


2) The word limit in itself is a direction. They school is telling you to do perform a task. If you cannot do

shows your inability to do so (which implies a flaw or shortcoming), you did not care about their requests (you are a rebel) and that you cannot follow directions (and following directions is essential in performing well as a student and researcher). I exaggerate. However, let me tell you...I have never seen a

candidate with a "too-long" PS get accepted How do I cut the length...

1) Check your descriptions - adjectives and adjective phrases. Not all adjective phrases are necessary. For

example, Tsinghua University, the premier technological institute in China "the premier technological institute in China" is unnecessary because it is an obvious statement.

2) Choose your background experiences carefully. In your PS, you do not need to mention every single detail of your past experiences. You should mention the big picture, how the big picture was achieved, and what technology was used. Be clear and concise.

For example: I developed and applied a land use and transportation model using floating car data, collected from XXX, to evaluate the volume of transportation greenhouse gas emissions and propose potential ways to decrease pollution.

Bad example: I collected floating car data in XXX from a system implemented by my university during a previous project started by my adviser. Then I organized and analyzed the data. Using the information, I

developed a model that captures transportation and land use in C++. The model is capable of showing

greenhouse gas emissions in XXX from cars and public transportation systems. Being able to model emissions, I showed my professor different possibilities to decrease air pollution so that we can contribute to a better environment.

3) You do not need to tell your life story in your PS. everything in your PS should contribute to one of the 5 elements.

If you completely changed the course of your career, then you need to be especially careful of this. If your past experience is something you completely left behind, is definitely not something that you want to do in your future, and has not contributed to your development or your decisions for your future...then only mention it very briefly...because it is irrelevant. The only reason it should be in there is to show how you came to the decision to apply to school and that you did not just have a break in your career with no explanation.

PS 到底怎么写 4 - negative experiences

Just wanted to start by saying....

1) I am very busy, however, I spend about 30 minutes a day posting these blogs to help.

2) I offer individual essay and PS writing and edits, and I provide a guarantee where I will work with you UNTIL you are HAPPY with the document - unlimited revisions. This is to help you guys feel more

comfortable about choosing to work with me.

3) I will try my best to address all inquiries and offer consultations for INTERESTED customers as soon as possible.

Okay so moving into the topic for today. A lot of you guys have had negative experiences or failures at work or in school. This may cause you guys to want to explain the situation. Some schools even specifically ask for you to describe a how do we address this.

In a previous post I wrote...NEVER WRITE ANYTHING NEGATIVE. I still stand by this statement. But more

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