


-Hello, front desk.


-This is Mitaly Tridow in Room 504.

-Well, yes. How can I help you, Miss Tridow?

-I want to take a shower, but there is no hot water.

-I can’t understand that. Have you turned the handle all the way to the right?

-I’ve been trying to get hot water for 10 minutes. It’s freezing cold.

-Well, a lot of people take showers before breakfast. Maybe if you wait a while, it’ll heat up again.

-Wait? I have three appointments this morning, and I also have to wash and dry my hair. -Your shower has absolutely no hot water?

-No, none.

-I will send someone up right way.

-Who will that be?

-The engineer. He is responsible for maintaining all the buildings. He will be there within 2 minutes.

-OK. But don’t send anyone for 5 minutes. I need to get dressed.

Compete the form; write no more than 3 words for each answer.

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