Magnetosuperconductivity in ruthenocuprates RuSr2GdCu2O8(Ru(11)


We reviewed our various results on rutheno-cuprate magneto-superconductors RuSr2GdCu2O8(Ru-1212) and RuSr2(Gd0.75Ce0.25)2Cu2O10(Ru-1222). It is observed, that it is difficult to control the oxygen content of Ru-1212, though the same is possible up to some

Except the fact that the present samples were non-superconducting and their phase purity was comparatively better than for reported samples, no other visible difference is observed, though it seems that non-superconducting samples have a bit higher magnetic ordering temperature. Worth emphasising is the fact that even after various post-annealing steps, the superconductivity could not be achieved. Also observed is the fact that the magnetic ordering temperatures of Ru or Gd moments were not affected by the post-annealing steps. This highlights the fact, discussed in section 3.2, that there is not much room left for tuning the oxygen stoichiometry of Ru-1212.

The magnetic susceptibility (χ) of the compound follows the paramagnetic behaviour above the magnetic ordering temperature of Ru moments. Considering Gd to be in trivalent state with a localised moment of 8 µB (same as in Gd-based Cu-1212), the calculated moment from Curie-Weiss relation for Ru in paramagnetic state is around 1.0 µB, suggesting Ru to be in pentavalent state in Ru-1212. However we should like to mention that moment extraction from Curie-Weiss relation can not be conclusive, without properly considering the exact state of Cu and the effect of possible crystal fields on the magnetic susceptibility of the compound. In fact effective paramagnetic moment for Ru in Ru-1212 has been reported as high as 3.17(4) µB based on high temperature (up to 900 K) fitting of the magnetic susceptibility [12]. The valence of Ru extracted from the magnetic susceptibility data vary from one report to another. We believe the fitting of high temperature magnetic susceptibility to simple Curie-Weiss relation is futile in determining the valence of Ru in rutheno-cuprates like Ru-1212 and Ru-1222, but spectroscopic methods such as XANES are more conclusive in determining the valence state of Ru.

B. Superconducting Ru-1212 samples

Figure 9 shows the χ-T behaviour in the temperature range of 5 K - 160 K for another as-synthesized RuSr2GdCu2O8-δ sample with an applied field of 5 Oe, in both ZFC and FC situations. The ZFC and FC curves start branching around 140 K with a cusp at 135 K and a diamagnetic transition around 20 K in the ZFC part. The down-turn cusp at 135 K is indicative of antiferromagnetic nature of Ru-spin ordering. Interestingly for the same sample annealed in 100-atm O2 atmosphere the diamagnetic transition was not observed down to 5 K (curve not shown).

For the as-synthesized sample the FC part is seen increasing and later saturating probably due to contribution from paramagnetic Gd moments. Inset of Fig. 9 shows the isothermal M versus applied field (H) behaviour for this sample. The isothermal magnetization as a function of magnetic field may be viewed as:

M(H) = χH + σs(H) , (1)

where χH is the linear contribution from antiferromagnetic Ru spins and paramagnetic Gd spins and σs(H) represents the weak ferromagnetic component of the Ru sublattice. The contribution from the weak ferromagnetic component starts to appear only below 100 K and at higher fields above 3 T. Above this temperature the M-H plot remains purely linear. Appearance of ferromagnetic component at low T within antiferromagnetically ordered Ru spins can happen due to slight canting of spins. Published neutron diffraction data clearly

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