

班车租赁 中英文

下班:丰茂路695号;仓场路新成路;裕民路良舍路;嘉西立交桥;胜竹路胜辛北路;胜竹路嘉唐公路 From work:

行车时间暂定 Time of Jiading Shuttlebus

上班:上午:7:40 To work:7:40 a.m.

下班:下午:17:40 From work:5:40 p.m.


Article 2 vParty A’s Special Requirements Promised by Party B to Reach:

1. 不涉及甲方的商业秘密以及私人隐私。暨:为甲方保密。

Not concerning Party A’s business secret and individual privacy, i.e. keep secret for Party A;

2. 司机在开车时不吸烟、不接打电话。

Upon driving car, driver shall not be smoking, making or receiving a call.

3. 对于中外方人员一律友好接待。

Friendly receiving both foreign and Chinese personnel.


Article 3 Service Level Promised by Party B to Reach:

1. 安全、准时。

Being safe and timely;

2. 司机礼貌热情

Driver is courtesy and ardor;

3. 车容干净整洁

The van id clean and neat;

4. 尽量满足甲方的各种用车需求。

Meeting various needs in using car as far as possible.


Article 4 Payment:

1. 每月费用人民币: 小写:8000元(含税) 大写:捌仟元整 费用不包括:汽油费。费用每三月支付一次,先付后用。

Party A shall pay the current monthly shuttlebus charge on _8000__ of the same month. (it does not include the Gasoline fees ). Party A shall pay the current monthly shuttlebus charge once three months. 先付后用。

2. 甲方根据乙方提供的正式发票于 日前支付租赁费用。

Party A shall pay the rent fees according to the formal invoice provided by Party B before April

3. 甲方将根据票据及申请单支付合同期间由于甲方需要导致的停车费、高速公路过桥费。

According to vouchers. Party A shall pay all occurred parking fee and toll fee of express way during valid period of



