,inform不可与advise换用。 1) 当间接宾语省略时 Please advise the name of steamer. We wish to advise that business has been done at our price. Please advise what quantity you can offer for a year. 2) 用作不及物动词时 If interested, please advise. 3) 当指的是和对方关系较大的事时: We wish to advise that business has been done at GBP110 per ton. 如和对方关系不大,只是让对方知道或了解一下时,则用inform较好。 We wish to inform you that we have moved to the following address.

7. confident adj. 确信的;有信心的,例如be/fee

l confident of sth. confidence n. 信心;把握,例如have confidence in sth.和have confidence that... have confidence in sb. We feel confident of the quality of your goods. We thank you for the confidence you placed in us. We hope you will place confidence in us that we can supply you with larger quantities regularly. We have full confidence in the quality of your goods. We have full confidence that you will be satisfied with our first shipment. 8. requirement n. 需要 (常用单数,后接介词of);需要的货物(表示货物或 需要量时,常用复数,后接介词for/of)。 We have noted your requirement of samples and catalogues. Good quality is the major requirement. We can satisfy your requirements for/of electric goods. Buyers have placed their requirements elsewhere.

9. at your end 在你处 = on your side/in your place. Please advise the price ruling at your end/on your side / in your place). 10. under separate cover 另邮,另寄;也可以说by separate mail;如附在 信里则用under cover(随函)或enclose。 We are sending you catalogues under separate cover. = We are sending you catalogues by separate mail. We are sending you under cover a copy of our price list. = We are enclosing a copy of our price list.

11. establish v. 建立;开立; We shall be glad to establish business relations with you. establish business relations 建立业务关系 类似的表达方式有:enter into business relations with sb.;make business contact with sb. establish的其他用法:establish a branch 建立一个分支机构;establish oneself in business 使自己在一个行业中立足;establish a new brand 为 一个新品牌打开销路;established brand 名牌。 Intel announces that its branch office called Intel China Research Center has been established in Beijing, China. We admit that you deserve some credit for establishing this brand in your market. They soon established themselves in the chemical line. The sellers ask the buyers to establish an L/C for their Order No. 1234. establishment n. 建立;开立 Application has been made to the bank for the establishment of L/C. established adj. 既定的;确定的 It is our established practice that goods be inspected after arrival at our port.

12. importer n. 进口商 For these traditional products, no commission is allowed to importers. import n. 进口,进口货 We are interested in the import and export of foodstuffs. Their imports are both diversified and substantial. import v. 进口 We used to import Silicon Sheets before. now we export them. importation n. 进口 They are regularly interested in the importation/import of Oilseeds. export n. 出口;出口货 We handle the export of metals. Wheat is one of the chief exports of Canada. export v. 出口 We export a large quantity of bicycles now. exporter n. 出口商 They are exporters of electric goods. exportation n. 出口 We are engaged in the exportation/export of chemicals.

13. appr

eciate v. 感谢;理解,体会;赏识;涨价,增值 We highly appreciate your kind cooperation. We shall appreciate your sending us a catalogue and some samples. We shall appreciate it if you will put things right and send the goods immediately. The dollar has appreciated in terms of the yen. appreciation n. 感谢,感激;正确评价,欣赏;增值 We wish to express our appreciation for (of) your efforts to push the business. 14. competitive price 有竞争力的价格 moderate price 适中的价格 favorable price 优惠的价格 reasonable price 合理的价格 attractive price 有吸引力的价格 15. transact a significant volume of business 大额订购

16. look forward to 期待,盼望 We are looking forward to your samples and offers. We look forward to receiving your early reply. We look forward to the further expansion of business between us. 17. in compliance with 依从,依照 In compliance with your mail request of April 5, we are pleased to send you two samples of our latest design. comply with 依从,依照;符合 Your offer does not comply with our requirements. We hope you will comply with the following instructions when making shipment. 18. covering (动词cover 的现在分词) 包括……的,涉及……的,有关…… 的 We shall appreciate samples covering your offer. Please let us have your price list covering your Flying Fish Brand typewriters.


irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit 不可撤销的、保兑的信用证

20. desire n.&v. 期望,渴望;要求,请求 They have no desire to buy anything at the moment. What do you desire us to do? desirous adj. 渴望的 We are desirous of entering into/to enter into direct business relations with you.21. leading adj. 主要的,大的 We are a leading bicycle dealers in this district. She is a leading expert on the country’s economy. 22. favorable adj. 有利的,赞成的 We are favorable to your proposal. The time is not favorable for the disposal of the goods.

23. trade n. 贸易;行业 They have been in the wool trade for quite a number of years. trade v. 从事贸易,做生意,经营 They trade in cotton piece goods with many countries. trading n. 贸易,交易(没有复数形式) 常用的搭配有: trading account 营业账户 trading company 贸易公司 trading profit 销售利润 trading area 商业区 trading loss 贸易亏损 fair trading 公平交易 24. terms of payment 付款条件,支付条款 25. time of delivery 交货时间


