have the ability to create a spectacular brand: the iPod. Most importantly,st udying the humanities invests us with great insight and self-awareness, the reby releasing our creative energy and talent in a positive and constructive manner.
学习人文学科会让我们熟悉表达情感的语言及进行创造的过程。在信息经济中,很多人都有能力创造出一个如新的 MP3 播放器那样的有用产品。然而,仅有很少的人具有能力创造出一个如 iPod 那样的精彩品牌。最重要的是,学习人文学科使我们具有伟大的洞察力和自我意识,从而以积极和建设性的方式来发挥我们的创造力和才艺。
Perhaps the best argument in favor of the humanities is the scope of possibili ties that arewidely open to us. Did you know that James Cameron, world-fam ous director of the movie,Titanic, graduated with a degree in the humanities ? So did Sally Ride, the first woman in space.So did actors Bruce Lee, Gwynet h Paltrow, Renee Zellweger and Matt Damon. Dr. HaroldVarmus, who won a N obel Prize for Medicine, studied the humanities. Even Michael Eisner,Chairman of the Disney Company, majored in the humanities. Famous people who stud ied thehumanities make a long list indeed. It's easy to see that the humanitie s can prepare us formany different careers and jobs we can undertake, wheth er medicine, business, science or entertainment.
If we study only mathematics, it's likely we will be a candidate only for jobs a s a mathematician. If weinclude studying the humanities, we can makebreakt hroughs on many barriers and are limited onlyby our effort and imagination.
Of course, nowadays, if we study the humanitiesalone, we are liable to miss many opportunities.Each one of us needs to become as technically and profes sionally skilled as possible to helpmeet the needs of modern life. In fact, incre asingly a pairing of technical knowledge and inner insight is seen as the idea