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Figure captions

Figure 1.Temperature dependence of magnetization (M H = 0.1 T) and zero field

specific heat results (C/T) for EuCu1.75P2.

Figure 2. Magnetic field dependence of the magnetization for EuCu1.75P2 at some

selected temperatures up to 7 T.

Figure 3. The Arrot-plot of EuCu1.75P2 at some selected temperatures.

Figure 4. The modified Arrott plot isotherms for EuCu1.75P2 in the vicinity of TC. The

inset shows the temperature dependence of spontaneous magnetization Ms(T, 0) and the inverse initial susceptibility 0-1 (T, 0).

Figure 5. Isothermal M vs. H plots at 50 and 52 K; the inset shows the same plot in ln-ln


Figure 6. Magnetic entropy change - SM as a function of temperature for EuCu1.75P2. Figure 7. Temperature dependence of adiabatic temperature change Tad for EuCu1.75P2.

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