done a thing. I’m really worried now. B: You’re going to have to have to hit the books if you want to get good grades. A: But this course is so difficult that I already don’t understand it at all. B: We could work together. Maybe some of my organized study habit can
help you. A: Better yet, maybe you could write a term paper for me. B: Forget it! That would be cheating. A: All right, all right. I have yet to write it myself. Maybe I can download some articles from the Internet and piece them together. B: You could borrow ideas from those articles, but if you quote without giving the sources, you’re plagiarizing. A: Also, the test next week will be a headache. If you don’t help me, I’ll have to prepare a cheat-sheet and hide it in my hand during the test. B: Oh, no! If you’re caught, the professor will definitely give you an F. A: I’ll try to be careful. B: But if the professor catches you, you’ll have to repeat the year. You’re just going to have to study hard. A: Ok, I’ll take your advice. The library’s going to be my new home, and in the dorm I’ll be burning the midnight oil.
MODEL2 Script
Which class do you prefer?
Chris: First period is math with Mr. Woods. I don’t know how am I going to stay awake? Nora: I like Mr. Wood. He’s interesting. Chris: He’s boring! He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game! Who do you have for economics? Nora: Mrs. Jenkins. She’s smart. Students really learn a lot from her. Chris: She’s tough! You have to work hard in her class, or you’ll probably fail. Nora: No pain, no gain. Chris: Nonsense, You could have learned even more with Mr. Sharp. But not many students opt for his class. Nora: What’s wrong with him? Chris: Often, the highest grade he gives on a term paper is C+, and he usually fails half of the students. Nora: No wonder he’s got the nickname Mr. Shark. Well, how about PE? What are you doing this semester? Chris: That’s the worst part. In PE, we’re learning t’ai chi. I’m bored to death. Nora: Ha-ha! Not to rub salt into the wound, but our class is playing your favorite sport: basketball. Chris: Oh…that figures! This is going to be a terrible semester.17
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