掌蕴东, 翁文, 喻波, 袁萍, ZHANG Yundong, WENG Wen, YU Bo, YUAN Ping哈尔滨工业大学光电子技术研究所,可调谐激光技术国家级重点实验室,哈尔滨,150080激光与光电子学进展
1.S E Harris;J E Field;A Imamo(g)lu Nonlinear optical processes using electromagnetically inducedtransparency 1990(10)
2.L V Hau;S E Harris;Z Dutton Light speed reduction to 17 metres per second in an ultracold atomicgas[外文期刊] 1999(6720)
3.M S Bigelow;N N Lepeshkin;R W Boyd Observation of ultraslow light propagation in a ruby crystal atroom temperature[外文期刊] 2003(11)
4.掌蕴东;范保华;袁萍 红宝石晶体中慢光现象的实验观测[期刊论文]-光学学报 2004(12)
5.Kwang Yong Song;Miguel González;Luc Thévenaz Long optically controlled delays in optical fibers[外文期刊] 2005(14)
6.B Z Steinberg Rotating photonic crystals:a medium for compact optical gyroscopes 2005
7.B -S Song;S Noda;T Asano Photonic devices based on in-plane hetero photonic crystals[外文期刊]2003(5625)
8.M F Yanik;S H Fan Stopping light all optically[外文期刊] 2004(08)
9.Steven G Johnson;Pierre R Villeneuve;Shanhui Fan Linear waveguides in photonic-crystal slabs[外文期刊] 2000(12)
10.M L Povinelli;Steven G Johnson;J D Joannopoulos Slow-light,band-edge waveguides for tunable timedelays 2005(18)
11.H Gersen;T J Karle;R J P Engelen Real-space observation of ultraslow light in photonic crystalwaveguides[外文期刊] 2005
12.C E Finlayson;F Cattaneo;N M B Perney Slow light and choromatic temporal dispersion in photoniccrystal waveguides using femtosecond time of flight 2006
13.Yurii A Vlasov;Martin O'Boyle;Hendrik F Hamann Active control of slow light on a chip withphotonic crystal waveguides[外文期刊] 2005(7064)
14.Toshihiko Baba;Daisuke Mori Potential of slowlight in photonic crystal 2006
15.X Letartre;C Seassal;C Grillet Group velocity and propagation losses measurement in a single-linephotoniccrystal waveguide on InP membranes[外文期刊] 2001(15)
16.M Notomi;K Yamada;A Shinya Extremely large group-velocity dispersion of line-defect waveguides inphotonic crystal slabs 2001(25)
17.Yurii A Vlasov;Sharee J McNab Coupling into the slow light mode in slab-type photonic crystalwaveguides[外文期刊] 2006(01)
18.G D'Aguanno;M Centini;M Scalora Slowing light in x(2) photonic crystals 2003
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