

Very recently, Kim et al reported a giant reversible anisotropic MCE in antiferromagnetic EuFe2As2 single crystal. [23] To search new materials displaying large MCE and further understand the physical properties of EuT2P2 system, in this paper, the critical behaviour and MCE in EuCu1.75P2 were systematically studied.


The samples of EuCu1.75P2 were synthesized by heating reactant of high purity Eu, Cu, and P in evacuated fused silica tube very slowly. Detail description of sample preparation and phase analysis is given in Ref. [22]. The magnetic measurement was performed on a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) which is an option on physical property measurement system (PPMS-9, Quantum Design). The specific heat measurements were carried out by the adiabatic heat relaxation method by using PPMS.

Results and discussion

Figure 1 shows the temperature dependence of magnetization (M H = 0.1 T) for EuCu1.75P2. A sharp paramagnetic to ferromagnetic (PM-FM) transition can be observed around 50 K. The temperature dependence of zero field specific heat results (C/T) for EuCu1.75P2 is also shown in Fig. 1. A clear -shape peak in specific heat results corresponds to the magnetic transition. These data provide a determination for TC = 51 K which was consistent with that deduced from M(T) curve and previous reported results. [22] A set of magnetic isothermals on increasing and decreasing field for EuCu1.75P2 were measured in a temperature range from 4 to 90 K up to 7 T. No obvious hysteresis can be observed at all temperature range. To ensure the readable of the figure, only several isotherms with increasing field are presented in Fig. 2. For low temperature

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