TASK VI Legendary Stories in IT
The Apple Inc
The Apple Inc is a personal computer company
founded in 1976 by Steven Jobs and Steve Wozniak. 斯和史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克创立的一个个Throughout the history of personal computing, Apple 人计算机公司。纵观个人计算机历史,has been one of the most innovative influences. In fact, 苹果公司已经成为最具创新影响力的公some analysts say that the entire evolution of the PC 司之一。事实上,一些分析师认为,个can be viewed as an effort to catch up with the Apple 人计算机的整个演变可以看成是努力追除了发明新Macintosh. In addition to inventing new technologies, 赶苹果Macintosh机的过程。
Apple also has often been the first to bring 技术,苹果公司也经常给个人计算机带sophisticated technologies to the personal computer.
Apple’s innovations include: graphical user
interface (GUI). First introduced in 1983 on its Lisa 面(GUI)。GUI首先在1983年苹果公司computer. Many components of the Macintosh GUI 的Lisa计算机引入。许多Macintosh机have become facto standards and can be found in other 的GUI组件已经成为实际上的标准,它operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows. Color. 们也能在诸如微软视窗这样的操作系统The Apple II, introduced in 1977, was the first 中找到。彩色。1977年引入的苹果二代personal computer to offer color monitors. Built-in (Apple II)是第一台提供彩色显示器的个networking . In 1985, Apple released a new version of 人计算机。内置网络。1985年,苹果公the Macintosh with built-in support for networking 司发布了一款新的内置网络支持(本地(LocalTalk). Plug and play expansion. In 1987, the 对话)的Macintosh机。即插即用扩展。Mac二代引入一款叫NuBus的Mac II introduced a new expansion bus called NuBus 1987年,
that made it possible to add devices and configure 新扩展总线,它可以增加设备并且完全them entirely with software. QuickTime. In 1991, 以软件形式安装它们。QuickTime。1991Apple introduced QuickTime, a multi-platform 年,苹果公司引入了QuickTime,一款standard for video, sound, and other multimedia 支持视频、音频和其他多媒体的多平台applications. Integrated television. In 1993, Apple 标准应用程序。互动电视。1993年,苹released the Macintosh TV, the first personal computer 果公司发布Macintosh TV,第一款内置with built-in television and stereo CD. RISC. In 1994, 电视和立体声CD的个人计算机。Apple introduced the Power Mac, based on the RISC(精简指令集计算机)。1994年,苹PowerPC RISC microprocessor.
果引入了基于PowerPC 精简指令集计算机微处理器的Power Mac。
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