basic CMOS analog ic design Lecture 1 background
CMOS Analog IC Design
Lecture 1 backgroundMicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
index1. What is and why analog 2. General design considerations for analog IC 3. Design process for analog circuit 4. Why is analog design challenging 5. ReferencesMicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
What is analog?Analog Signals Always continuous in amplitude.
Either continuous in time (s-transform) or discrete in time (ztransform). For example: The signal that Continuous both in amplitude and in time Pure analog signal The signal that Continuous in amplitude but discrete in time Sampled analog signalMicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
Why analog ?Major functions of analog IC Amplification. Filtering. Basic function, for amplitude Choose some certain frequency
Analog-to-digital or Digital-to-analog conversion. For interface Power supply conditioning. For power
MicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
Why analog?
Analog circuits provide interfaces between the analog environment of the physical world and a digital environment. Usually integrated with digital VLSI circuits monolithically (mixed-signal integrated circuits) for better performance and/or lower cost.MicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
General design considerations for analog IC1) Signal path Small (variational) signals related by linear transfer
function in the frequency domain. Model with linearized small-signal equivalent circuit. Analyze using Laplace transforms.
MicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
General design considerations for analog IC2) Biasing Circuit Establish operating conditions of devices in signal path.
Concern with sensitivity to variations in temperature, supply voltage, and fabrication process. Analyze using large-signal device models.
MicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
General design considerations for analog IC3) Performance considerations Small-signal response: gain, bandwidth, noises, . . .
Large-signal response: settling time, distortion, . . . Sensitivity to device variation, temperature variation, external noises, . . . Cost: power dissipation, chip area, yield.MicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
General design considerations for analog IC4) Design practices Make simplifying assumptions that allow hand analysis.
Keep in mind potential consequences of the assumptions. Use simulations to verify the design. Good designs are robust ; i.e., insensitive to approximations in the modeling as well as variations in temperature and fabrication process.MicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Des
Design process for analog circuit
MicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
Why is analog design challenging? Digital circuits deal primarily with speed power tradeoff.
while Analog circuits deal with multi-dimensional tradeoff of speed, power, gain, output swing, precision, supply, and linearity … Due to speed and precision requirements, analog circuits are much more sensitive to noise, cross-talk, and other interferers. Analog circuits are much more sensitive to second-order device effectsMicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
Why is analog design challenging? High performance analog circuit design can rarely be automated typically require hand-crafted design and layout, the EDA tools now is not enough Modeling and simulation of analog circuits is still problematic, requiring experience and intuition in deep sub micron , especially in nano-meter scale, the design methodology itself is not well understood or absent.MicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
Why is analog design challenging Economic forces require the development of analog circuits in mainstream digital processes Economic forces pushing the integration of analog and digital functions onto a single substrate Many levels of abstraction are required
MicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
For more informationPleas download the file ITRS 2005 from the IRTS website and read it:/HomeStart.htm
MicroMicro-electronics Department EIS Soochow University
CMOS Analog IC Design
References1.《design of analog CMOS integrated circuits》, Razavi . 2.《analysis and design of analog integrated circuits》, P.R.Gray etc. 3. “analog IC design”, lectures by Jieh-Tsorng Wu , National Chiao-Tung University Department of Electronics Engineering 4. 《CMOS analog circuit design》, Phillip E.Allen, Douglas R.HolbergMicroMicro-electronics Dep …… 此处隐藏:3080字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……